Shun had finally entered his second year of middle school.
Shun entered the school premise, the school grounds littered with sakura trees, with sakura petals dancing in the wind.
Shun went to the board, which had the class arrangements for the whole school posted on it.
Shun made his way to the head of the crowd, in front of the postings, his tall height helped him get ahead of the pack.
Shun searched his name on the list of students and found his name.
Shun: "Alright. Class 2-B, let's see who is in the class with me. Oh, all of them are with me in the same class. Another fun year."
Shun made his way to his new classroom, which was now on the second floor of the school building.
Shun opened the door and scanned the classroom to find his friends who were sorted in the same class as him this year.
He immediately found one of his friends. Shun smiled and called out to his friend.
Shun: "Hikigaya!"
Shun's friend Hikigaya Hachiman had earphones in his ears, so he didn't listen to Shun calling out to him.
Hachiman was a teenage boy of average height with medium-short length black hair. His most prominent features were his set of dead fish-eyes and a short strand of hair that sticks upwards (Ahoge).
[A/N - 1: Hikigaya Hachiman's profile.]
Shun shook his head at his friend and went to the green board to see the seating arrangement of the class.
Shun was sitting in the middle of the class, while Hikigaya was sitting in the window row.
Shun: "How is he so lucky, he always gets a seat in the window row."
Shun placed his bag on his desk and headed towards his friend's desk.
Shun once again called out to Hikigaya.
Shun: "Hikigaya."
Hikigaya once again didn't listen and kept staring outside the window, lost in his own world.
Shun sighed and decided it was enough.
Shun: 'Time for words is over, now it's time for action.'
Shun raised both of his hands and then smacked them loudly on Hikigiya's desk.
Hikigaya got scared of the impact and almost fell off from his chair. Hikigaya looked up and saw Shun smiling at him. He ripped off his earphones from his ears and shouted at Shun.
Hikigaya: "Kageyama! What in the world are you thinking you are doing! You almost gave me a heart attack."
Shun crossed his hands and replied to his friend with a fake frown.
Shun: "I tried to call you twice, but you didn't listen."
Hikigaya massaged his temple and rebuked his popular friend.
Hikigaya: "You could have just shaken me a little bit."
Shun harumphed and said to his friend.
Shun: "But that wouldn't have been fun."
Hikigaya sighed and massaged his temple once again.
Hikigaya: "Will you ever leave me alone?"
Shun grinned and said.
Shun: "Nope, you are stuck with me for life. We are BFFs, no way I am going to leave you, not after finally getting out of your People-to-Kill list. Do you know how much work that took?
I pulled several all-nighters thinking of ways to get you to talk to me."
[A/N - 2: You read it right. Hikigaya Hachiman has a People-to-Kill list in which he writes people's names he wants to kill, but he is not a stabby type of character.]
Hikigaya sighed yet again. It was always like this with Shun, he somehow made Hikigaya sigh, whenever they talked. But no matter how Hikigaya acted, he was grateful to Shun and Shun's friendship.
Suddenly they heard a lazy voice from behind them.
???: "Kageyama, how is it that you have so much energy this early in the morning."
Both of them turned back to see a person who was yawning as he sat down behind Hikigaya's desk.
The person had narrow brown eyes, and a typical expression suggesting he is either bored or irritated. He had shoulder-length black hair tied in a spiky ponytail.
Shun smiled as he saw another one of his friends.
Shun: "Yoga in the morning solves everything. Shikamaru, you should try it sometimes."
Nara Shikamaru looked up at his friend from his seat and snorted at the idea. Shikamaru looked at Shun as he was looking at an idiot, even Hikigaya looked at Shun like he was his fated enemy.
[A/N - 3: Nara Shikamaru's profile. We will be using Shikamaru's given name to address him as a hundred percent of the people who know him from Naruto know him by his given name.]
Shun looked at the scornful gazes of his friends.
