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The unknown voice sent five different scripture parchments to the five of them and asked them to read them simultaneously, all of them present there agreed once.

Out of nowhere another dazzling source of radiance appeared in the sky, this time it was the owner of the unknown voice, but not the owner nor his figure was visible to the one present there, not even to the Grand Elder.

They didn't even try to use any special arts on the owner, as time was running out, in addition to that they had guessed the owner of the voice must be a special existence, like Aryan, who knows what he will do if they enraged him.

The five of them started to read the different verses of the same sutra given to them in the form of parchment, as they kept on reading the parchment started to glow and dissipated in the air, forming two golden-coloured chains.

When they were busy in observing the miracle before them, the five chains that they had materialised previously merged and transformed into a golden chain but shorter in length, than the one before them.

The voice spoke again "Guardians of the chosen one you take the left I will take the right."

"Gramps, wait wait, what does that mean you take the left I take the right!!?"

"It means you take the easy side referring to the golden chain shorter in size, as it will cost us less mental strength, and I take the right means"

"I will take the hard work, right!!?", asked Aryan.

"Yes, my boy."

The narration continued again

Both the party mobilised their mental energy to control the two chains, this time the owner of the unknown voice took the action first, he willed it and the chain rushed towards Aryan, penetrating his defence, seeing the success of the golden chain Grand Elder and the others willed the chain to move towards Aryan.

This time it successfully passed through the defence and wrapped around Aryan like the previous ones, the absorbing of chakra energy is now stopped, they were feeling a little relief when something unexpected happened.

The giant golden yin and white yang hallow behind Aryan became violent releasing a huge amount of chakra energy to break the chains, observing these events Grand Elder was feeling happy somewhere in his heart, he was thinking if only a single chakra can give them that many trouble, then what will happen if he opens up all his chakra, and his future achievements if trained properly.

Now to the present situation, he had to deal with that upsurge of violent chakra energy and do something about that hallow behind Aryan, without thinking anything he looked at the owner of the unknown voice engulfed in eye-blinding light.

"Guardians of the chosen one don't worry let me handle this", said the unknown voice.

He clasped both of his hand, simultaneously the two chains binding Aryan tightened and disappeared, entering into his soul sea. Looking at this Grand Elder sent part of his consciousness into Aryan soul sea, to observe the function of the two chains.

Aditya had already told him about Aryans's soul sea form in the form of a galaxy, but when seen from his own eyes, he gasped in shock, without doing any delay he used his divine sense to pinpoint the exact location of his earthly chakra, and went near it.

An upside-down triangle on top a square with four petals was the core of the earthly chakra, normally earthly chakra is reddish-brown in colour, but the one Aryan had was a little different, it had the same colour but with a coating of divine silver light on it.

Grand Elder didn't feel astonishment this time, not anymore, he had made up his mind not to get surprised from now on, he went near to take a closer and found out that the two golden chains were wrapped around Aryan's earthly chakra in the form of a thread, preventing it from absorbing power.

He didn't waste anytime there and called back his consciousness, out of Aryan's soul sea, when he opened his eyes the owner of that voice was nowhere to be found, he asked Anisa and Aditya about it but they too were clueless about it.

He didn't pursue the matter anymore and decided to give his grandson's matter first and took him to the palace.

"Gramps, that unknown voice came to my dream yesterday"


"And he said to me to form a contract with the chaos spirits with a method he taught me."

"I see, then let's go, and form your contract.", said the Grand Elder.

All of them like before stood behind Grand Elder, he took out a ball from his inner spatial ring and threw it towards the, suddenly a hole was created on the wall, leading to a different place.

"Gramps did you know used a space-time dimension creation art?"

"Space-time what??"

"Space-time dimension creation art"

"Pffft wahahahahaha, no my boy it's a convenient item from the supermarket, I bought it on 30% sale."


"Yes, it was on sale that day, if I remember correctly."

"No, that's not I mean, you said you bought it from the sale!!"


"Aren't we filthy rich, richer than a country head??."

"Yes, but she is very strict on this matter", said Grand Elder in a low voice.