Chapter 2:

He stares into my eyes, " And that is how you kiss someone." I look away feeling embarrassed that now I have a major problem and at the moment I cannot fix it. He says, " Hey I know damn well I am not a bad kisser. What's on your mind?" I could feel the heat rise up to my face. " Jooyoung it's embarrassing okay." He says calmly, " What's embarrassing hmm, you can trust me. "

I feel like I want to escape into another world as I say, " You swear on your life that you won't judge." He does this cute pout, " I swear Lee. What's on your mind?" I sigh heavily, " I may or may not have a boner." He doesn't move away which is surprising to me considering what I had just said. I look at him, " Why didn't you move? Aren't you disgusted by what I just said?"

He says calmly, " Why would I be disgusted? It's normal in general for a person to feel like that after they've kissed me. Well, it would be a different story with a girl. Anyways, so I made you feel like that? Hmm?" He then bites his lips very seductively. My breathing picks up quickly, " Yes. God why you do you have to look like that. You look like the freaking devil." I hit him lightly as he chuckles while he moves off of me. I quickly rush into the bathroom as I could feel him staring at me.

While I'm in there I can't help but think about what happened. The way he kissed me was unlike I had ever experienced before. It made me feel like I wanted him to kiss me for hours, days, nights. After fixing my problem, I wash my hands before exiting the bathroom. He already has a pair of clothes set out for me.

" I figured you could wear something light and nothing too stiff."

I thank him before returning to the bathroom and start changing my clothes. I come out of the bathroom setting my clothes aside on the floor. I make sure to take out my keys, and wallet as I place them in my pants. He says, " Hey don't think too much okay. If I made you uncomfortable I'm sorry." I shake my head, " No it's okay. Um are you ready?" He smiles, " Yeah come on before we miss it." We go outside and get into the car heading over to a cinema not too far.

He puts on soft music as we pass some places. The song is "ON by BTS ". We arrive at the Cinema when he parks the car in a spot. We unbuckle our seatbelts as we get out of the car before he locks it. Walking beside me we head over to the ticket booth. A young man greets us, " Hello, welcome to Dee's Cinema how can I help you guys?" Jooyoung says, " We would like 2 tickets for the movie Parasite."

He smiles, " Okay that will be $5.00." Jooyoung pays for the tickets as, the man types a few stuff in the computer and two tickets come out. The man hands back some change saying to us, " Here you go, enjoy your movie and come back again." Jooyoung opens the door for me when I walk in him following behind me. The inside is nice there's different movie posters on the walls both in Korean and in English.

On the left side there's a pool area, a vending machine, down the hallway there's a sign for Restrooms and further up there's a Food place, turning right there's a row of movie rooms on both the left and right side, we turn around another corner and at the end of this hallway A25 is where the movie is playing. From most theaters this one feels oddly different maybe because of the set up of the place. We enter the theater and go pick a spot in the back. Walking down the aisle I sit down noticing that has started yet. Jooyoung says, " I'm going to get us some popcorn and a soda for us to share. Did you want anything else?"

I shake my head, " No thanks that will be enough. Thank you." He smiles, " No problem I'll be back in a few if I miss something inform me." I nod my head, " I will." He walks down the aisle and leaves the theater. More people start showing up as the theater becomes packed. I pull out my phone checking a group chat when my friends send me screenshots of Jooyoung with some girl.

Yuna - Lee you have to see this. I think your friend is going out with someone.

Kevin - I have bad feelings about this girl. She seems suspicious. Whatever you do be careful.

Woyoung - Damn Jooyoung looks hot in that outfit. Where can I get a guy like him?

Yuna - Woyoung, even though I agree. This is a serious matter here. Lee like Kevin says just be careful okay?

Lee - I will thanks guys. I have to go I'll talk about this tomorrow.

I log off putting my phone away when I see Jooyoung coming back with popcorn and a drink. Walking down the aisle saying excuse me and sorry for the few people sitting in our rows. They were nice saying that it's okay and to enjoy the movie smiling. He smiles at me, " Hopefully, you like Pepsi they were out of Coke." I smile, " It's not a big deal, oh and you didn't miss anything I think the previews are starting now." He sits down getting comfortable when I take a sip of the drink.