Shun: "Why are you guys looking at me like I am a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoes?"
Shikamaru put his arms on the desk and laid his head onto them.
Shikamaru: "This is the problem with the jocks; they never think logically. How will spending energy in the morning, help to gain more energy?"
Hikigaya nodded at Shikamarua's assesment.
Hikigaya: "For people like us who are always on energy conservation mode, jocks are the scum of the world. They need to be erased."
Shun sweatdropped at that. He knew that he would never win against the two of them when against Shikamaru and Hikigaya in a battle of words when they joined forces.
Shun: "You guys are mean. I am looking forward to the next time we play dodgeball in the P.E. period."
Hikigaya and Shikamaru turned their faces away at that.
Hikigaya: "That is just plain threatening and intent to bullying. We should report him to the authorities."
Shikamaru shook his head.
Shikamaru: "Let's not do that. Getting hit once with the ball will be easier and less work than calling the authorities on him. Think about all the questions we will have to answer."
Hikigaya nodded sagely at Shikamaru's analysis.
Hikigaya: "Shikamaru, I am impressed by your intellect. I would have never thought about that. You truly are an ideal person in my eyes."
Shun was irritated that his threat didn't work, but before he could make a comeback, he heard another voice that he recognized.
???: "How in the world are both of your luck so good? You again got the window seats. Shikamaru even got the last seat in the row. You guys have been hogging the window seats since the first day of the first-year."
All three of them turned their sight to the source of the voice; well Shun moved his whole body, Hikigaya shifted in his chair, and Shikamaru rotated his head which rested in his arms on the table.
There stood a person spiky black hair and black eyes that have small pupils. He was looking at Hikigaya and Shikamaru with envious eyes.
The person was Inuzuka Romio, brash and tough young man who mostly settles things with his fists. He doesn't have much adept for his studies and often requires tutoring from his peers when he falls behind, which was the reason why he wanted a window seat.
[A/N - 4: Inuzuka Romio's profile.]
Shun smiled and greeted the last member of his four-person friend group.
Shun: "Inuzuka, mah man. How are you doing? How was your winter vacations, did you get into a fight?"
Shun and Inuzuka did their handshake before Inuzuaka tried to put Shun into a headlock. Emphasis on 'tried' as Shun was already out Inuzuka's reach just as he tried to make a move.
Shun pointed and laughed at Inuzuka.
Shun: "Suck it, dude. You won't ever be able to touch or land a hit on me."
Shikamaru grumbled in his seat as he looked at his friends, and felt annoyed.
Shikamaru: "Can you both be a little quieter. You are disturbing the whole class."
Inuzuka looked around the classroom and found that no one was looking at their group and were busy with their groups.
Inuzuka: "Yeah, that's not true. Everybody is as loud as us. You need to live a little more energetically."
Hikigaya laughed at that and made a snide remark.
Hikigaya: "And, you should study more. You are the dumbest among our group. Aren't we always trying to get you to study more, but you always skip out on us."
Inuzuka was not good at academics. Shun was extremely good at academics, Hikigaya was in the top of the rankings of the class, and Shikamura even thought he was lazy, he studied and scored good marks in fear of his mother.
The rest of them continued to talk until the start of the class.
It was a new year, and Shun was looking forwards to the new blood that was going to join the basketball club.
Shun: 'This year is going to be exciting. I can't wait to see what the future has in for me.'
Shun looked at his new homeroom teacher and concentrated on his studies suppressing any thought of basketball and the club for the time being
A/N -1: Hikigaya Hachiman is a character from the series Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru, also known as My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong.
The link for his wiki profile will be in the comment section.
A/N - 2: Read about the People-to-kill list on his wiki page.
A/N - 3: Nara Shikamaru is a character from the series Naruto.
The link to his wiki profile in the comment section.
A/N - 4: Inuzuka Romio is a character from the series Boarding School Juliet.
The link to his wiki profile in the comment section.