Chapter 1:

I could feel his gaze on me as I try my best to not stare at him. My best friend you see he's my ultimate crush. I've had a crush on him ever since the day we met. His name is " Kim Jooyoung".

He is a senior meanwhile I am a Junior at, "Seoul National University". He is a basketball player and has played ever since we were kids.

Even now it's hard wearing this suit for my class, and sweating knowing the little things he does turns me on. You see Jooyoung is a bit of player. He has all the girls falling for him. Meanwhile, I'm just an ordinary student who casually gets asked out but to be honest I've never dated anyone in my life so why would I want to disappoint someone if I can't understand how to love someone. " Yes see I knew you guys would have a hard time keeping up." Jooyoung says before looking over at me.

I cheer for him as he scored another point. They play on for another 20 minutes before deciding to head to the locker room. I get up grabbing his towel for him that's on the bench. " Here you go Jooyoung." " Thanks, did you see that last shot I made man imagine if it was live on National TV. " I smile at him before one of his buddies comes running over, " Hey Jooyoung are you coming?"

He nods before saying bye to me as he heads off in the locker room. In the locker room Jooyoung and his friends are joking around. " So how long is it going to take for you to win our bet?" " Yeah come on I have whole list of ladies who would love to have you." Jooyoung chuckles at them as he gets out of the shower with a wrapped towel around his waist. " I don't know I just need some time."

Daesun says, " Time for what? Are you telling me that you're actually thinking about going out with him?" Jooyoung says while rubbing his neck, " I don't know yet. I need more time." They all shake their heads as they head out. I am waiting patiently before seeing them come back out. The rest of the guys walk off leaving Jooyoung and I alone in the gym. " Hey wanna catch a movie tonight at my place?" I smile at him, " Sure sounds great. What time?" Jooyoung smiles back, " Around 7:00 p.m" I remember that I have to get to class soon, but soon feel a warm breath against my ear.

" Don't be late." I nod at him feeling flustered before telling him bye then walking off to my class. I dread the thought of having to walk up 3 flights of stairs but, our stupid elevator is shut down for the year. Checking the time on my watch I see that it's 1:23 p.m meaning that I have plenty of time to get there. Class doesn't start until 3:00 p.m. I am currently studying Law and I hope to be a lawyer one day. After walking up the flight of stairs I walk down the hallway to my left and open the door to my classroom.

Surprisingly, there's not that many students today but that's the norm for here. Some may show up one or two days and others will skip their hearts out. I truly don't understand those people who think that skipping out is a good thing, I mean if all you're going to do is skip class then, why be here in the first place. I enter the classroom closing the door behind as I walk over to my seat in the very back. I walk up the little steps as I sit down in my seat taking off my backpack. Taking out my notebook and a pencil I hear the door open and see the Professor walk in.

Everyone stands up as he tells us to sit down. The bell rings indicating that class has started. He gives us a few instructions not many but enough for us to understand what exactly we will be doing. We are assigned to different topics and have to write a 10 page essay on it. He hands a few worksheets to do before sitting back down in his chair.

< Time Skip >

An hour passes by and the bell rings. Everyone tells the professor goodbye bowing our heads, as we gather up our belongings. I put my notebook and pencil in my backpack as I get up to leave the classroom. I didn't realize that it was already almost 3:00 p.m. I hear my phone ring as I walk down the stairs to head outside. " Hello?" " Hey Lee I figured you haven't had anything to eat, so I decided to stop by somewhere and grabbed us a bite to eat. Meet me over at " A Twosome Place", " Okay I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

He hangs up the phone as I walk out front heading to the student parking lot. I grab my keys from pants pocket clicking the button as it unlocks the doors. I open up the passenger seat taking off my backpack setting it down then closing the door. I open the door on the driver's side getting in closing the door, putting on my seatbelt before placing the keys in the ignition. I start up the car making sure to check behind to see if any cars are coming, and drive off to the cafe. The drive itself was a fairly smooth ride, considering it wasn't raining outside like yesterday. I always hate rainy weather especially driving in it.

Reaching the cafe I turn into the parking lot, and park my car in the nearest spot. I turn off the car, open up the door before closing it, lock up the car and head up to the cafe. Opening the door the smell of brewing coffee hits my nose, as I walk in trying to find Jooyoung. Over in the back of the cafe there's a booth not too big where Jooyoung is sitting. He gets as soon as he sees me, waving at me. I smile while waving before sitting down in the booth. He sits across from me where there's food waiting to be eaten, and two drinks prepared. I often have come here a lot with him so, he already knows my order of what I like to drink.

