A fight to protect

Mutant no 19 was a wrestler . He had good records in middle weight wrestling . Undert ground fights were brutal and he was raised in there . He never had a parent . He was an orphan who was bought up by the under ground fighting association .

He was solely raised to be a fighter . The sole purpose of his life was to fight strong opponents and get stronger . His life was filled with blood shed until the day he met a girl outside the arena . He was walking past the general store when he saw three men harrashing a girl . He went there and scared the delinquents away . Due to his big stature and scary look people didn't messed with him . He didn't had a lot of friends . This girl became his first close friend . They went to park and resturants together . Soon they came close to each other and get married . He was glad to have someone in his life but his happiness didn't lasted long . He got to hear out that his wife is cheating over him . She was having an extra marital affair .

His arguments increased with his wife and they fought frequently . One day as he returned home he saw his wife was getting ready to leave him . They had a heated debate . He wanted to know why she cheated him . And all his wife said was " You can't understand love . You live your life just for yourself . Everything is about you and I'm nothing . I don't want to waste my life with someone like you "

He couldn't control his anger and pushed his wife . She got a hit on her head and died . After that he spent his time fighting criminals inside jail until Kraken choosed him for his experiments .

After hearing the words " You can't understand love ", The mutant got angry as hell . Every memory related to his wife got refreshed in his mind .

Nova tried to push the knife harder and it broke . She stumbled and fell down . The mutant grawled . It was loud enough to be heard by both Zet and Cesar . They stopped fighting at once and moved in the direction from where the sound came .

As they arrived in front of the room ,they analyzed the situation in less than a second .Zet went for ward and kicked the mutant to the side ,away from the bed .

Caesar went straight to her bed to protect her . Cesar knew in an instance that Nova tried to protect his daughter with every thing that she can.

The mutant slided about one meter after receiving the kick from Zet . He had no Idea some human would posses this kind of strength . He really got excited . Both Zet and Caesar were thinking how to divert the monster from the patient . Just then the mutant spoke up " Lets take this out side . I don't want you guys to hold back due to the fear of damaging the patient ".

He spoke and walked out of the room calmly . Zet was stunned he had never seen a mutant talking so clearly and acting so sensibly .

They reached the hall room of the hospital .The mutant took a simple stance as if he was going to see a film fare . Caesar's blood was boiling , he wanted to kill the mutants as soon as possible . He was angry that the mutant tried to harm her daughter . It was disgusting for him to see the mutant breathing . Only a sigle thing was going on in his mind kill . He forgot everything around him even the fact that a mutant just went outside and his soldiers are there without a leader to guide them.He charged at once , straight punch to the mutants face , then a kick then multiple blows . He was hitting the mutant like a sand bag . After 2 min straight he stopped to take a breath . The mutant was still standing with a calm face . It spoke " That tingled a bit you know " . The mutant hardly took any damage .

Mutant :- " You know the other guy is bit stronger , I would like to fight him ".

Cesar : " Shut up you ugly bastard ". He took out his gun and fired multiple shots at him . But the bullets had no effect .

The mutant came closer and punched him in the stomach and spoke" rest in peace ".

With that hit any normal human would have died but Cesar wasn't normal . There was a secret behind Cesar and the other higher ups that was only known to a few Fishkers members including Zet .

Cesar's internal skeleton was actually replaced by metals . Unlike other humans his weight was very high . He trained his muscles day and night in order to keep up with his metallic bones . Using full strength he could punch through building walls .Zet knew this that's why he kept watching the fight without interfering .

Cesar got up again after taking a hit to the stomach . His ribs didn't broke but he a slight internal organ damage . He started attacking again mercilessly . Punching and firing bullets but again the muatant hardly took any damage . Cesar was getting out of oxygen due to the continuous fight . He stopped again and the mutant kicked him to a distance .

He was getting tiered , it seemed the fight was going to last till eternity . He calmed down and thought . He needs to find its weakness . Suddenly he got out of his rage and began analyzing the situation . He remembered its been around 15 minutes and his soldiers were alone outside . He tried to contact Kraken to get some info .