Soon, the previews start as the sound goes from zero to 100 in an instant. Sometimes, I wonder if the sound for theaters would be the same as a live concert. They're both really loud. I stop questioning myself as the movie starts playing. During the movie we both watch intensely eating Popcorn. Eating only half of it as the movie ends we stay a little bit longer so we can stretch our legs.

I say, " Hey do you think we can return to the cafe that we went to earlier today so I can get my car. I don't want it to be towed being left alone like that." He smiles while getting up, " Yeah I don't mind." I get up stretching my legs as I grab the drink. We exit the theater making sure we have everything with us, and didn't leave anything behind. Stopping at the Food place we ask for a TO-GO bag and box. The lady hands us a bag and a box. We thank her as we head over to a counter nearby.

Helping out I open the box so Jooyoung can pour the popcorn carefully inside. " Jooyoung make sure to not spill anything." He chuckles, " Why would I spill anything, have you seen my dribbling skills. Pouring popcorn is not that hard." I laugh at him when he starts pouring. Some of the popcorn spills on the floor as I yell at him while smiling. " Jooyoung! You said that you wouldn't spill anything. Ugh!" " Hey it's not my fault that gravity just decided to pour out some of the popcorn." " Really you're blaming this on the popcorn. You're unbelievable."

A few young woman nearby who heard us and started giggling while taking a few photos of us.

" They're so cute."," Aww I hope they will end up together.", " I wonder if they're already dating? "

" Maybe they are secretly dating?", " I wish the guy with the jean jacket was mine. He's so hot." We laugh to ourselves smiling at them before walking away and exiting the cinema.

Driving over to the cafe the night sky had maybe a few stars but it was a clear night for driving. We pull into the parking lot as Jooyoung turns the car off. He unlocks the doors when I get out getting my backpack and closing the door. I walk over to my car and stand leaning against the driver's side. Jooyoung gets out of the car, and walks over to me. " Hey thank you for doing this. You sure you want to drive back now?"

I smile, " I'll be fine alright. I had a nice time tonight." He smiles back walking up to me, " I'm glad you did." I feel my face heating up again but before I know it he leans down placing a kiss on my right cheek. I ask, "What was that for?" He smirks, " No reason." I hit him lightly as he watches me get in my car. He watches me leave as I drive back home.

Checking the time on my radio it reads 9:40 p.m, I thank the heavens that I don't have a morning class or else I would be in trouble. I drive down a few streets making a few turns, and about 20 minutes later I arrive safely back home. I pull into the driveway, and turn the car off. Getting out I grab my backpack, locking up the car and walk up to my house. It's a one story house that suits me at first when I wanted to find a place to stay I didn't want to stay at the university so, I thought about getting a small one story place something that will suit my style and that's not too far away. Unlocking my front door I step inside feeling the AC on.

I lock the door as I take off my backpack. Walking inside I go into the kitchen to grab some water before heading into my room. Turning on the light on the nightstand I close the door, changing into comfortable clothes I slip into my bed feeling the nice blankets. I turn off the light as I feel myself slowly falling asleep. The morning sun wakes me up immediately as I yawn wanting nothing more then to go to back to bed. Checking the time on my phone I see that it says 7:40 a.m. I decide to get up out of bed, and make some breakfast.

I walk down the hallway into the kitchen, opening up the refrigerator I take out a carton of eggs, and a package of bacon. Setting the items aside on the counter I get out a saucepan and cooking oil. I wash my hands and dry them off. Walking over to the stove I turn on the knob on low I pour a little bit of oil in the pan setting the oil aside. I open the carton of eggs and get two eggs out. Cracking on the side of the counter I open the eggs making sure there's no shells in the pan and throw the shells away.

I get a spatula and flip the eggs as soon as they start to cook more. Getting a nearby plate I put the eggs on it, and set the plate on the island. I go over to a knife rack, and pull out a pair of scissors. Walking back over to the island I open up the bacon package, and take out 3 pieces of bacon. Setting them in the pan the bacon immediately starts to cook fast. I start to flip the pieces of bacon over as they cook, and maybe 2 minutes later I grab the plate placing the bacon on there.

Turning off the stove I set the pan in the sink noting to myself that I will have to wash that after I eat. Taking the eggs, and bacon I put them back in the fridge. Putting the oil back in the pantry I grab a fork from the drawer below the island, my plate, and a napkin. Setting the items in the small living room on the table, I walk back in the kitchen to get my glass of water. Taking a few sips I set the glass down next to the plate leaning back against the sofa I start eating. Feeling myself getting full I get up taking my plate and fork with me.