" How was your class?" I smile " Not too hard but the flight of stairs are literally going to kill me." He laughs, " I bet." A cute waitress around early 20's with short brown hair comes over greeting us before handing Jooyoung a small note.

If you are bored here is my number: X-XXX-XXXX Call me ♥️ ~ Sooyoung

He winks her off as she blushes while I try not to get jealous. " She's cute. I already have so many notes that I think my drawer will get overflown by them." " So, why don't you throw them away to cause less clutter?" He takes a plate and starts getting food. " I don't know. I often keep them as a reminder that I can always call them if the other one doesn't work out." I grab a plate while placing different foods on it ( rice, tteokbokki, skewers, mixed vegetables.)

His plate is always full like a mountain but it never shows on his body because, he's always working out. I start eating as we talk some more, after eating he says " You have something on the corner of your mouth." I get a napkin and wipe the side of my mouth when he takes his thumb and swipes down below my bottom lip. His eyes can say a million things but, he looked hot as hell in that outfit. I remain my composure when we finish our food and drinks.

He pays for the meal when we both walk out of the cafe. "Do you want to meet me at my place now?"

I say, " Now but I don't have any clothes to change in." He smirks a little, " You can always borrow my clothes." I hesitate about saying something when he takes my hand and drags me along over to his car. I say, " Hey when did I agree to this?"

He pouts a little, " Oh come on. Don't bail on me now. It would be pointless of you driving and having to go all the way back home right?" I sigh, " Your right. Okay. " He smiles before unlocking the car as we both get in when he locks it, driving off out of the parking lot. I roll down the window feeling the cool breeze against my skin, watching as the cars go by seeing the many different landscapes. While driving Jooyoung places his right hand on my knee. My brain doesn't work for a second before I accept it as I continue to look out of the car.

Traffic wasn't too bad we got there within 20 minutes. He pulls into the driveway turning off the car, as we both head out before he locks it. I walk with him as he unlocks the front door before his small dog comes running over. " Hey bud. Did you miss me?" The dog happily wags his tail barking, as I reach down to pet it. I smile, " He's gotten bigger since the last time I came over here."

Jooyoung smiles petting him, " Yeah he has." We both walk into the house as Jooyoung leads me upstairs to his room. " I figured we could talk some more before we head out for that movie." " Okay." We take off our shoes before sitting on the bed. " Lee." " Hmm?" " I've noticed that you haven't dated at all. Why?"

I sit straighter while avoiding his look, " I don't know how to date someone. I've never dated anyone before." Jooyoung says, " Well you just need practice." I say, " How am I supposed to do that when you're way better at that?" Jooyoung says in a soft voice, " Even though I may have more experience then you that doesn't mean I think less of you. Now what do you think is the first step for dating someone?" I say, " Getting to know them. Introducing my name."

Jooyoung says, " Yes that's the first step is introducing yourself and slowly getting to know the person. See what that person likes the most what they hate. Now, leading up to my next question which I think I already know the answer to Have you ever kissed someone?" I shake my head, " No never." Jooyoung gets up to lock the door before sitting down on the bed. " Lee do you trust me?" I look at him, " Yeah I trust you. Your my best friend of course I do." He says, " Okay now what I'm about to do may make you feel weird about me. Anyways, I want you to close your eyes and no peeking. Also, whatever you do do not question what I'm about to do."

I sigh cutely before closing my eyes and waiting for something to happen. He puts a blindfold over my face making me open my eyes, and see nothing except pitch black. I feel his hand make my body move to face him. I then could feel his breath inches away from my face as my body tenses up. He slowly licks my bottom lip making me feel flustered, when he slowly leans in and kisses me. It takes me a minute for me to process what exactly is happening but, the moment he kissed me I felt like I was on fire. He holds up my chin as he says, " Open your mouth ". I don't think about what I'm doing but open my mouth slightly, I could feel his tongue enter my mouth.

He starts kissing me again but this time his tongue is right against mine, as he ever so slightly moves his tongue across mine in the most seductive way ever. I moan into the kiss as, we kiss more before he lays me back against the bed. Still kissing I feel his hand move down to my neck before he hovers over me. I could feel myself harden just by his touch, when he takes off the blindfold. We both catch our breaths as he looks deeply into my eyes.