Pampering The Angel

"ARGHK-" Kieran's neck was pierced by a beam of light, burning a gaping hole through Path it took had been cauterised and unable to heal, and his breath was no longer air. He looked blankly in front of him, unsure of what had happened. It was simply too fast for his eyes to track and now he had to pay for his lack of ability.


Kieran's body slumped on the ground as he died just like that.

[Job acquired: Saintess Candidate]

Yuri's face seemed unfazed after seeing her spell kill Kieran, even a soft smile could be seen if one looked close enough. Something about her was different.

"Yuri, can you hear me? Are you able to stand?!" Tanya went straight to Yuri and cradled Yuri's body on her own forearms.

"Tanya… I just killed someone, does that make you hate me?" Yuri looked away and avoided Tanya's gaze.

"Of course not. You saved my life." This statement was half true and half false. Tanya did not view Yuri any lesser but she knew that the firebolt would not have been able to do much against her. It was only a mid 1st tier spell.

'I saved Tanya for once! I am not useless, I can help Tanya… we can protect each other~ She will surely give me more hugs and kisses if I become strong enough to protect her.' A screw went loose, but not loose enough to pull everything apart. Yuri was still the same, sort of.

"Thank you, Tanya." Yuri wrapped her arms around Tanya's body and hugged her so warmly that she felt like she was about to melt.

"Awww… Yuri wants to be pampered? Here, have as much as you want." Tanya reciprocated.

"Bi-tch…." Devon tried to say.

Yuri and Tanya both gave separate glares, not seeing each other's expressions.

'I will crack your neck too.' Tanya's eyes glowed crimson with a fiendish fury.

'I don't like how you look at Tanya.' Yuri's smile turned sour as she gave a deathly glare, fear-inducing enough to make Devon wet himself.


"Yuri! Tanya! Are you two alright?!" Diana, Serena and Charles came running towards the pair.

"Yuri needs to be healed, that brute did not know when to stop." Tanya replied as she dusted off her clothes.


The door opened and a swarm of armoured guards entered the premises.

"DEVON JAMES AND KIERAN SOL! PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE-" The lead guard squinted as he saw the scene. Kieran was on the floor dead and Devon looked worse than dead.

"What happened here?!" The guard asked as he approached the scene wearing a confused expression.

"Kieran Sol attempted to kill Tanya Vermillion but was killed by Yuri Carter. She showed admirable qualities even though she had already been beaten so cruelly by Devon James." Serena explained to the lead guard.

"Can all of you testify the same?" The guard raised his brow.

"Yes, all of us."

"Hmmm… this situation might be a tad complicated but if we confirm your words to be true, all of you will be rewarded for stopping a criminal act in the academy."

"Our cleric will help Ms Carter with her injuries now. Do not worry, we will take care of the mess." The lead guard signalled the others to begin cleanup and other duties. Before the end of the hour, Tanya, Yuri, and Diana were back in their dormitory.

Yuri's wounds had been healed to the point where only the most minor of bruises could be seen if inspected closely. She did not feel too pained, nevertheless, she pretended to need comforting. The reason was quite obvious.

"Yuri, don't cry. I will be here, right next to you… no one will hurt you." Tanya stroked Yuri's hair as she laid on Tanya's bed, smiling warmly and hugging onto Tanya's torso.

"Thank you… Tanya~ I feel much safer now." Yuri's smiling face shone red as she gave a satisfied smile and hugged more tightly.

'Jeez, is Yuri really using that as an excuse to get more pampering?' Diana laid on the top bunk bed and glanced towards Yuri and Tanya.

"You two are already planning to sleep so early? It is barely 6:30pm." Diana questioned.

"You can join in if you want." Yuri smiled.

'I can share. If you want some cuddles, you are allowed to have some.' Yuri was not so selfish as to deny others of Tanya's warmth.

"No thank you." Diana rolled over and closed her eyes.

'More for me.' Yuri smiled happily and relished the warmth, burying her face between Tanya's twin peaks.

"Hoh? I am really spoiling you too much. You little angel, remember that if you touch that area, it means you want to do naughty things." Tanya giggled.

"!!!" Yuri moved her face back and blushed heavily.

"My mom used to feed me with those… I did not know I was being naughty…" Yuri apologised with a flustered expression on her face.

"It is okay, I would not mind if you wanted to do some lesser naughty things. Just remember." Tanya cuddled Yuri and yawned.

"Is your body okay now? The cleric should have been able to heal most of the bruising right?"

"Yes, the priest healed most of it, but I still feel scared if I am alone." Yuri cuddled tighter and took advantage of the opportunity.

'This little angel really doesn't want to do anything naughty… so cute. It is unthinkable that someone would dare to abuse her so heavily. I will arrange for something to be done when I have the power.'

'Touching someone I am fond of is equal to touching me.'

"Be a good girl and sleep already. You cannot get more physically closer to my heart than where you are now. I wonder if you want to steal it again?"


"I will make you pay double what you owe me already. I will be asking for your heart, soul, and body."

"Uh… Tanya… does that include your last name~?" Yuri awkwardly asked.


'Too daring!' Diana and Tanya thought the same.