Chapter 3: Legends of Aluna

"Legends of Aluna! Is that a new game?" Ace asked. He tried to rack his brain for information regarding this game yet he didn't even find anything at all. All he could find was bunch of thesis and experiment from his current body's mind.

"It's not new! What the heck are you saying? This game was the current no. 1 game worldwide with almost with 2 billion active players!" Luke explained with sparkled in his eyes.

"W-What 2 BILLION PLAYERS!?" Ace was surprise. 2 billion players was astonishing. In his time, no moba game had ever reach 2 billion active players even the game he was playing.

"Yes! The competition was very hard because it has many active players. Many companies tried to immitate but they failed everytime" Seeing his brother very interested, He thought maybe his genius brother would come to like this game and play with him.

"So can you explain what kind of game is it? I know it's a moba but what's the difference of this game to other game that made it popular? " Ace asked again. It's not making any sense, because no games had occupied the top spot with no competition at all. There must be a factor why this game was the sole rising MOBA in 2220.

"Because this game has the sole ownership of the Virtual Console. This game was the 1st virtual reality MOBA ever created"

"V-Virtual R-Reality!! Y-You mean that one?" Ace was shaking in excitement. He was holding his brother's shoulder while almost drooling.

"W-What one?" Luke was really confuse why his brother was acting so strange. It felt like he was another person.

"The one that you can control your body inside the game"

"Y-Yes, that's how you play it"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! VIRTUAL REALITY IS REAL! LIKE SAO AND HACK! I-I CAN GO INSIDE OF THE GAME ALREADY! T-THE LONG DREAM OF HUMANITY HAS FINALLY ACHIEVED! THANKS GOD I WAS ALIVE! BANZAI! BANZAI!" Ace shouted emotionally, tears are dripping in his eyes. He was an avid fan of VR since the day he watched Sw*rd *rt Online when he was 12 years old. This news brought tears of joy to his heart. He never thought that the day he could see virtual reality in real life would come true.

"What on earth is he was crying about? Virtual reality was almost 10 years old already it's not even a new one" Luke mumbled, looking at his brother shedding tears like an idiot.

For almost 3 hours, Ace kept asking Luke about the game. What kind of moba it was? What does it felt being in game? How do you play it? Does it have a Tournament? every single detail Ace could ask he would ask.

"So where do I buy the console? and How much?" Finally, Ace asked for the most important thing , he needed to know.

"Eh? You will be playing?" It was the very first time, seeing his brother to be interested in a game so he was really surprise.

"Of course, I am! Why would not play such an amazing game?"

"What about your Researches?"

" Ah! About that, It's okay, I just got tired of them. I need some breather for a while" Ace said. He didn't really care about those researches.

"W-WHAT!!!!!!!?!?" Luke was even more shock to his brother revelation. His brother who spent his days doing researches got tired of it.

'What the heck was going on in this world' Luke exclaimed in his mind.

"Don't what me! Just tell me where do I buy it and how much?" Ace said with an annoyed expression.

"You can buy it online but it will take 3 days to be delivered. You can also buy it directly in the shop in Metro and install it by yourself. The price of the normal consoles is P30,000 while the most expensive is roughly P100, 000" Luke answered. (P= Pesos, P50=$1)

"3 days if it's online shopping? Nah, I dont want to wait that long. I'll just go to metro today. It's still 2 P. M. so the shop is still open" Ace decided. Who the heck would buy it online and wait 3 days if you can buy it directly. As for money, He doesn't have any problem with money because his current self has almost a millions of pesos in his bank accounts because of all the researches he made.

"By the way, You will be going with me. I wont take no for an answer" Ace quickly stormed in to his room, changing his clothes.