I toss the plate in the trash can, and put the fork in the sink. Going into another drawer I grab a washcloth, turning towards the sink I pick up the bottle of dish soap, and pour some into the cloth. I wash the dishes and dry them off. Putting the dishes away in the right spots, I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. Picking up the remote on the side of the sofa arm, I turn on the TV and lean back against the sofa.

I flip through the other channels not really seeing anything interesting on. About 3 hours later I decide to call up my friends in a video call. Ring- Ring- Ring

Kevin - Hey, we were wondering when you were going to talk to us.

Yuna - Yeah, and why were you busy last night? Were you hanging out with someone was it a date??

Wooyoung - I bet it was that female who is in the Science Department. She met up with you a few days ago asking for an autograph.

I laugh at Wooyoung, " Yeah but she was just a fan of me probably. Also, I was not on a date last night I was hanging out with Jooyoung." Yuna squeals, " I sense a BL coming." Kevin sighs," Yuna it's probably not a BL they're friends." Wooyoung smirks, " I'm agreeing with Yuna. I sense something going on because one your face is bright red. Two you seem to hang out with him a lot more then usual." I sigh, " Guys it's nothing okay maybe I kissed him last night but he's my friend how am I supposed to say to him. Hey I like you a lot Let's go out."

Yuna squeels so loud, " I knew it. I wonder what the ship name will be? On a serious note,

Lee you should be honest with him. Don't let this get locked up anymore then what it already has."

I rub the back of my neck, " I know but it's too hard. You guys know I've never dated anyone before. Last night was my first kiss. I don't know how to go about this. I need help." Yuna says, " Well if you want to really get his attention then maybe start by changing your look. Wear something that he wouldn't expect you to wear. Then, if he tries to get close to you simply play the hard to get game. Don't let him get near you but let him know that you're the only he will be able to look at." Kevin says, " I agree. Let's take you out shopping tomorrow and get you some new clothes." I smile at them still a little worried, " Okay but what happens if this plan fails. What happens if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?"

Wooyoung says, " If he trusts you enough for you guys to be friends for this long then he should trust you during this or he's not really the guy you think he is." I think it through some more, " Okay tomorrow at 2:00 p.m." Kevin suggests," How about I drive and we all ride together?" Yuna smiles, "That's fine with me." Wooyoung says, " I'm in." I smile, " Okay I'll see you guys in a few hours." We all say goodbye before hanging up.

I go in my room and change into some new clothes. I hear a ding on my phone seeing the message was from Jooyoung. " Hey did you get home safely last night?" I reply, " Yeah I wouldn't be texting you if I was dead." He replies, " True. 🙂 " I lock my phone placing it in my pocket and grab my keys. I decide to take a nice drive before I head over to the campus. It is a beautiful day outside when I lock the front door. The cool breeze makes it feel like it's not that hot.

I walk over to my car unlocking it. Opening the door I get in closing the door, and put on my seat belt before starting the engine. I drive off taking different routes before I end up at the beach. The beach that is close by is, "제부도해수욕장". It's a long drive but, it was worth it. Seeing the sky at the beach was beautiful.

There was a few birds that flew by, and not a lot of people were their. Checking the time on my phone I realize it 12:30 p.m, I walk to my car unlocking it as I get inside. I drive back on the highway to the campus thinking about Jooyoung. Pulling up in the student parking lot I park my car, turning off the engine and grab my backpack as I get out locking the car. A few students are walking around the campus some in pairs others in groups. I open the door to the main entrance walking inside I go to the cafeteria.

I see my friends wave at me as I walk over to greet them. " Hey guys sorry I was having some time to myself at the beach." Yuna smiles, " It's okay we weren't waiting too long actually." Kevin sips on his drink before saying, " How is your class going?" I sit down next to Wooyoung, " It's hard but I like it so far. How about you guys?" Kevin smiles, " Biology is going great. The girls in there are so hot." Yuna laughs, " Yeah and you almost failed this pass test without the help from me." Kevin sighs before taking a sip of his drink. Then, everyone in the cafeteria goes silent as the basketball players walk in.

