
Wynter got up and walked through the door that opened. She saw the half-human half beast-man sitting behind the desk. He motioned him to sit down.

The half-human half beast-man looked at Wynter with a smile and asked, "What can I do for you young man?"

"If it's not too much of a problem, I was wondering if mayor could help me with something," he said.

The mayor looked on at him intrigued and asked, "What is it son?"

"Well, my sister and I have been travelling for quite some time and I've run out of money to sustain us. Might the mayor of Paragon have any odd jobs for me to do?" Wynter asked ever so humbly.

The mayor looked at him for a moment then took out a folder from his desk. He looked up at Wynter again checking his stats and saw his title 'Executioner'. He gave Wynter a once over again wondering how was it that he got the title.

After giving it a thought, he got up and walked over to a painting behind his desk and took it off. Behind the painting was safe that he opened and took out a black box. Sitting back down with the black box in front of him, he looked up at Wynter and said, "We have characters and NPC's disobeying the laws so with the number of coins you acquire after turning them in, you'll be paid. Everything you will need is inside this box."

System Notification:

'Wynter Ryne' you've been tasked with the duty of returning all badges from the offenders. Good Luck and we at the Union hope you achieve greatness.

Wynter got up and took the box handed to him. Taking in a deep breath he opened the box and details of all the characters he needed to obtain. He sighed seeing the number of characters he needed to kill.

Sighing he thanked the mayor and left. He followed Toby's directions to the closest dungeon, the Ant's Farm. On his way, he passed hills and more while he went over the names, locations and guilds they belong to.

His steps halted when he notice a notification. Clicking on it, he saw that it was an Executioners list that had all the characters on it that he executed already, need to execute and the number of coins he'd get for killing them.

Incoming Call: Sword Master Guild – Chandler Sven (Accept) / (Decline)

Wynter sighed and rolled his eyes as a second notification came up.

System Notification:

You have entered the Ant's Farm.

Accepting the call, he remained silent because he didn't want to trigger anything. Pulling up the keyboard he typed "Hello."

Chandler, "Chyler?"

Wynter: Yes

Chandler, "Your name changed?"

Wynter: Yes

Chandler, "Why aren't you speaking?"

Wynter: In dungeon, can't speak.

Chandler, "Oh sorry, which dungeon?"

Wynter: Ant Farm

Chandler, "That's a low-level dungeon, you won't level up."

Wynter: Practice not level

Chandler, "Why don't you let me be your practise partner?"

Wynter: Haha

Chandler, "I'm serious."

Wynter: We can spar when we have the chance, but I need to practise.

He walked through the farm and accidentally stepped on a trigger that sent a windy wave through the first level of the Ant Farm which notified the warriors that he was here.

He pressed the record button since Toby wanted to see how he would do. His left hand lit up and a spear formed in his hand. Stabbing forward he went from ant to ant dealing lethal blows.

"Chandler, are you straight?" Wynter asked after staying silent for a good while defeating the warriors.

"Uh… yes, why are you suddenly asking?" he answered confused.

"Well, because you keep asking to go out with me and I'm a guy…" Wynter trailed while switching to a sword.

Chandler didn't answer Rhegal but stayed on the line. He could hear Rhegal's continuous breathing as he fought one ant after another. Chandler folded his arms across his blue chest of scales as he watched on at his subordinates take down the Chaos Bringer Zeroth in the upper world.

When Wynter cleared the area he looked around and made a call to Toby after stopping the recording and emailing it off to Toby at the same time.

"Hey I got your video," Toby answered enthusiastically.

Walking down a narrow path, Rhegal said, "Yeah I know, I sent it to you but I need your help with something."

Toby, "What's up?"

"I was still on Chandler's call list, is it supposed to be like that?" he asked.

"Well, you never asked me to remove yourself so yeah," Toby answered.

"You never asked so how was I supposed to know, even I forgot about him!" he answered.

"Is that all?" Toby asked amused.

"No, is Mother of Love complete?" he asked curiously.

"No why?" he answered.

"Oh, well, I can't fight with my spear or sword sometimes, I just thought that Mother of Love could help," he answered then typed out on the keyboard, "Chandler is still on the line, I need a short sword or knife."

Toby: You're letting him listen in?

Rhegal: He didn't end the call.

Toby: Do you know that he technically works for LORD

Rhegal: Technically?

Toby: Yeah, just as a pro player.

Rhegal: Shouldn't I have?

Toby: It's not like he can prove shit.

Rhegal: I told him I was male.

Toby: Nice!

Toby: What did he say?

Rhegal: He's been silent ever since.

Toby: I see. So we need to run over a lot of things, how far are you?

Rhegal: Level 2

Toby: I'm watching the video now, you've got a pretty good handle on the Spear, I'd love to see you use the Sword… I'll work on your short sword/knife and I can't wait to see you in action as the nun :D

Rhegal shook his head and his left hand shone. The white gold sword with the black diamonds in the handle appeared and he pressed record. Wynter rushed off to the warriors that attacked and started slicing them down.

"Chandler, I know you're still there… if you aren't going to speak, you might as well just end the call," Rhegal stated annoyed.

"So, it ends here then," he answered.

"Up to you," he answered with a roll of his eyes.

"Okay," Chandler answered and ended the call. He was really interested in finding out who this Chyler Ryker was but now after finding out that she is a he, he wasn't so interested anymore but after listening in on Toby and Rhegal's short conversation about him, he was interested again.

To him, it seemed like Rhegal wasn't interested in him and it was actually obviously so but then again, what was Mother of Love and when he looked back at how Chyler looked, he didn't see any manly features, so what was really going on?

He turned to his side and looked at the upper rankers working beside him and asked, "Have any of you met a man that looks like a woman, doesn't sound like either but interests you?"

The Elven Witch beside him nodded her head, "Yes, why?"

He turned to look at them pull the drops from Chaos Bringer Zeroth answering, "I think I met one but I don't know how to go about communicating with him since I thought he was a woman in the beginning. I asked him out two times already and now that I found out that she as actually he, I don't know."

"Don't be an asshole! Just go on the date with him since it's your fault, to begin with," she sassed as she walked away.

The knight Siren patted him on the back grinning, "I heard that gay sex is good and I've been meaning to try it out, but since you have the opportunity, you can tell me how it feels."

A Dwarf burst out laughing beside them and crashed on the floor. The guild members near them stifled their laughs while looking at the dumbfounded expression on Chandler's face. Chandler angrily swatted the Siren's hand away and walked off grumbling to himself.