As the Mutant began advancing toward Cesar Zet came infront of him . Zet spoke I got your little trick now . They began fighting . It seemed the mutant was equivalent in strength to Zet . Their speed and strength matched . But after a minute the mutant began backing off . He was clearly taking damage .

Cesar was continuously trying to call Kraken but he wasn't picking the phone .Zet signaled Cesar that he can take care of the mutant by himself . Although Cesar tried to kill him once their present priority was to save the common people and the patients . Cesar got up and went to the emergency room .

Nova was there beside her daughters bed taking her care . Cesar spoke " Thank you ,I'm really ashamed for the way I treated you before ,I know I was wrong and troubled you guys a lot . These mutants are my creation and I have to take the responsibility .I know you might be thinking what kind of person I am but I had my reasons . You will know it if you read this "

Cesar gave a diary to Nova " After you read this give it to Zet and also give him that file over that desk . The one that's under my daughters medical report "

Cesar got out of the room and proceeded to exit the hospital .

Zet was dominating over the mutant in the fight . The mutant was puzzled . He could hardly pick up with Zet's speed now . As the mutant backed off to take breath , Zet spoke up " You wonder why I can hurt you ! . It's simple your muscles have very high endurance . That's why Cesars heavy punch couldn't damage you . But I fought differently . My attacks were sharp and precise specifically targeting to tear your muscles ."

Mutant :-" Oh! I see now , but still your strength is extraordinary . For the second time in my life I found someone much stronger than me . The first person is a human sized mutant but you , you surpassed my strength even after being a human ."

Zet :- " Well I don't feel like a human anymore "

Mutant :- " Ha , ha , ha you are overestimating yourself . If you ever meet that mutant you will know what a true monster is like . Anyway how are you going to kill me ! Your sharp blows can't cut me "

Zet didn't spoke anything . He bent down picked up a hollow pipe from a broken chair and in an instance inserted it in the mutants neck . Blood splashed out like fountain and the mutant fell down .

As the mutant was loosing his life his memories were playing back in his mind . He really loved his wife , he did everything to protect her , keep her safe , gave gher money but still she wasn't happy . He never really understood her . He never let her stand on her own two feet . He clearly dominated her . She was so afraid of him that she never told him her true feelings . The worst part was after her death he found out that she never had an affair . All this time she was speaking with a pshycologist to take advice to understand her husband better .

Mutants last thoughts ' I loved her so much and then I felt betrayed . I thought she cheated on me just because I saw her talking with someone reguklarly . She was chatting with him all night on message . All my love turned to hatered . But the day I killed her was worst . I didn't felt content, I wanted to kill her lover too .

I checked her phone and her messages . Everything was related to me . She was spending all these time just to understand my pshycology better ,to understand me better . The end was even more devastating . She was fighting with me intentionally cause she was suffering with cancer . She was gonna die and in order to prevent me from getting emotionally broken she continued fighting with me . She thought she would leave me and I will be fine . I wish she could have been alive . Just once . Just once I want to embrace her in my arm and tell her how much I loved her . I would prefer to live with her forever in the next life if god would let me to '. As the mutant took his last breath he could feel the warmth of his lover.

{Few Hours Ago }

Kraken talked with tank and put down the phone . He was constantly analysing the situation to guess the plan that was going on in the mutants head . Suddenly his mind clicked . All the dots were connecting . That was the only possible scenario .

All these mutants and fights were just diversions . The person leading them was going to kill everyone and that's why he laid the plan like this . He hardly had any minutes left . He picked up his phone and recorded the entire message that he wanted to deliver . He knew there is only one person now who could save the entire city and the underground colony .

Just as he was going to broadcast the message a steel rod passed through his chest . He fell down . There was a mutant behind him . His phone was ringing it was Cesar's call but he couldn't pick it up . He was losing blood his heart beat was slowing down . He was thinking as he closed his eyes' How did this mutant came in and for how long has it been here '