ippo was so excited to finally be on his way to the tournamet he couldn't sit still and kept tapping his fingers and shaking his legs. he tried to move his body some as the seat allowed a little movement but not alot.

ippo just couldn't still his body or mind he kept thinking about if he had prepared enough for the boxers he would meet, he was doing something totally new as he didn't do this last time and he didn't have any idea who he would face. his mind kept going around in circles thinking about this matter he finally tried to take his mind off it by looking at his personal info on the system.

"stats" ippo softly called since he didnt want to draw attention, he accidently did that before when he had finished his workout the last day and people looked at him weird since ippo had been returning home and was in the middle of the small street stalls so it was fairly populated. he tried just laughing it off but still saw weird look so he just popped out the first thing that came to mind which was about a video game, he had apologized to everyone and said he was jusy excited cause he saw a new fighting game and sometimes he mumbles outlook about stuff he gets excited over. ippo was so embarrassed by the incident he hadn't dared look at anyone after and jogged(read- ran his ass out if there) away.

ippos stats popped up and he took a good look at where he was now after sticking to his road work for the past 3days,

Name – Ippo Makunouchi

Health – 9,000/9,000

CHI – LOCKED (requires deity's blessing)

The Gamer

Title -

Level – 1 EXP- 300/1000

Race – Human/Japanese

STR – 30[-45 sealed until muscle fiber is earned back]

VIT – 33[-58 sealed until muscle fiber is earned back]

DEX – 20[ -40 sealed until muscle fiber is earned back]

INT – 22[-28 sealed until earned back]

WIS – 22[-13 sealed until earned back]

LUC – ?

Fame – 0

Stat point – 0

Perk point - 0

Money –2,000 ¥


Observe LV-4 50%



ippo was overjoyed he had progressed so much as it meant he could relax a bit and hope he has a better chance now since he's not just going to rely on his natural talent, which could be said to be prodigal, but he would add to that with hard work. just like yin and yang, where one shouldn't just rely one one side or the other but to have balance which would multiply the results shown than just using nothing but hard work or nothing but natural talent. both had the ability to take one far, but to truly reach for the world one must have both otherwise you would find yourself left behind and unable to bridge the gap to reach that level.

ippo knew this first hand since he felt the strength of the world from Ricardo Martinez who he sparred with and alfonz who beat that lesson into him when he lost so badly even though he 'put in more than a 100 portions' as the saying went 100 portions of a 1/2 is only worth half of '100 portions of 1'.

so ippo was grateful for the system since he could take his 1/2 and turn it into 1.

after that philosophical renumeration, ippo closed the window with a soft command and tried to rest since he had another bit to get to his destination.


ippo disembarked the train and went out to find the gym on the poster, he travel for about 10min when he came into sight of the gym but saw that it was closed and had a sign posted on it. ippo read the sign and learned that due to how popular the tournament became and the people who wanted to watch that the venue was changed from the gym to a arena that could house the hundreds of people wanting to watch.

all of a sudden ippos eyes bugged out and he yelled super loud "NANI!!!!!!!"Ippo shouted. attracting a bunch of attention from passers by ippo quickly decided to beat it as he didn't want to get more humiliated than he currently was, ippo couldnt believe that the tournament would be held at the one place he would know no matter what time he was in.


ippo stared in awe at the building, he could remember coming here so many times all the memories he made here both good and bad, especially his last memory.

"Kokurren Hall!!!" ippo called softly but full of desire.

ippo would always know what this place was no matter how much time would pass, since it was the place he took his liscense test, his debut match, the rookie kings, ace of A's, his match against the featherweight champ dante. so many memories he lived and now he would have a chance to do it all again and do it right!


ippo made his way into the building taking in the smells and familiar sights, he could see many people milling about so he quickly made his way to the area marked for entrants to the tournament. ippo waited a bit and was nervous about what to do as he qued up and made his way forward slowly, he looked around and saw so many people he saw bumped from behind by a rude guy as ippo turned he saw this guy was really tall and buff,.

"move it shirmp!!"the random meat head called out

ippo started gibberish an apology and quickly moved up the line as he heard the guy from behind scoff and call him a weakling, ippo clenched his fist and just bore through it as he knew there were idiots like this all around the guy was probably nothing but a thug and had delusions he could be a boxer since he fought other idiots on the streets.

ippo just bit his tongue and filled out the paper while handing over the 500¥ for the entry fee. he turned and glared at the guy as he walked pass and made his way to the changing room.

ippo got ready fairly quickly as it was almost repetitive for him by this point to get ready to box, ipp went to the ring and checked in with the officials running things and found out there would be a weigh in and the applicants would go through a qualifier round to find out the 20 entrants. since it was a open tournament that meant anyone could fight anyone and it stretched for 2 days was because there were 2 different leagues, depending on weight the cut off was bantam-weight to super-lightweight for 1st league and welterweight to heavyweight for 2nd league. each league had 20 spots open so the qualifier round was a punch meter, if you got above a set score then you got a spot if there was a tie at the 20th spot both contestants would throw an addition punch score twice with the difficulty raised each time and the contestant closes would get the spot. if no result was reached satisfactorily the. the judge would pick a winner.

