Happy go lucky Overpowered MC Script

Instead of checking out the place where the explosion took place, Grand Elder went back near Aryan and hugged him with delight. Aryan was utterly confused about what was happening around him. First, his spell incantation was totally different from that of his gramps even though he copied his every movement with acute precision, second, his spell didn't show any instant effects third it turned out to be a multiple incantation spell and now his Gramps hugging him.

Aryan set himself free from his gramps hug and asked "Gramps why are you hugging me? And what's the reason for that smile on your face."

"Lil boy lil boy lil boy you don't know what you did now, do you?"

"No, I don't.", answered Aryan.

"First let me tell you the reason of your spell's late reaction, cause it was a multiple spell you have to set timing on it before you execute it."

"I see."

"Second you may not have noticed it but you took two seconds more than me to execute your spell. Lil boy you understand what that means right??"


"Wahahaha wahahahah. Lil boy it means you are the fastest spell caster on this planet after me."

Listening to his Gramps spoken words the calm, tranquil heart of Aryan became chaotic "Bdmp, bdmp, bdmp….."

His heart beating faster, eye twitching and hands trembling. The smooth flowing script of this chapter was giving him a bad feeling. Cause whenever something good happens in his life Seven will do the favor to add a bad event in that. A happy go lucky, overpowered MC script can only mean two things, either Seven is replaced by someone else or he is making a grand evil plot for his demise.

Aryan wanted to ask Grand Elder some questions about the Multiple Spell Incantation but didn't dare to do so, god knows what Seven may have set there for his demise. He simply nodded his head as a response to his gramps talk.

Grand Elder continued "And third and the most important you can perform multiple spell incantation, one out of every trillion have that ability, in our family, only your mother have that skill."

"Then you mean..."

"Yes, you have inherited it from your mother,", intervened Granny Kotori.

"Let's do the next test", Grand Elder spoke in an excited voice. His eagerness to know about Aryan's hidden power is similar to that of a three-year-old.

"So next will test will be Chantless Spell Execution,", Granny Kotori waved her hand and took out two scrolls out of nowhere. She gave one to Aryan and the other to Grand Elder.

"This one is a Water Creation spell, Aqua Spirit,", explained Granny Kotori.

Like the previous time, the Grand Elder went first. He mobilized a small amount of his mental energy on the tip of his fingers and swept it through the scroll containing a fifteen verse chant of the spell, in just a few second the scroll became empty he took a stance and shouted out, "Water creation Magic, Aqua Spirit."

All of a sudden a giant water bubble formed behind him Grand Elder took aim and directed it towards another tree rooted at a distance. Slowly the giant mass of bubble behind him took the shape of a giant Sea Serpent and made its way to the tree.

The massive banyan tree rooted at a distance from them was completely pulverized. Aryan heart skipped a beat for a second, the frightening power of that spell…

No such spells were there in his past life, even if such spell exists they had high Qi consumption, not like the one before him that consumes one-fourth of the total chakra energy in the body.

Now it was Aryan's turn like his Gramps did he mobilized a small amount of his mental energy on the tip of his fingers and swept it through the scroll containing a fifteen verse chant of the spell, in just a few second the scroll became empty like his gramps demonstrated he took a stance and shouted out, "Water creation Magic, Aqua Spirit."

Similar to his Gramps a giant water bubble formed behind him, Aryan took a sigh of relief, cause this time nothing out of his expectation happened, he copied everything as his Gramps demonstrated him and was getting the same result as him.

But once again his assumptions turned out to be a bitch, while he was aiming at one of the massive banyan trees near him, something out of the blue happened.

Out of nowhere another giant water bubble formed behind him, watching this scene from a distance, Granny Kotori yet again gasped in shock. Aryan too was astonished by this unexpected turn of event, while he was pondering about it another giant bubble formed, he hadn't even taken a breath another giant bubble appeared.

Aryan was about to say something at this yet again another giant bubble appeared, in just a few seconds five big water bubbles appeared behind him.

Even though he was hesitating he aimed at one of the massive banyan trees and launched his attack. But like the previous this time too something different happened.

In his Gramps case, the water bubble took the shape of a water serpent and pulverized the tree, but in Aryan's case, all the five giant water bubbles merged together to form an enormous Neptune spirit behind him.

Aryan was startled by this giant figure behind him, but he was getting a feeling that the spirit is a part of him. He took the same stance as his Gramps and lunched his towards the tree.

"Thud thud thud thud thud thud...….."

Countless number of trees got uprooted by his single attack. This time Granny Kotori and Grand Elder didn't give any reactions and fasten up their preparation for the third and the last test.

Meanwhile Aryan was contemplating in his mind 'Is Seven drunk today? Or he wrote a wrong script??'