Dangerous Desire

Diana took a step back and gasped awkwardly. For such vulgar things to come out of Tanya's mouth, Diana could not help but feel embarrassed. She wanted Tanya to stop, but not because she hated it.

"Tanya! There is a limit to how vulgar you can be!" Diana shouted, clearly flustered.

"What was so vulgar about that?" Tanya closed one eye and questioned.

"You…! You know what it is!" Diana's face became red as she continued.

"Please tell me what you think I meant." Tanya leaned forward and smiled.

"Fine! You win this round." Diana gave up and sat back on her seat.

'Your buttons are too easy to push.' Tanya could not help but feel a lowered sense of accomplishment.

"Tanya… I think I have been selected…" Yuri suddenly disappeared after saying those words.

"Yuri Carter vs Devon James!" Kieran announced to the students.

"Huh?" Tanya caught a glimpse of Yuri's opponent, he seemed quite familiar. Wearing a confident and haughty expression, Devon looked at Yuri with hostile eyes.

"Hello there, sl*t." The boy greeted her with an expression of annoyance.

"Don't call me that!" Yuri shouted in anger.

"How are you going to stop me? You only know some elementary magic while I know how to actually fight. And don't think that I will go easy on you because you are cute, I will bash your head in for refusing my kindness." Devon scowled as he drew a sword.

"Is this not against academy rules?! This is blatant sexual harassment and physical threats!" Diana shouted as she banged her forearms on the desk in front of her.

"Disgusting, if you respect me, remove that scum from the stage!" Serena raised her voice towards Kieran.

"Not possible." Kieran simply smiled and paid no heed to the disgusted voices.

"Thanks, cousin." Devon waved at Kieran before beginning to walk towards Yuri.

"What is this?! This is corruption!" Charles shouted at Kieran.

"Sit down, freshman."

'It is just a baron's daughter. Nothing that my family cannot handle.' Kieran grinned.

"I might have failed that magic assessment, but I will definitely teach you the difference between your frail body and the force of a punch.

This was clearly bullying. Kieran might put up a face of perfection and nobility to the crowd, he secretly had a general distaste for lower nobility. His father had inherited the rank of Marquis, so a Baron was quite lowly to him. If a baron's daughter wanted to displease his cousin, he had ways to deal with her.

A little bullying would not totally tarnish his reputation, especially when it only involved freshmen. All he had to do was offer them some incentives to keep quiet and all things would go his way. That was the nature of politics to him.

"Help…!" Yuri stepped back.

"I forf-"


A fist came charging toward her stomach, throwing her into the air before her body eventually tumbled down onto the stage.


"AAAAH!" Yuri screamed in pain as she landed on her arm.

"I FOR-"


A kick came down on her, knocking the wind out of her lungs as quickly as the wind blows.

"I can't hear you. If you don't forfeit and my cousin doesn't declare your loss, then you obviously can still fight." Devon sinisterly smiled as he placed one foot on top of Yuri.

Tanya watched the scene with a blank expression. While she may have only known Yuri personally for a week's worth of time, Tanya had grown quite fond of her. Very fond.

A saintess that rarely appears in a single generation? Of course Tanya wanted her. However, Tanya much preferred the innocent girl that blushed heavily under her teasing. That same girl was being cruelly beaten by a brute.

"Stop that right now!" Serena yelled and pointed at Devon, standing in anger.

"Who are you to stop me?" Devon shrugged off Serena's comment.

"You mean, who are we?" Charles also stood in defiance.

"Freshman, please sit. The duel is still-"

"What?" Tanya walked down the rows and looked down upon Kieran with a deathly glare.

"Again, freshmen, sit down."

"It's just a baron's daughter anyway. Why are you so serious about nothing?" Devon smirked.

"Well, for starters, I am Tanya Vermillion. This lady with blonde hair, is Serena Golde. You two? You are Devon F*ckface and Kieran McHangMyself. Do you understand the most basic concept of hierarchy?"

Kieran and Devon instantly froze upon hearing those names. Kieran may have been supervising the tasks, but he did not know the names until he called them out. Furthermore, he thought Yuri was an enemy of Tanya. How was he supposed to know he would offend such high profile players.

"Don't forget Diana Jeanne."

"Tanya…" Yuri's eyes were tearing up from the pain, but she still saw light ahead.

Tanya walked towards Yuri and disregarded Kieran as she went right past him.

"Capture him, the academy would probably love to know how the student council president managed to gravely offend three ducal heiresses and a crown princess." Tanya's voice echoed toward the group sitting in the auditorium.

"Break your own legs and cripple your spine." Tanya gave a cold glare to Devon.

"Please…! I was wrong-"


Yuri saw the sight of Tanya's leg coming down on Devon's back, shattering the bones in his back. With a cold grin, she swept the boy's legs and made his body tumble to the ground. With froth coming out of his mouth, Devon laid there fainted.

No words could describe how touched Yuri felt.

Had anyone ever crippled a man for her? No.

Only Tanya had been so ruthless for a baron's daughter like her. Yuri just could not understand why. She adored Tanya, but now she wanted Tanya more. A dangerous desire.


"[FIRE BOLT]!" Kieran directed his palm toward Tanya as he wriggled his way free of the freshmen's grasps.

"TANYA!" Yuri shouted in desperation.


Suddenly, a bright beam of light shone from Yuri's hands, beaming forward, blasting through the firebolt and passing right through Kieran's neck.

[Ray of Light (low 2nd tier spell)]