All of the girls are screaming as they walk past a few tables. Even though they aren't wearing their uniforms they still made those girls fall head over heels. I see Jooyoung as a girl walks over to him. She oddly looks familiar to me, as I soon recognize that's the same girl my friends were talking about last night. Meanwhile, beside me Wooyoung seems to be staring off into space as he sees one of the basketball players who looks over at him and winks.

I don't look at Jooyoung anymore instead I tap Wooyoung's shoulder " Hey are you okay?" He snaps out of his trance, " Uh yeah I'm fine." I ask, " Hey do you still like to play basketball?" Before he could answer Jooyoung and his buddies stops at our table. The guy that was winking says, " Hey we are a having a few tryouts today do any of you want to come?"

Kevin says, " No thanks man Bio is already hard enough for me." Yuna says, " I don't know how to play sorry." Jooyoung says, " I already know the answer for you. " I look at him as he has a smirk on his face. I look down at the table when the guy says, " So what about you?" Wooyoung looks at him, " It's been a while since I've played." The guy says, " Well if you come I'll help you and maybe show you some skills of mine." Wooyoung nods at him, " I'll think about it."

Jooyoung says, " I'll see you later Lee." I smile at him, " Okay." He smiles as his buddies tell him to go. They all leave the cafeteria as I try to remain calm. Yuna says, " You guys are very close." I sigh, " Yeah." Yuna smiles, " But I might be sensing another romance." Wooyoung shakes his head, " I don't know what you are thinking about."

Kevin gets a text message and says, " Sorry guys I gotta take this." He gets up and leaves the cafeteria. I smile, " He must be talking to his future lover." Yuna sighs while putting her elbow on the table, " I envy you guys. I haven't found anyone yet I'm surrounded by couples." Wooyoung smiles at Yuna, " You'll find someone Yuna. Don't worry." Yuna smiles back, " Thanks Wooyoung."

Soon, the bell rings as everyone gets up to go to their afternoon classes. I say my goodbye to my friends grabbing my backpack as we all head to our classes. I walk up the stairs down the hallway and open the classroom. Everyone is waiting for Professor Min. I walk up to the steps and make my way towards my seat.

I take off my backpack and take out my notebook and pencil. Professor Min walks in the classroom as we stand up bowing our heads. " Good afternoon. Did you all look over your topic?" " Yes!" " You still have another day to finish the assignment. Now what I want to talk about with you is the first person who defined the odds at a great risk but had a major condition."

" Does anyone know who this person is? You might've seen the movie?" Everyone shakes their head. " The movie is called The Theory of Everything. It's a true story about what happened to the Physicist Stephen Hawkins, I will be showing you this film now but if there's anyone who might feel uncomfortable with certain scenes you can step out there won't be any points taken away."

Everyone stays silent as he walks over to his desk pulling out of the bottom drawer a DVD. On the side of the computer he puts it in, getting up he pulls down the white board and turns off the lights. During the movie there was a few scenes where I felt like crying. I took some notes as the movie played on just in case if I forgot anything. After watching the film the bell rings as Professor Min says, " Class is dismissed. I hope everyone enjoyed this and let me know if you have any questions about the film." I leave the classroom bowing my head while, saying goodbye walking out of the building to drive home.

Wooyoung's P.O.V.

I walk over to the gym after my class ends seeing, a lot of students are sitting on the benches. I feel nervous still but, try to stay calm. Walking over to a nearby bench I sit and wait for further instructions. The basketball players soon come walking in from the locker room. The captain says, " Alright today we will be seeing if you guys will qualify for our team. We are looking for someone who has great teamwork, and is very skilled. You guys will line up into two teams, after throwing a coin both teams will pick either heads or tails. We will be observing you all today and how you play. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone yells, " Yes sir." Then, after tossing the coin and picking head or tails we start playing. As we start playing this one guy kept pushing me down the whole game. I probably have so many bruises from him, granted he was more skilled but doesn't he know how to play fair.

After, everyone leaves I stay behind sitting on a bench. The guy who winked at me walks over to me. " Hey you alright? I saw you playing you did pretty good." " Thanks. It was rough playing with that one guy. I probably have so many bruises from him." He walks over to me putting his hand on my shoulder, " You'll be fine just add ice if it still hurts." I smile at him, " Thank you. What's your name? I never got it at the cafeteria. " He smiles, " My name is Daesun." I smile at him, " My name is Wooyoung." We smile at each other before we walk out of the gym together.