Chicken Karaage

2022, December 26th, Wednesday

It was morning already, on top of a luxurious comfy bed, slept Aryan, enjoying his third round of nap, near him slept Anisa and Aditya on both sides.

Aryan in his dreams

"Wahahahahahah, I win, finally I win, the battle against evil, I defeated the fallen cultivator's sect, wahahahahaha."

"Sigh, kid these days….."

"Who spoke? Who is there??"

"Chosen boy it's me"

"Damn you, why are you here again, isn't your work completed, just leave already, shooo shooo."

"I can't"

"Are they giving you that thing in heaven, for extra work"

"That thing? What thing??"

"That thing called Bonus"


"Just leave it, I am here to tell you an important information."

"Important information??"

"Yes, while making a contract with those chaos beasts don't use the normal methods, use the methods specified in the Divine Profound Knowledge of the first sage."

Aryan nodded and closed his eyes to search for the methods after a couple of minutes he opened his eyes and said "Got it, finally, took some time to search."

"Good, use that method, its time for my favorite anime show, bye."

"The fu** anime show you watch, you lazy a**."

Aryan opened his eyes and found himself sleeping between his pops and mom, looking at them, his heart soothed, and nerves calmed down, he got off from the bed and took a shower.

When he returned he found his pops, mom and grandpa were waiting for him, they asked him to get ready as soon as possible, without any question Aryan wore his clothes and went to the fourth floor.

Aditya, Anisa, and Grand Elder were taking their launch, while Takeru and Yoshino were standing at the side two serve them, Aryan went there and sat near his gramps, his stomach was empty from the last three days, dinosaurs were jumping inside his stomach in hunger.

He started with a soup, followed by a vegetable salad, after that came the main dish, rice, and fourth stage fire chakra spicy chicken karaage and curry.

Crisp and crunchy from outside, soft tender juicy meat inside, the karaage was able to calm down Aryan's dinosaurs but awoke his demonic taste buds, that were in dormant stage till now, cause in the last five years all the food that Aryan had eaten were mainly vegetarian dishes, and this time it was not any simple spirit chicken from shopping mall but a high grade one, he started with one plate and ended up eating twenty, watching her son eating the karaage with interest Anisa's happiness went above the sky while Aditya was a lil sad, cause the chicken curry was prepared by him, and Aryan only ate twelve plates of them.

At last, it was time for the desert, the misty myriad ice cream bought by Grand Elder from the neighboring planet through fast delivery service, since he sucked at cooking.

Yoshino served the ice cream in a two-meter big dessert bowl, chilly rainbow-colored ice cream, forming multicolored fog around it, just one scoop was enough to satisfy someone.

But the same wasn't applicable to Aryan, he had never tasted something like that, not in this life nor in his previous, while eating the karaage awoke his demonic taste buds, eating only a single scoop of this ice cream, awoke his heaven devouring taste buds, as the name suggests it can devour the heavens.

Not ten, not twenty, nor thirty, a total of forty-five serving was devoured by him. Looking at his son's gluttony, Aditya remembered his youth self, a time when he used to clean an entire restaurant as a starter only.

No, that the full course meal had been completed it's time for Aryan to know what happened in the last two days, he tried to remember what happened but couldn't remember anything, he gave some thought to it and asked, "Mom, what happened to me after I collapsed on that day? I am still feeling weak?? and why did gramps sealed my chakra???"

"Ahem, cough pops its time to tell him, we shouldn't make them suffer anymore."

"Yes, father-in-law, they are like our child too."

"Sigh, okay, will tell him then." said the Grand Elder in a solemn voice.

"Shouldn't make suffer whom? what are you all talking about ??"

"Lil boy don't you remember anything from the last two days," asked Aditya in astonishment.

"No, I tried to remember but couldn't remember anything."

"It was expected though, that over streaming of power on top of that you being in an unconsciousness state, okay let me tell you everything", said the Grand Elder.

Aryan didn't utter a single word, and kept his ear open yo hear his gramps.

"On that day after you collapsed in exhaustion, your pops caught you from hitting the ground, he was using his divine sense on you to check you, when all of a sudden you began to hover again."

"What again? How come I couldn't remember anything??"

"Your body began to emit that virtuous divine light again, we were dazzled by that light, when our vision returns you were already in the sky, your earthly chakra was activated, and the chakra present in the air was being sucked dry by you."


"Yes, not only that something else too happened,", intervened Aditya.

"Something else too!!?."

"Yes, the four enlightened chaos humans that were present with us at that time, became frenzied."

"You mean they became berserk??", asked Aryan.

"Yes, they became frenzied and flew towards you."

"Flew towards me!! Did they wanna harm me or something??"

"We don't know about that", intervened Anisa this time.

"When, they saw your Earthly Chakra, they showed unusual behavior, their eyes became bright, they transformed into their chaos beast state, and flew towards you.", Hearing these events Aryan was sweating buckets, clenching his fists, in excitement, rather than being afraid he was enjoying it like a bedtime story.

"We tried to stop them, and apprehended in a barrier, but they broke through it, when they were just a hundred meters away from you something unexpected happened!!"