"May you be in peace and not leave in pieces. Whichever God you worship, may he be with you because right now, you'll need him." Rhegal read out loud while eating sharing a meal with Brandon and Toby.
Brandon stared at his two asshole employees who were ruining his lunch with their horror stories but he didn't say anything since the two of them were the ones currently bringing in money like it was being vomited out.
"Brandon, what do you think?" Toby asked.
"Well, I think that the two of you need to be exorcized since you two have been talking about the dead since Rhegal's arrival. How far are the two of you with the game?" he asked avoiding their question.
"Oh, we're 97% complete… I actually want to model an NPC after Rhegal so that he doesn't have to switch between the NPC character and Wynter Ryne. I also am pretty happy with the amount of exp he gained through being the executioner… with all these characters and NPC's falling the gold coming in his amazing. So but to start the process, I need to literally have his voice programmed into the NPC, his walk, the way he moves and many other things," Toby rambled on.
"Did you add the sound of wind blowing through the trees?" Rhegal interrupted him. Toby paused and looked at him. His mind quickly raced then he nodded.
"Rhegal, you've become notorious in-game, has anyone tried to contact you since then?" Brandon asked before Toby could go on.
"Yes, all guilds even the undead guild but I've blocked all their requests and shit. I've been invited and offered money but whatever," he answered.
"Yeah, he's like super famous too since he keeps levelling, some say he is a bug too but no one not even LORD knows who he is. There's also many who wrote stories about him, fanfictions and conspiracies… some clever characters or people connected the dots between Wynter and the executions," Toby added.
"It's not like I give a shit, they can't see me…" Rhegal answered.
"Yes but the system can and I've picked up that you have been scanned many times also Brandon was phoned and asked if we were up to no good," Toby asked.
Rhegal looked over at Brandon who took a sip of his coffee and said, "That's true but I know you two are behaving so I said I don't know who you are… we were also asked to investigate along with others."
"Why didn't Chandler say anything?" Rhegal asked Toby. Toby shrugged, "Maybe he likes you?"
Rhegal rolled his eyes deciding to contact Chandler later on.
Getting into the pod, the system started up and he was back in the church he called home. Walking through the alter, he stopped in front and closed the gate by the alter and lit up the candles scattered about.
When he was done, he sat down by one of the benches in front and said his prayer. To him, this wasn't much but it was enough. He opened his eyes and looked through his contacts. Toby previously blocked Chandler from making and further contact with Rhegal and now that he unblocked him, Rhegal could contact him.
Scrolling through all the characters names, he found the search bar and typed in 'Sword Master Chandler Sven'.
The previous call log showed up and showing that they last spoke over a month ago and there were unread messages and missed calls that Chandler left.
Taking in a deep breath, he pressed the call button waiting for it to be answered. The call ran three times before he ended it and swiped the screen away.
He got up and started walking, leaving his home to look about in his garden. He picked the fruit off the trees and the vegetables in the garden that he started cultivating to sell to chefs and guilds.
His screen popped up with an incoming call from Chandler.
Rhegal, "Hey."
Chandler, "Stranger! You finally unblocked me."
Rhegal, "Yeah sorry about that, I needed the peace and quiet."
Chandler, "I didn't know I was making a noise."
Rhegal, "Haha yeah sorry."
Chandler, "So what have you been up to?��
Rhegal, "Just been busy in and out of the game, you?"
Chandler, "I've been busy, the guilds been needing loads of materials and money so we've been hard at work."
Rhegal, "So the guild master does work too?"
Chandler, "Well I don't want to be bored besides playing in-game is bae."
Rhegal, "I see…"
Chandler, "uh, so I know I shouldn't ask this but, what is your name?"
Rhegal, "Why?"
Chandler, "I just wanted to know… I thought Chyler was your name due to its uniqueness then I thought it was Wynter but my gut is telling me that your name isn't either of the two."
Rhegal, "Haha, no sure, they aren't my names but I have siblings named Chyler, Ryker, Wynter and Ryne."
Chandler, "So there's five of you?"
Rhegal, "Na, twelve to be exact."
Chandler, "Are you serious?"
Rhegal, "Yes."
Chandler, "Must be fun."
Rhegal, "Yes it was and I miss them so much… I haven't been home in two weeks."
Chandler, "How so?"
Rhegal, "Well, they live on the outskirts and I'm working inland so, yeah…"
Chandler, "Can we meet up?"
Rhegal, "Why?"
Chandler, "I really want to meet you and get to know you."
Rhegal, "Oh well sure then… I guess we could."
Chandler, "Are you free now?"
Rhegal, "Somewhat, we can meet up."
Chandler, "Okay, where are you?"
Rhegal, "At home."
Chandler, "Your online home?"
Rhegal, "Yes, I'll send you my coordinates."
Chandler, "I'll see you soon."
Rhegal ended the call feeling his heart race. He quickly got up from where he was kneeling and dusted off his clothes. Looking down at his clothes he shook his head. He deactivated his nose ring so that he could be seen.
He walked into the church to place down the baskets of fruit and vegetables while he contacted his clients to inform them that he had their ingredients ready.
They exchanged the money and the ingredients through the mail.
A loud roar came from outside the church startling him. He quickly ran out and saw the handsome Dragonkin master standing near the church with the company. A Dryad Elementalist, a Siren Warlock and a human Elementalist.
A frown played on his face as he walked over to them. The human Elementalist whistled staring at him then nudged Chandler. Chandler nervously rubbed his neck nervously as he looked at Wynter walk towards him.
He stopped before them scanning them over while bringing up their character stats and other information on the LORD web about them.
He waved, "Hey."
"You live in a church?" the Dryad asked confused as he ran up to the place but couldn't get in. Rhegal turned to look at him then he ignored him turning his attention back to Chandler.
"They forced their way through the array so I couldn't stop them," he said as he scanned Wynter's body and stats.
Wynter shrugged and folded his hands across his chest, "I don't really care but let's go for a walk… just the two of us."
"Oh yes please, we don't mind," the Warlock laughed.
The two walked away, towards a hill, "Chandler, I contacted you because I know you work for LORD, and I've been wondering why you never told them that I am Chyler… why have you remained silent this entire time."
"Didn't I tell you before that I was interested in you, have you forgotten?" Chandler said then placed his hand over his mouth forgetting that that was supposed to be a secret.