Sorry for my disappearance. I originally started the fanfic due to my boredom in quarantine. I thought why not start one and see if I like it? Then I wrote it and came to realise how bloody hard it is. You need to think so much about the story and remember so many details about HP. Also, I thought, how hard could it be to write 1k word long chapters, after all I have written more than a few dozen essays longer than that. Boy was I wrong. My laziness kicked in at that point, because, well, I am extremely lazy, no joke. My laziness is mind blowing even to myself. Anyway, I don't think I'm droppin the novel per se, but the updates will be slow and sporadic. Sorry if this annoys some of you but hey, I am who I am, don't know if I'm even bothered to write a chapter today. Who knows. That's all I had to say, have a wonderful day.