Planning revealed

Kraken closed his eyes and kept analyzing all the possibilities and then took a long breath .He tried to speak with the limited amount of strength he had . He was sure he is gonna die but before that he wanted to deliver the information to everyone . He wanted to end the nightmare that he had created .

Kraken:-" How did you get inside ?"

Mutant laughed and spoke :-" Keh , keh, keh, You didn't noticed . I was in here from the beginning . I have been transmitting every message to our commander, It was so good to see you guys fall into our traps . You did exactly as our commander has predicted "

Kraken :- "You mean number 21 right . He is my finest creation "

In between their talks kraken longed his hand and recorded their conversation in phone . He broadcasted it along with his own message .

Mutant :- " you are right . Within our agony he taught us to be calm and showed us path . Keh , keh ,keh"

Kraken :-" Your plan is perfect but you made a mistake . We have a weapon against you . "

Mutant :- " Where is that weapon "

Kraken :-" You have to push that red button to see it "

The mutant went and pushed the red button and turned back and spoke " Keh , keh , keh you moron . Now I will destroy the weapon . But wait a minute why did you tell me its locat….."

"Bang " a big explosion happened and the mutant , Kraken and the whole room was burning on fire . It was switch of a bomb that Kraken had previously implanted for these type of situations . He knew about this mutant . It had a very low intelligent rating and that's why he pulled that trick .

The message that Kraken send had been Broadcasted to everyone including the commander . Commander Drek is the head of the organisation but most of the time he remains out of the city and that's why Asst.commander Cesar is always in charge . Beside that Drek is half android and half human . According to people he had been living for more than 100 years . Most of his body parts are exchanged with mechanical parts . Even his weapons are integrated inside his body .

He was on his way to the underground city when he received the message .

(Outside the hospital )

Cesar reached the front gate of the hospital . He got shocked after seeing the situation . His forces were annihilated . His soldiers and his fishkers teams . All of them were defeated by just one mutant , who was supposed to be the second best mutant . The scene was astounding . He knew it would be a huge mistake to leave the soldiers alone without any command but this massacre was unimaginable . They even had tanks and machine guns and granades . Moreover there wasn't a drop of blood on the ground . All the soldiers were dead due to fractured bone or stoppage of heart , broken neck . This mutant was a killing machine and the picture clearly depicted that .

Cesar was feeling resentful towards his decisions. He got swayed by his emotions and abandoned his troops and now there are so many lost lives .Cesar was standing infront of the mutant no 20 . He wanted to kill him as soon as possible but on the same time he was aware that his opponent is incredibly strong .

Mutant :- " Caesar , do you remember the time when you turned us into mutant ?"

Cesar :-" Yes , I regret that day to the core of my heart ."

Mutant :- " You don't need to . We are going to fulfill your dream . After we free all your souls we are going to destroy Eden city ."

Caesar :- " I don't want destruction anymore . Destroying them will not return the people we have lost "

Mutant :- " Yes but it will bring peace to our heart . Are you really getting weakened by your emotion . And for whom , your daughter ."

Caesar :- " Don't indulge her in this . She has nothing to do with this . I still have my goals . I will fulfill them without destruction "

Mutant :- "OOH these cheesy lines . What happened to you during this fight ,Maybe you got hit in your head . You say your daughter isn't involved . Did you forgot what they did to your wife and daughter . "

Mutant spoke as he stood up " No 21 was right you are faltering due to your emotions . It's time for you to rest . Leave the work for the young generation ."

Just then there was a screeching of tire . It was Shino . He reached the hospital with his injured teammates . He was afraid that the mutant would attack him but mutant no 20 was talking with Cesar and wasn,t making any move .

Shino carried them inside one by one and cried for help . Zet and Nova came running for help . Other doctor and nurses were there too ,but they were too afraid of the ongoing fight . Zet got shocked when he saw his old teammates in this battered condition .

He laid them on stretcher and with help of Nova and Shino take them to emergency wards . Zet asked Shino " Where is Neo ?". Zet was really worried as he didn't want any of his teammates die .

Shino :-" Sir , He is still fighting a mutant . I will go now and bring him back . "

Zet:- "Alright , lets hurry ".

Shino :- " Sir its dangerous out there . You can help the injured people ,I will somehow bring him back "

Shino had no idea that Zet was their Captain . Moreover Zet wasn't wearing an uniform of fishker so he thought that Zet is a medical attendant .

