Chapter 4 Buying the Console

Alpha Metropolis, SMX Gaming shop.

A boy with black hair entered the shop. He was wearing a typical polo shirt with black and white stripes. His face quite handsome for a 16 years old and he have the air of maturity around him.

It was Ace, he was looking for the virtual console for the game, Legends of Aluna.

"Where can we find the virtual reality consoles?" Ace asked one of the storekeeper.

"You can find it there somewhere, just read the signs" Seeing that a mere 16 years old was asking, The store keeper immediately lost interest.

'That's a very bad customer service you got there' Ace shrugged and looked for another storekeeper. Even though he was with Luke, His brother was still a kid so his not that familiar to this shop. The console that his brother owns was bought by his parents.

"Hello, sir? How may I Help you?" A beautiful blonde girl asked Ace. Her eyes was blood red in color and her body shape was nearperfect.

'Never taught that there was a beautiful girl in a place like this' Ace was bewitched by the charm of the girl.

"Hello, Sir? Are you okay?" The girl repeated herself.

"Y-Yes, I just want to know where is the virtual reality consoles located?" Ace snapped back to reality and answered the girls question.

"Let me guide you, sir" Straight away, The storekeeper showed the location of the VR consoles. A row of capsule-like machine entered Ace's vision, it was like a scene in Dr*gon B*ll.

"Do you have any device on mind, Sir?" The girl probed.

"I don't really have one but I really want the newest version" Ace answered.

"As for the newest version, We do have the latest one here. The VR Capsule Ultima. This capsule is optimize for professional gaming and it's multi-tasking and assist ability is superb. With this capsule there is no such thing as delay in movements in game. It also have mini functions such as heart rate monitoring, pulse rate monitoring and many others" The storekeeper highlighted the most important function of the capsule.

"You can also try it right now. Do you want try it? " She added.

"No, I'll just buy it" Once Ace saw the grumpy storekeeper looking at them, he just said it without care.

"Are you buying in installment or in full?"

"Full!" Seeing how the other storekeeper's jaw drop made Ace satisfied.

'Take that, you dimwit!' Ace thought.

"Okay sir, that would be 122,500.00 pesos, are you paying in cash or in card?" The girl once again asked.

" Card" Ace swipe his card and paid the capsule in full.

"Thank you for the patronage. Since it's a new device, We will be installing it for free. It will be delivered after 30 minutes and have a 30 days return policy and 6 months warranty. Once again, Thank you for patronage! " The girl said smiling.

After buying, Ace and Luke went home and wait for the device to arrive. It arrived exactly thirty minutes. It took over two hours to install the capsule. Ace also paid extra fee to install Legends of Aluna.

After 30 minutes everything had been set.

"Finally, I can play now!" Ace roared as he saw the beautiful device in his room. He immidiately lay down and log in.

"What was the magic word? Uhm, That's right! Link Activate! " colorful bright lights entered Ace view.

"Amazing!! " Seeing this, Ace grew excited he was immediately transfered to a pure white room. He moved his hand like a child.

"I am really in a game!"

A transparent panel with letters appeared in front of him.

"A name, huh? Well, the name was already decided a long time ago." Ace started to type his ingame name which he was very familiar. It was the name he used in climbing the ladder to the top.