Door-To-Door Scammer Salesman

Finally, it was the end of the first awakening event, Aryan willed to descend and landed near Anisa, he was about to say something, when the surrounding became blurry for him, an ear-deafening sound was calling him but he couldn't recognize whose, the light in his eyes faded and he felt down.

'Finally some peace, Now I can take a long nice rest, without any worldly disturbance.'

"Ahem, cough cough Oh the"



"Fu** again"


"Fu** once again"

"I am innocent, why are you cursing me??"

"Innocent my ass, you fuck*** son of bi***"

"Cough, lil boy calm down, this time I am here to deliver your free products, with your first chakra"


"What? Are you doubting me??"



"Never believe the door-to-door salesman, who try to sell people buy one get one free products, they are scammers, said my mother once."


"Lil boy, I am not a salesman."

"Yes, I know, you are a door-to-door salesman"


"Then a scammer salesman."


"Oh, sorry, I misunderstand, my bad."

"Good, you finally understand now."

"Yes, you are a door-to-door scammer salesman."


"Aren't you one? My answer was correct, right??"

"Kid, let me tell you, if you spit out another word from your mouth then.."


"I am saying, wait, then.."


"Enough of this, let me tell you something important."

"Hmmm, tell then"

"The four chaos beast, with your parents."

"Yes, what about them?"

"They are compatible with your soul sea."


"Yes, and they can increase your power by another level."


"Yes, Really."

"You will feel a resonance when you wake up."

"I see, I should move out from here then, I shouldn't make them wait anymore"

"Nani!! You can get out of this place on your own??"


"Don't give me that heheheheheh, and answer me."

"Yes, I have been reading some space-time techniques from the Divine Profound Knowledge, that has been bestowed upon me, to pass some time."


"To pass some time"

"Yes, to pass some time."

"Chosen boy, let me tell you something, the knowledge you have been reading to pass your time, if used correctly can destroy an entire city, with your current level."

This time it was Aryan's turn to get surprised, "The fu**, you saying, an entire city!!!!"

"Yeah, an entire city, so do use them keeping that it mind."

Aryan nodded his head to show his approval on this matter and snapped his fingers, suddenly the space around him dissipated like smoke and Aryan was nowhere to be found.

2022, December 25th, Tuesday.

Two hours have passed, since Aryan fainted near the platform, including his parents' many higher-ups of the planet were having a headache, if that person grandson doesn't wake up, god knows what will he do this time.

Kalinga Palace, Fifth floor

Inside a certain room

On top of a luxurious comfy bed, slept Aryan, enjoying his peaceful vacation, I mean peaceful sleep, surrounding the bed were his parents and the person who introduced himself as the eastern country head.

Everyone was silent, observing every moment of Aryan, ashen pale complexion was on everyone face, the most worried one was the Grand Elder, he already had planned to drag some neighboring planets doctors for his grandson.

But the plot didn't take that route, the sleeping boy showed some movement, giving everyone a ray of hope, after another half an hour the little one opened his eyes.

He was dazed to find that many people staring at him, the eastern countries head coughed and said, "Yo kiddo, you fine now? Feeling any pain sort of pain somewhere or any discomfort??"

Without uttering a single word, Aryan checked his body for any sort of discomfort and answered him.

"Then I am good to go meet you later kiddo", said the man and left the room.

Leaving Aryan his gramps, pops and mom alone in that room, Anisa made the first move and hugged Aryan, and shed tears, seeing her mom crying for the first time, he felt a pain in his heart, not like the pain he felt earlier due to the writer's underhanded plots but a different type of pain, he had long forgotten in his previous life, the pain of losing someone.

Aryan felt a little sad too, tears flowed down from his eyes, he tried to stop them, but was unable to, seeing both son and mother crying, tears flooded from the eyes of the other two standing there.

After crying to their heart's content, Anisa checked Aryan's health again, through her divine sense, for any abnormalities, and the result was a negative.

Aryan sat in a comfortable position, recovered some of his strength, still then he was feeling weak, he tried to mobilize his mental strength to activate his Earthly Chakra, but couldn't feel it anymore.

His mind was going wild making crazy assumptions, like he lost his Earthly chakra while he was unconsciousness, or he felt a chakra deviation, similar to Qi deviation and many more possibilities.

His gramps saw him try to activate his first chakra and said "Lil boy don't try that, for now at least, it took us more than an hour just to seal a first stage chakra."


"My boy it's a long story will tell you later, take some rest, we will talk later."

Since Aryan was feeling weak, he didn't ask any further questions and agreed upon his gramps suggestion.


Unknown to Aryan what Seven had planned for his future, he closed his eyes to take another nap. Little did he knew that seven had planned a harem for him, yes a harem, specially designed for a child, different from any other harem!!!!!