Bad Day

Kageyama Shun was having a bad day. The same Kageyama Shun who loved to follow routines so that his day would be organized was having a chaotic day.

His bad day started with a case of awful bed hair, which he wasn't able to settle down. Shun got into a fight with his hair first thing in the morning.

Shun: "Damn you, unruly traitors. If it wasn't because I like your color, I would have shaved you clean."

Shun sighed as he put down the comb.

Shun: "You leave me no choice. I have to call for help from the higher-ups."

Shun glared at his hair in the mirror.

Shun: "This is not going to be pleasant."

Shun proceeded to the dining hall and called out to his last resort.

Shun: "Mom, can you help me with my hair they won't settle down."

Shun's mother had very long and silky hair. Her hair reached her lower back, and she loved to style them into different hairstyles whenever she had the chance.

And, his father would compliment them every single time, and a pink aura would envelop them, making Shun nauseous every single time.

Maybe it was because Shun had the same hair color as her, she particularly liked to style Shun's hair.

Shun's mother, who had just finished setting up the breakfast, whipped her head towards Shun with stars in her eyes.

Mom: "Oh, Shun. Have you finally seen the light? Come, mom will make sure you have the best hair in the school today."

Shun stepped back one step seeing his mother's expression and thought that he had made a mistake.

Shun: 'Maybe just going like this won't be bad.'

But he knew it was too late, so he warned her.

Shun: "Mom, I don't want a new hairstyle. I only want my bed hair to settle down. So, please don't do anything that might make me late for school. Understood?"

Shun's mother nodded with a smile that was so wide that her eyes seemed that they were closed.

Shun gulped before sitting down a chair, and the rollercoaster of hairstyles began.

After a long fifteen minutes in which Shun had cried, pleaded, begged to his mother to return his hair to his usual style.

He was successful in convincing her, and in the end, his hair was back to his usual style.

Shun ate his breakfast, and then the second incident of the day happened.

Shun looked at the clock and saw that he was almost late, so he wolfed down his food, and then picked his glass of milk and proceeded to gulp it down and then burned the inside of his mouth.

Shun ran to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of cold water, and drank a mouthful, and kept it in his mouth.

Shun: 'This is going to be a bad day, isn't it?'


Shun was right; his day gotten worse as he reached his classroom just in time to listen to his roll call.

He was not technically late. But this was the first time he had not arrived at school with a respectable to spare.

He apologized to the teacher and sat down at his seat. He took out his books and then looked for his friends.

He found Inuzuka grinning that said it all.

Inuzuka: 'You arrived later than me. How does it feel to be on the other side for once.'

Shun felt ticked as he saw him grinning like that. Shun grinned like that each time Inuzuka arrived late.

He turned to Shikamaru, who just nodded.

Shun nodded back and thought.

Shun: 'Shikamaru is a true friend.'

Shun felt that maybe this would be the end of his bad day and turned his face towards Hikigaya's seat.

Hikigaya looked at Shun and mouthed the words.

Hikigaya: 'Are you finally coming to our side. Join us and become listless as a cloud.'

Shun proceeded to bang his head on his desk and got a scolding from the teacher.


During the lunch break, Shun was not able to taste his food as his mouth was burnt.

He then lost five games of shogi and six games of Go against Shikamaru.

Shun: "Why did I agree to play against you."

Shikamaru had his head on the desk and lazily said.

Shikamaru: "For some reason, you were confident that you would beat me today. Then you lost once, then twice, thrice, and at the fifth time, you demanded to change the game. After that, you lost six times in Go.

By the time end of our matches, I wasn't able to differentiate between you and Inuzuka. You were so angry that you looked like Inuzuka when he gets into a fight."

Shun also rested his head on the desk and sighed sadly at his day till now.

Shun: "To think I will be able compared to Inuzuka."


Shun was hoping that he would find the relief from his hectic day in the basketball practice, but he was made to kneel within a minute of his entry.

In front of him was Coach Koetsuji and Captain Mibuchi. Shun was sweating bullets, avoiding eye contact with both of them.

Coach Koetsuji: "So, Kageyama-kun. I heard that you invited a first-year member of the second-string to the first-string yesterday.

And I heard this not from you but the second-string coach. Would you care to tell me why wasn't I informed about this yesterday."

Shun cursed himself in his mind as he remembered what happened.

Shun wanted to tell the coach, but he wanted to go home to watch the finale of his current favorite TV series.

He contemplated what he should do and remembered that he had given Kurumatani a week to answer.

Shun: "One week is long. I can always tell the coach tomorrow. Let's go watch the finale~."

Shun didn't think that him talking to Kurumatani would be such a big deal. Shun ignored the fact that he had called out Kurumatani in front of the whole second-string.

Shun looked towards the coach and said.

Shun: "Hahaha~, I was going to tell you today. Sorry?"

Coach Keotsuji sighed and asked.

Coach Koetsuji: "So, why did you invite Kurumatani Sora."

Shun straightened up his back and said.

Shun: "Kurumatani Sora has an excellent court vision. He can see the full-court and the position of the players from different perspectives. Do you remember Kuroko Tetsuya from Teiko Middle School?"

Mibuchi remembered the player with a low presence.

Mibuchi: "The invisible boy who you stopped from passing? Yes, I remember him, what about him?"

