Sealing Arts

The time stopped around Aryan, the trees stopped moving, grasses stopped waving, birds became stationary in the sky, streams stopped flowing...…

A light brighter than the previous virtuous holy light was being emitted in the sky, the source of this light was none other than Aryan, in an unconscious state.

A giant hallow of golden yin and white yang was formed in the sky, the projector of this hallow was Aryan, the little five-year-old boy. The chaos spirit rushing towards him in a frenzy calmed down, and landed on the ground in a dazed.

The instant they set their foot on the ground, Takeru and Yoshino dashed out and threw a chain towards them, made out of special talisman papers, the chain rushed towards them and apprehended the four at once, even though they were bound by the chain, it couldn't stop the huge amount of oppressive chakra energy gushing out from their body.

The chain wrapped around them couldn't stand the chakra energy leak from their body and started to burn down, judging from the situation the chain would have hold them up for another three minutes at max, both of them looked behind them towards Grand Elder and Aditya.

Aditya nodded his head as a gesture of approval, simultaneously both Takeru and Yoshino made a hand seal, and moved their hand in full swing forming a square-shaped net inside a circle, with their chakra energy.

After forming a pair, both of them merged their own to make a big golden-coloured net. Takeru and Hosino jumped over the four and threw the net towards them.

This time instead of wrapping the net engulfed them as a whole forming a small golden coloured ball.

Takeru picked up the ball containing the four chaos spirits and handed it over to Anisa.

"Gramps, wait wait, what happened to my part of the story?"

"Patience my Lil boy, I am about to start your part of the story."


Seeing her son's reaction more than being worried, he was taking it as a bedtime story, Anisa felt relief in her heart, she didn't want Aryan to become tensed on such things.

The narration continued again, after dealing with the chaos spirits matter, it was time to stop Aryan's earthly chakra from absorbing chakra energy from the surrounding.

Anisa, Aditya and Grand Elder all hovered in the sky at once, surrounding Aryan forming a triangle. Anisa made the first move, she spread her arms and chanted something, out of nowhere five platinum-coloured swords appeared behind her of different shapes and size.

Aditya went behind her and started to draw some pattern in the air, after a few seconds he completed his writing, the end product was five different ancient script symbols, he waved his hand to grab them all, and threw it towards Anisa's swords, each sword got one symbol on its blade.

Anisa closed her eyes and pointed her hand towards Aryan, all the swords behind her flew towards Aryan and surrounded him, the swords were rotating horizontally around Aryan.

Aditya chanted something and clenched his left fist, suddenly all the swords rotating around Aryan stopped at once and changed their form to that of a giant pillar.

Five gigantic pillars formed around Aryan, and in the middle sat the Lil boy, absorbing the chakra energy, if they had let him continue any further, his body would not be able to handle it.

Grand Elder, Anisa, Aditya, Takeru and Yoshino all of them jumped up high in the sky and stood on top of the five different pillars, without any delay each one of them awoke their chakra inside their body, while Grand Elder was awakening his Iswarta (Earthly Godhood) chakra, others had already awoken theirs and were waiting for Grand Elder.

Everyone present there began to absorb chakra energy from surrounding and converted it into their mental energy, after a few minutes they stopped the conversion of energy, it was now time to initialise the earthly chakra sealing arts.

This time Grand Elder was the one to take the action first, he released a massive amount of chakra energy from his body, all these energies were being absorbed by the five pillars surrounding Aryan, all the pillars gradually started to glow, taking this as a gesture of initialisation, the other four close their eyes and started sutra chanting, out of nowhere several silver-coloured chains formed in the air, when taken a closer view, a total of seven chains were found hovering in the air.

These chains were formed by the psychic energy of Anisa, Aditya, Takeru and Yoshino. And the pillars were forming a space with zero chakra energy inside.

The materialisation of the sealing chain was a success, now comes the hardest part, to control the frenzy berserk earthly chakra of Aryan. Yoshino and Takeru tried to control one chain each and sent it towards Aryan to apprehend his earthly chakra, but it got repelled when it was just a few meters away from him, they tried again and this time with two chains each, like the previous time, the two chains rushed towards him like venomous snakes but got repelled again when they were a few meters away.

Looking at there failures they all decided to control one chain each and direct them towards Aryan, but no matter they do, they failed every time, not a single chain could reach near him, the yin yang hallow behind him was protecting him from every harm.

Even the Grand Elder was feeling irritated then, he was tempted to mobilise his all power, but refrain himself from doing so.

In the time of his distress, the unknown voice echoed again, "Oh the guardians of the chosen one, chant this sutra with me, and I will help you to seal his chakra."

Without asking any questions Grand Elder agreed to take his help, since it was for his one and only grandson, he was ready to pay any price.


Heyo Readers, Seven here.

Christmas and New Year are coming, so on that occasion, some writers of Webnovel will be doing various giveaways, and I am one of them.

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Results will be declared on the 15th of January 2021.

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