Wynter Ryne

"Test it out, I don't want to have to lie to the board committee once again," Brandon stated and got up leaving the room. Rhegal turned in his chair while hugging his legs.

"Well I guess, no date then," and just as he said so an incoming call from Chandler Sven came through to the phone he bought and which Toby linked to Chyler's account. He looked at it and froze.

Toby shifted over and grinned at Rhegal who paled. Toby nudged him and swiped so the call came through.

"Hey, Chyler?"

"H-hi?" he answered nervously. Toby started laughing but stifled his laugh when he was kicked. He shook his head and got up, "Let's head to Wendall's, I'm hungry, you can talk to your boyfriend while we walk," Toby said as he followed.

"Boyfriend?" Chandler hummed.

"Ignore him… Why did you call?"

Chandler, "You missed our date."

Rhegal, "I thought it was just to eat in-game, didn't consider it one."

Chandler, "That hurts! So let's reschedule."

Rhegal, "Oh alright, hold on."

Rhegal looked up at the menu as Toby made his order, "Toby order me two double cheese burgers and a chicken wrap with an orange soda," Rhegal said and went over to a table where he sat down and returned to the call.

Rhegal, "So when?"

Chandler, "How about after you have lunch? We could go hunting to work up an appetite."

Rhegal, "Oh online? Well, I can't make it. We were told to kill my account so I don't know anymore but I'll see what Toby comes up with… how about I get back to you?"

Chandler, "What?"

Rhegal, "Yeah, I'll call you. Toby you asshole!"

"Shut up you, you pretty person," Toby said teasing Rhegal. Rhegal didn't know that the call didn't end and just went on eating after thinking he shut it off.

Toby, "What did lover boy say?"

Rhegal, "I missed our date."

Toby, "How boring… anyways, we need to talk about our plans… hand me your phone."

After he did, Toby took it from him and frowned noticing the call was still ongoing. He ended it and threw his thoughts to the back of his head.

On Chandler's end, he frowned since he wanted to know why Chyler was being terminated. He got up from his chair and looked around at everyone in his guild who were doing their duties. He too was a member of LORD Technologies but only because he signed on after her went pro.

Rhegal and Toby went over what needed to be done when they got back to the lab. Toby programmed the account card once again and they launched it. Rhegal got into the pod and found himself where he last logged off in the Central Heavenly Kingdom.

He opened a private arena and went it. Inside he sat down on the plain looking arena, "I'm here, what now?"

Following Toby's instructions, they override the system. The beam started at his head and went down to his feet. His long hair became short into a black bob. His race turned from Elven to human, Rhegal's crown was removed from his forehead and embedded on the back of his neck. The thorn-like vines on his legs was removed and became a bracelet on each of his legs at the thighs. His gender was returned to that of a man, the one-sleeved black crop top turned to a two sleeved crop top and his black shorts remained the same.

The ring of Chyler was renamed as 'Rhegal's Flaw' and the bracelet became an earring that hung on his left ear lobe. A final item was added to his nose, a black stud that was named 'Rhegal's Secret' which was the item that kept him in stealth mode always unless deactivated.

During this time, the members of the Sword Master Guild received a notification:

System Notification:

It has been a great honour working alongside our lost member 'Chyler Ryker'

The notification left everyone confused even those of other guilds but because there were questions and complaints thrown towards LORD concerning her character. But now that Chyler was gone? Did it mean that LORD sorted it out? And just as they were thinking this, a notification popped up in the public forum, notifying them all that it was a test run of a program.

Rhegal received the notification while he was checking his stats and dismissed the notifications and blocked all and everything from coming through to him except Toby's. He pulled up his character stats and frowned:

Name: Wynter Ryne

Title: Executioner

HP: 60/100

Level: 15

MP: 100/100

EXP: 100/100

Stamina: 5/5

Skill Points: 0

Str: 5/5

Int: 4/5

Agility: 5/5

Coins: Bronze () Silver () Gold (10)

"Toby, why isn't my name Threat?" he asked with a growl.

"Because my dear Wynter, its best you start from fresh… how about you start practising with your spear and sword with your new stats. Humans don't have what the Elven race has so you will have to work for it and figure out shortcuts. I'll download plays, recordings of previous games and the works but remember, you're the only one in this entire game with multiple weapons, so be careful not to let others find out," he said.

"Okay so how am I going to do that?" he asked annoyed while walking out of the arena.

"Solo a dungeon in the lower realm. Head back to Paragon and find the easiest dungeon to work on… after that you can head to the mercenary guild," Toby suggested. Rhegal went to the teleportation array and hitched a ride paying thirty silver.

Stepping out of the array, Wynter looked around and found nobody walking around accept a few NPC's. Wynter walked forward towards the mayor's office. Knocking on the door he heard a 'come in' and stepped into the small office.

He sat down on the chair and waited as the petite woman smiled at the paper her hand was scribbling something on. A ring was heard and she picked up the phone. After placing it down, she looked at Wynter, "The mayor will see you now."