Shun explained about Kurumatani.

Shun: "Kurumatani would be able to counter Kuroko Tetsuya, as he can see all players which will include Kuroko. If we substitute him in when Kuroko Tetsuya comes in, then I wouldn't have to be occupied with him.

Plus, as he can see all the players, he will be an excellent point guard for the team in the future, so he is not a one-trick pony."

Coach Koetsuji nodded.

Coach: "I will think about it. Ask him to come and meet me.

For today you do three times the footwork, and you will be doing rebound drills with Aone."

Shun cried anime tears, thinking about the condition of his legs after the practice.


Shun wobbled his way to his house, and when he entered the house, he remembered what his parents told him yesterday.

Mom: "Shun, your farther and I will be going to a dinner party tomorrow, so you will be having dinner with the Momoi family."

Shun went up to his room and saw a set of his clothes on his bed with a note next to the clothes.

Shun picked up the note and read it aloud.

Shun: "Shun, wear these clothes and take the jar of preserved lemons which is packed and is in the fridge, as a gift."

Shun bathed, did his homework, changed his clothes, and then proceeded to the Momoi household.

Shun rang the bell and waited. He heard footsteps, and then the door opened.

The person who opened the door was a little taller than Shun. Shun was currently 182 cm tall, then the person in front of Shun was 185 cm tall.

Shun greeted the person in front of him.

Shun: "Good evening Mr. Momoi."

Shun then silently gulped and looked at Mr. Momoi. Shun could feel a single drop of sweat sliding down the side of his face. He hadn't talked much with Mr. Momoi, but whenever he did, he would feel scared from some kind of animosity coming from Mr. Momoi.

Mr. Momoi looked at Shun and hummed.

Mr. Momoi: "Hmm..."

Shun and Mr. Momoi kept looking at each other at the door. Mr. Momoi looked like he was not going to invite Shun inside anytime soon.

Then a hand came and chopped down at the back of Mr. Momoi's head.

Mrs. Momoi: "Dear, what are you doing standing at the door for such a long time. Why don't you call Shun-chan inside."

Then she ignored her husband and called Shun inside herself.

Mrs. Momoi: "Shun-chan, come inside. Ignore my husband; he is just grumpy."

Shun stepped inside, feeling Mr. Momoi's intimidating glare on him.

Shun then presented the gift to Mrs. Momoi. She accepted the gift with a smile, but Mr. Momoi harumphed.

Mr. Momoi: "Hmph!"

Again Mrs. Momoi ignored her husband and pulled Shun inside.

Mrs. Momoi: "Come on, Shun-chan. The dinner is ready, and Satsuki is setting up the plates."

Shun stopped and asked Mrs. Momoi.

Shun: "D-Did Satsuki-chan cook the food today."

Mrs. Momoi smiled widely and looked at Shun. Shun felt his heart drop, seeing the smile.

Mrs. Momoi: "No, she didn't. I made the food today."

Shun exhaled in relief as he heard the good news. Then he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. Shun looked back and saw Mr. Momoi glaring at him.

Mr. Momoi: "Do you have a problem with my daughter's cooking."

This time Shun didn't back off and stared back at Mr. Momoi and asked.

Shun: "So you are saying that you can eat her food."

Mr. Momoi's glare faltered, and he backed away.

Shun: "Thought so."


Shun entered the dining room and saw Satsuki in casual clothing; she was wearing a white top and pink shorts.

Shun looked at her and blanked for a while. Satsuki had been growing her hair, and they had grown to her mid-back. Her body had also started to develop some curves.

To a pubescent boy like Shun, she was becoming more and more attractive by the day.

Shun: 'At least the day not totally crap.'

Satsuki looked up and saw Shun staring at her.

Satsuki: "Good evening Shun-kun."

Shun snapped out of his trance and greeted her back.

Shun: "Hmm... Ah. Good evening, Satsuki-chan. How was your day today?"

Satsuki smiled and replied.

Satsuki: "It was just fine. How about you sit here, I will be back from the kitchen with the rest of the food."

The dining table at Momoi household was a rectangle table and was a six-seater, four along the length, two at each side, and two along with the breadth, one at each side.

Shun sat at one of the chairs along the length.

Shun looked up to see that Mr. Momoi had sat down in the seat opposite of him.

Mr. Momoi: "It seems that you are close to my daughter, seeing that you are on a first-name basis with her."

Mr. Momoi's eyes turned sharp, and he declared.

Mr. Momoi: "I will not hand my daughter to you!"

Shun retorted (Tsukkomi) immediately.

Shun: "Why would you say such a cliche statement! And, I have no intention of asking you for her!"

Shun sighed and was relieved when he saw Mrs. Momoi came into the dining room.

Shun: 'With her or Satsuki in the room, he will be quiet.'

The dinner went peacefully. The only problem was that Mr. Momoi kept glaring at Shun from the moment Satsuki sat beside Shun.

The food was delicious, but between Mr. Momoi's glare and Shun's burnt mouth, he wasn't able to enjoy it much.

Shun joked around with Satsuki and Mrs. Momoi to keep them entertained. After dinner, Shun helped Mrs. Momoi clear the table and clean the dishes.

He talked to Satsuki for a while before returning home. Shun waited till his parents came home and then went to sleep bidding goodbye to the day, to welcome a brand new day.