Multi Spell Incantation

"Sigh….. Hiroki Kun, I will kill you, I will definitely kill you one day, just how carefree can you become? You haven't taught him any single spell yet!!", yelled Granny Kotori in anger.

"Cough, I was busy playing with him, the idea of teaching him something never came to my mind."

Granny Kotori "...."

"What!!? We can teach him the basics anytime, let me do it this time", Grand Elder replied and snapped his fingers. Out of nowhere, a scroll appeared on his hand. He asked Aryan to remember the fireball chant while he read it for him.

"One of the four elemental, thou core of life O Agni

I summon you to pul..."

"Pulverize my enemies to ashes", blurted out Aryan.

"Heavens!! How did you know the last past of that verse?", Granny Kotori asked in surprisement.

"As long as I can remember not me nor Anisa and Aditya have never taught you any spells and sutras, nor given you any book to learn from, how did you know the last part."

"I just know it.", replied Aryan.

Granny Kotori "You just know it what type of answer is that?"

"Lil boy care to explain in detail.", aksed Grand Elder.

"Gramps, Granny, while decoding my first cultivation star I got a lot of knowledge, but everything is jumbled up then, but the Twin Dragon Grimoire that Granny gave me sucked in all that knowledge and arranged them all in a systematic way."

"Aryan didn't you just said a few moments ago that you don't know any spell? How come you know it now??"

"At that time the Grimoire was closed but the moment Gramps chanted the spell it opened up on its own and show me the page that contains the entire fireball spell."

"Oh…You have gotten yourself a priceless treasure there.", exclaimed Granny Kotori.

"By the way can you tell me the name of the knowledge that you got during your decoding of first cultivation star."

"Hmm….Gramps that I can't answer, I will answer you when I became eighteen, but not before that."

Grand Elder understood the reason and didn't pester him to reveal about his knowledge.

"Then where should we do the test??", Aryan asked.

Granny Kotori kept pondered for a while then suddenly clapped twice

"Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh"

Aryan was dazed by the light and closed his eyes, when he opened his eyes he was not more in the palace. A vast green field came into his view with the sun over his head, shinning brighter than normal days.

"Granny where did you teleport us??"

"Heavens Garden lowest floor.", answered Grand Elder.

"Why the name Heavens Graden.",Aryan asked with curiosity.

"Lil boy I will tell you later about this place, let's begin the test."

"Granny how should we test then, please explain."

"Very simple, you and your Gramps will fire three fireballs each, one while chanting the spell, one with chantless sutra execution and one with your soul treasure."

"Soul treasure mean like dad has one the Heavenly Fire Chakra??"

"Yes, like that an for your information I have a scythe as my soul weapons."


"Yes, scythe."

"Scythe like those used by grim reaper?"

"Yes, the one used by grim rippers", Grand Elder answered laughingly.

Granny Kotori "Talks enough and let the test begin."

It was Grand Elder turn first, he flexed his fingers before chanting the spell after a few minutes of stretching he was ready to do his first test.

He pointed his hand towards the green field and chanted out,"One of the four elemental, thou core of life O Agni, I summon you to pulverize my enemies to ashes."

The second he finished his spell small sparks of fire gathered near his hand, all the sparks gathered up and formed a small ball of fire. Gramps aimed it towards the empty grass field before him and fired.

What came afterwards was a scene to behold, the green expansion of greenfield before them became charred, scorched in black with a giant pit at the middle.

Aryan was observing his gramps every moment after he finished the first test he was getting ready for the second, but before he do that Aryan copied his gramps and chanted out the spell,"One of the four elemental, thou core of life O' Agni, I summon you to pulverize my enemies to ashes."

Aryan was expecting to see something similar that he saw before, in his Gramp's test but on a small scale. Since his gramps was a Seventh Stage cultivator and he was the first stage.

But this time something out of the blue happened, the second he finished the chanting, small balls of fire gathered around his hand, similar to the ball that Grand Elder fired on the field.

The small balls gathered around his hand and formed a tiny sphere, just a little bigger than fire sparks in size. Aryan was getting a little confused since both of them chanted the same thing but his invocation reaction completely different than his gramps, he was contemplating about the changes when a sound came from behind "Lil boy release that fireball spell!!"

Aryan got startled by the voice and released the tiny sphere on his hand, it went straight like a bullet and collided with a tree...….

That's it, no blast, no fire, no damage.

Both Grand Elder and Granny Kotori were giving weird looks on their faces, even though it was by a small kid it should have done some damage, but no such thing was noticed.

Grand Elder made up his mind and was on his way to the tree when an ear-splitting sound came "Kaboom", Granny Kotori rushed near Aryan and covered him with a protective barrier.

Grand Elder too applied a thin layer of barrier around him and was advancing near the charred tree when another sound came

"Kaboom.....Boom boom boom."

It was not sound of a single explosion but rather the sound of a multiple explosion. Watching the multiple spell incantation before her eyes that too by a five-year-old kid Granny Kotori gasped in shock.