Chapter 11: The eleventh step

I exited the house and headed for the bounty hunting building which was a large Japanese castle-like building with a red Japanese roof and wooden brown outside, with great big doors opening to the grand interior, to be honest it was probably the most expensive bit of the town. As I entered I was asked for my pendant to see if I was a bounty hunter, which If I wasn't I would be directed to a registration area were there were about a dozen or so men and woman from many different places with different weapons around them waiting to do so. I showed the man at the entrance my pendant after which he then said

"Mr Katsuki if you could please follow me" he said

and he then showed me to the silver rank bounty board.

Bounty hunting was set into 5 different ranks.

The lowest one situates itself at dirt rank the lowest you can get to made for the weakest and only requires the most menial set of work as the jobs are very low pay and mostly only require you to clean out places of dust and dirt that is why it is called dirt rank.

Next is bronze rank which is meant for those who have a bit skills and with small pay this rank usually gives you jobs such as to take out annoying ONI (a demon) which have possessed an item or are simply just pestering the locals it may also make you undertake tasks such as to kill 1 or 2 bandits. Then is what most people call the middle rank, the silver rank which usually has people with some skills and usually has tasks referring to kill someone or something. It makes you undertake jobs such as killing more powerful ONI and usually requires you to kill a bandit leader and its gang which refers to the tasks that I was doing now. Next was gold rank and then platinum gold required you to be skilful and strong whereas the gap in-between gold and platinum is huge in being that only 12 people around japan were recorded to be in platinum rank and those where all sword saints or powerful lords and samurai who could take on army's single handed. As I reached the board many leaflets were pinned to with different request each asking for someone to help. I searched for the one that said tokomari's name on it and I soon found it I grabbed it and then showed it to the desk where bounty hunters were holding onto similar leaflets in a line towards a desk soon it was my turn and I handed it to the woman at the desk.

"will you be taking on this mission?" she asked as I showed her the leaflet which she then took,

"yes" I said

"ok" she responded "the reward is of 200yen and you need either a belonging or body part of the gang leader to show completion, will that be an issue?"

"not at all" I said as she stamped the leaflet with something and pinned it on a wall that had a sign that said "pending".

"the gang leader and gang is said to be residing in a broken down temple north of the bounty hunting building" she said

"you have no time limit but within the week is recommendable, if you cannot return however then it will be put back on the "request" board if you have not returned by the start of the next month".

"alright I will make sure to return by tomorrow" I said as I bowed and left the woman with a surprised face.

"what confidence" she whispered