Kise Ryota

The students of Teiko Middle School, especially girls, had their eyes drawn to the figure of a boy in the same uniform as theirs as he walked through the school premises.

The boy had yellow/blond, medium-long hair and golden eyes. Another distinct feature was his long eyelashes. He also had a piercing in his left ear and was tall and looked athletic.

The boy's name was Kise Ryota. If somebody was really into the fashion world, then they might recognize Kise Ryota as one of the new models that appeared in some magazines.

He joined the modeling occupation after being introduced to it by his elder sister and quickly got famous for a newbie who just entered the modeling scene.

Kise was good looking and was popular in school. He was earning good money as a middle school student, but despite all of this, Kise Ryota was not happy with his life.


A second-year class was watching two of their classmates as they bounced a soccer ball on their feet.

Girl One: "That's amazing!"

The girls from the class were going ballistic as they saw Kise bounce the ball with his head in the lifting test, squeals of girls rang throughout the ground.

Another girl who had just returned from the storeroom after putting in the unneeded equipment in the storeroom, she looked at the crowd and asked one of her friends.

Girl Two: "What is?"

Her friend turned towards her and responded in an excited voice.

Girl Three: "It's the lifting test. Only Kise-kun and Tanaka-kun from the soccer team haven't dropped the ball once yet!"

The lifting test was essentially not letting the soccer ball fall on the ground.

The coach finally entered the 200's, and the cheers got even louder.

Tanaka from the soccer team was looking at Kise with surprise and dismay in his eyes, as he looked at Kise, who wasn't the part of the soccer club, do the test so effortlessly, while he a regular at the soccer team, was getting tired from the repetition.

On the other hand, Kise was feeling boredom from the bottom of his soul as he bounced the soccer ball without any effort.

He glanced at the rest of his classmates who had dropped out from the test as they let their ball fall.

Kise: 'I can already do this after watching someone for a bit.'

Kise was good at sports, and he could recreate moves after seeing them once.

Kise: 'If anything, I can't believe there are guys who can't do this.'

Kise looked at his P.E. teacher and remembered his instructions.

Kise: 'He said we'd get an A grade if we lifted the ball more than a hundred times, so I guess I'm done.'

Kise lifted the ball high in the air and kicked it into the goal when it came down, effortlessly.


Kise Ryota was walking towards the main gate of the school while thinking about the problem in his life.

Kise: 'Style is okay, athletics are okay, and academics are pretty okay, too. But I'm so bored.

I like sports, but I always master them so quickly.'

Kise looked at the baseball team as he walked from in front of their field.

Kise: 'If I play long enough, there's no one left to challenge me.'

Kise almost desperately wished for some challenge in his life.

Kise: 'Anybody, please, light a fire in me.'

Kise wished for a person to appear who he couldn't defeat for him to get a challenge.

Kise: 'I wonder if there's anyone so amazing that I don't stand a chance against him.

He's got to be around somewhere. Come on out.'

Kise sighed, smiled slightly, and said with a tinge of arrogance in his voice.

Kise: "Just kidding..."

But before he could finish his sentence, something hit him in the back of his scaring the hell out of him and hurting the crap out of the back of his head.

Kise groaned in pain as he heard a voice call out to him from behind.

???: "Sorry, sorry."

Kise turned to see a person drenched in sweat with his hand raised in apology.

Kise looked closely to see that the person had blue hair and a tanned skin tone, and was dressed in easy to move clothes.

The person who hit him stopped and recognized Kise.

???: "Hey, you're that famous model, Kise-kun."

Kise might not be that famous in the fashion world, but he was pretty famous in his school.

Kise looked at what hit his head and found a basketball near him. He picked it up and threw it towards his assailant.

Kise: "What's your problem?"

Ther person caught the ball, said his thanks, and ran away with the ball.

???: "Thanks."

Kise looked at the retreating figure and thought.

Kise: "Basketball, huh? I haven't tried that one yet. Now that I think about it, I heard our school is pretty strong."

He followed the person and arrived at the gym. He peeked inside and was instantly stunned by what he saw inside.

He saw the person who had hit him dribbling the ball with another player in pursuit, he stopped and showed his defender his back, and the moment his defender got close for the contact, the person in an instant moved and passed from his behind his defender.

The person was again defended by another two players, but he passed from right between them with pure speed.

As he got near the basket, the person was met by another defender. The person simply jumped and dunked the ball into the basket, leaving his defender with a failed attempt to stop him.

In a short period, he had passed four defenders and scored with an amazing dunk.

Kise watched the whole spectacle with his eyes wide open.

Kise: "Amazing! That speed, those movements, can I do that?"

Kise thought for a second and came to a conclusion.

Kise: "It's impossible. No, maybe if I try hard."

Kise's heart started to beat faster as he felt goosebumps rise on his skin.

Kise: "This is awesome. I found someone amazing!"

The person felt a gaze on his back and looked back to find Kise starting at him.

He wondered what he wanted.

???: 'Maybe he was hit too hard. I am not in trouble, am I? I am already in trouble for not submitting my homework. I don't want any more trouble.'

While such thoughts passed through the person's mind, Kise was thinking something entirely different.

Kise: 'Going forward, no matter how hard I try, I may never catch up to him. But that's just what I want!'

Kise felt excitement return to his life as he decided what he wanted to do.

Kise: 'I want to play basketball with this guy, and then someday I want to play against him and surpass him.'

It may have been a coincidence, or maybe it was fate, but when Kise Ryota crossed paths with Aomine Daiki, his destiny was decided.

It didn't have to be basketball, any other sport could have been fine, but Aomine Daiki had pulled Kise Ryota to the sport of basketball and had put in motion a series of events that affected and influenced quite a few people's lives.

Kise Ryota had decided to join Teiko Middle School Basketball Club.