Zet :- " Well I'm pretty sure I will be of some help "

Shino thought ' He is a medical attendant or maybe a doctor . He might come in handy if Neo sir will need immediate medical attention .

Shino and Zet went out of the hospital . Shino warned Zet " Beware there is a mutant outside too but Asst.commander Cesar is taking its care , so we can just get past it ."

Cesar saw Zet and Shino passing by . Although he knew he won't be able to defeat the monster alone still he signaled them to get away . He knew there were a lot of people injured outside who needed help , moreover according to Krakens last broadcasted message they would need Zet in his finest condition . All the people of the underground city will depend on him for their lives .

They drove off . Shino took a look towards Zet . He saw him unarmed and there were blood stains on his cloths . Shino spoke with empathy " I can understand you have been through hell , but everything will be alright very soon .Take this gun it might come in handy "

Zet said thanks and kept the gun beside him .

Soon they reached the place where Neo was fighting the mutant . It has been half an hour . Neo was continuously fighting the mutant , swinging his sword as much as he can . The monster could be seen having a lots of cuts despite having very thick skin .Neo was almost unconsious due to fatigue . Shino got out of the car with a gun and began shooting towards the mutant . The mutant flinched a bit .

The mutant took a step back . Neo fell down due to fatigue . The mutant left him and came rushing toward Shino . Shino kept shooting as much as he can . Mutant was badly injured by Neo but still bullets weren't enough to kill him . He reached in-front of Shino and raised his hand to punch him . But before he could do that Zet hold his hand . The mutant was surprised by his strength . A human was holding his hand and he couldn,t free it .

Zet grabbed his neck and kicked him with his knees . The mutant fell down on his knees . He was thinking ' what is happening why is he so strong . I'm taking damage despite having this tough skin . ' . Before he could do anything Zet twisted his neck and he died .

Shino was shocked after seeing this . He was taken aback by Zets action . Every thing went so fast that he couldn't grasp it . The guy whom he thought to be a common man just beat down a mutant in less than a minute . It seemed as if the mutant was some sort of stuffed toy .

Zet went and held Neo . Neo could only see hazy image of Zet's face . He muttered in a low voice " Captain , you are back !"

After that Zet put Neo in the vehicle and they drove back to the hospital . On the way Shino spoke " I'm very sorry sir . I had no idea you were this strong . "

Zet:- " well its alright . I was actually a member of this team "

Shino :- " Woooa , Seriously ! I had no idea . It's so embarrassing for me . You are our senior member and I don't even know you "

As they were driving off Shino played the broadcast message sent by Kraken .

Kraken's message

'I'm very sorry as part of this ongoing mishap is my fault and that's why I'm trying every possible way to end it .Till now all of their attack are just a diversion their main goal was to shut down this underground city and kill people altogether.

They were trying to divert most of our fishkers and soldiers by attacking our hospital facilities .As I'm conveying this message they are shutting down the ventilators of this underground city . As you know there will be oxygen deficiency once you shutdown all the inlet air ports that are attached with filter to prevent entry of the virus . These ports constantly push in purified air to provide sufficient oxygen to the people . Once the ports are closed we will have 24 hours before people began dyeing due to lack of oxygen . As I'm speaking 12 hours have already passed . Most of our Fishker agents have died or are injured right now. Moreover we don't have extra suits . Possibly there would be mutants on the surface too . So this work can be only be done by a person who can walk on surface without suits and is strong enough to defeat remaining monsters .11 are dead 10 more to go . The mutants thought they defeated us cause there is nobody like that but we have someone who can do that .Now its all up to …buzzzz ….'

The recording got disrupted and next they could hear the conversation between a mutant and Kraken . Then there was a huge explosion sound and the recording ended . Along with this recording were attached soft copy of number of documents including the history and details of all the mutants .

Zet was thinking quite seriously after hearing this audio recording . Shino spoke in a terrified voice " There is nobody like that ,who can walk on the surface without a suit and even if there is , how is he supposed to fight multiple monsters "

Zet spoke in a deep voice " I gotta give it a try ".He knew this message was for him particularly . Kraken couldn't send it to him as he is no longer a fishker member . He played a gamble and send it to everyone , so that someone could deliver it to Zet .