the ranking for the punch were:

60psi to 776psi 1st league

900psi to 1,700psi 2nd league

ippo qued around the middle of the line for the 1st league and he saw the meat head from earlier ahead of him near the front, the idiot was puffing his breath trying to act intimidating and ippo guessed to both phsyc-out everyone else and phsyc-up himself. when ippo looked at this display all he could see was the idiot making a fool of himself since he couldnt know what his psi rating would be. as the contestants threw the best punch they could ippo almost laughed at some, as they had ridiculous poses like the idiot thinking it would generate power when all it did was waste energy and got them a low score. he kept watching and saw people getting in the range of 50psi to 200psi which wasn't much considering who ippo knew was in the pros.

ippo decided since he was waiting so long in line that he could get some information on who he would possibly be against,

"Observe" ippo intoned as quietly as he could even thoigh it was loud with the people around and all the noise from the punching machine he didnt want to be singled out for talking nonsense again.

turns out most of the fighters in 1st league only had a strength lv of 15 with a few having a high lv like str18, str20, str23. now the big meat head was up and ippo couldnt wait to see how he did after all the posing he was doing..."Idiot"...ippo mumbled but a few heard him in line and chuckled, while the meathead as ippo dubbed him as he wouldnt bother remembering his name, finally phsyced himself up and roared as he punched;

"YAHHHHHHH" said idiot yelled out


idiots score turned out to be a pathetic 275psi but he roared out like he was king of the world

and came strutting back bumping ippo again trying to intimidate him with a sneer on his face as he passed, ippo just got back in line and ignored him wich cause said idiot to fume and want to pummel ippo. but the meat head lnew he couldnt or be disqualified as that was one of the major rules and the attendants were watching for foul play among the fighters.

finally after along wait it was ippos turn, he came up to the machine listening to the official give instructions, ippo took a basic peekaboo stance.

"HAHAHAHAHA...look at the little shrimp think he's some boxer crouched like a wimp like that" said idiot laughed

and got a few others to laugh too seeing as they scored lower and didnt know any different either, but the few fighters who had some boxing background knew that what ippo was doing was both smart and it made him dangerous as because of the boxing stance he took he would have plenty of experienxe sparring in a ring if not having a good amount of boxing experience whether from a family background or a school club. they knew ippo would be the one to watch.



the numbers rose fast and it looked like it would be a high number as well considering the rapid beeping the machine put out, everyone stayed absolutely still as the numbers flashed and finalized. no one could believe their eyes, how had this shrimp gotten that high of a number. even those who had a boxing background couldn't believe ippo had that much power and force ina single hit.


that number kept flashing across the LED board that was recording the fighters results and putting them in rankings, so far ippo had ranked the highest score at #1 by at least 200psi. the rest of the boxers couldn't believe it;


no way




mother of God


everyone kept shouting, especially those who had gone before, they would not believe that score and rushed the officials to recheck the machine and ippos background that he wasn't a pro hiding as a amature wich is illegal and should disqualify him.

the officials and tourname to organizers didn't know what to do, the number was very high but the machine had been calibrated this morning and worked alright so far, they even had a few boxers who already went try again to see and the machine gave the same results for them. so they had to take ippo aside a day question him, while they did that the official in charge of the league 1 testing went back to it informing everyone to either come and try or be disqualified without trying. everyone grumbled but complied as they didnt want to get disqualified and miss the chance at the prize money.

ippo went with the officials and organizers and talked with them proving he was just a student and had not applied for a professional liscense, after confirming with the JBA that ippo truly was a amature and had not applied once for a liscense did they let the matter drop since this was a open tournament and did cross several weightclasses it was not strange for someone strong to appear out of nowhere.

ippo after getting everything settls made his way to the audience seating and watched the rest if the testing. the fighters who saw him come back looked to the LED and still saw his name up their, just when they would complain again a message came over the announcement system that no foul play was involved in ippos test and he is not a pro boxer so his score will stand and any who do not like it can relinquish their spot to another if they feel like making a scene for no reason.

after this the testing proceeded with no one complaining further and several people getting bumped out but no one coming close to ippo with his 200 point lead.

as the testing concluded ippo found that the tournament would be a random draw lottery that would be automated and have the numbers 1-20 and what numbers came out would face each other today and the 10 winners would follow normal tournament grouping with on of the 5 quarter-finalist getting a by to the finals.

ippo sat in anticipation waiting to see who he fight and what placement he would get in the tournament, would he fight 3 times or 4 times ippo could wait to find out.