Bet [Jeon Jungkook]

It was 5:48 in the morning when you heard a knock on your apartment door. Stumbling out of bed, you rubbed your eyes to get the crust out. Who the heck is at my door so early in the flipping morning? You thought to yourself as you shuffled towards the door.

On the other side stood your boyfriend, dressed up in shorts and a white tee, holding two pieces of paper in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him, letting him come again.

"Surprise!" He said excitedly, kissing you on the cheek which took you by surprise.

Anything took you by surprise, to be honest. At the moment, you were half asleep, trying your best to keep your eyes open to look at your boyfriend.

"What?" You asked, in the midst of confusion.

"I got us tickets for Disney World!" He waved the paper in your face, and a little part of you wanted to kick him out just so you could catch more sleep.

"Baby, that's great. But do you know what time it is?" You yawned, walking away from him and back to your bedroom.

Jungkook follows behind, getting in bed with you. Your back is to his chest as he spoons you. "I just wanted to see your expression. I know it's your favorite place," he whispered, tightening his hold on you.

You hummed in response, showing him you were listening, even if it was just words going in your ears right now.

"I love you." He kissed your exposed neck.

"I know, Kook. I love you, too," you replied back before going back to sleep again.

When you woke up again, it was 8. The sun had already peaked. You felt around the bed, planning to find your phone but instead came in contact with flesh. Next to you laid a sleeping Jungkook. His mouth was slightly gapped open, his bunny teeth peeking out.

You let him sleep a while longer; waking him up now would not be the grandest of ideas. Rummaging through your closet, you managed to find a clean shirt and a pair of shorts, making a mental note to do the laundry or else you'd officially run out of clean clothes.

You let the shower run until it was warm enough to step in. In the loudness of your humming and the water running, you didn't notice Jungkook sneaking in the shower with you. A pair of arms slipped around your soapy waist. You slightly jumped up, but Jungkook's deep morning voice caused relief to wash over you.

"Why didn't you wake me up to take a shower with you? Saving water is important," he said, grabbing the shampoo and pouring a bit on your head.

"You were sleeping so adorably, I couldn't wake you up. Plus, I figured you needed all the energy you could get for Disney World today." You motioned Jungkook to turn around so you could scrub his back, and get a peek at his nice butt.

"I can feel you staring at my ass," he said, which made you snap out of it. You blushed as Jungkook turned around and got a good look at you.

"You stare at my ass all the time!" The water was almost running cold. And you realized how long you had stayed in the showers. You managed to wash off the shampoo from your hair and the soap on your body before wrapping yourself up in a towel and leaving Kook with the cold water.

"Correction, your ass is mine." You smiled and at the same time turned a bright red at his words.

"Don't increase my water bill," you replied back, walking out of the bathroom to change in the bedroom. While walking away, it was positive you could feel Jungkook looking at your butt.

You found a pair of undergarments that went while with your high waisted shorts and sleeveless top. Kook opened the bathroom door just as you slipped on your shorts, allowing him to get a glimpse of your black lace undies.

"Damnit, I missed the show," he said, causing you to turn around to see the glory that was the golden maknae. Standing in just a towel that was wrapped around his waist, Jeon Jungkook almost made you not even want to leave the bedroom.

"Hurry up, slowpoke. I want to get there early!" You told him, grabbing a string bag and putting in the essentials. Portable chargers, wallet, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses...

"It's like a 5-minute drive down to Disney World," he said.

"There's parking, and making it into the park, and waiting in line for the rides!"

Jungkook closed the bathroom door and held you close to his body. "Baby, relax. We'll get there."

He kissed your forehead and all the simple, unnecessary worries disappeared.

In the blazing hot sun, standing in line for Space Mountain was so not the move. You could tell that Kook was getting a little impatient with how slowly the line was moving, the heat of the sun added on.

"How much longer?" He whined.

You chuckled, wiping away a strand of hair that stuck onto his forehead. "Just a while longer."

The line moved by a couple of centimeters and you gave him another reassuring smile. That's probably the most frustrating thing about theme parks; waiting in line was a struggle. Fast passes are a thing, sure, but is the extra money really worth it?

Despite the heat that was annoying the two of you, Jungkook hugged you from behind, putting his head on your shoulder.

He yawned into the crook of your neck. "You should've slept a little more," you teased.

"And skip out on showering with you? No way," he said, quietly so no one around would hear.

The line moved again and you could almost see the place where the actual ride was.

"Remind me to buy fast passes next time," Jungkook said to you.

"Not worth the money," you replied to him.

"This wait is not worth it," he said. "Plus, the money is not a problem."

You glared at him in a disappointing way. You never really liked it whenever he boasted about his money status, it made you feel lower than him, even if he didn't mean to make you feel that way. He quickly took notice and said something else to make up for it.

"No fast pass. But, you can't stop me from spending my money on the things I want to." He pulled you a little closer to his body.


"And yes, that means you."

You discreetly rolled your eyes. It felt like such a sugar daddy relationship with you two. You told Jungkook that you didn't need him to buy you pretty or expansive things, but he always insists. You wouldn't give him up for the world, though.

The two of you were the next ones to get on the ride. Jungkook was just a bursting bubble of happiness; it was like going to the theme park with your little brother and not your boyfriend.

"What do you wanna do after this?" He asked you.

"Find a place with AC. The heat is way too much for me."

"Sorry, I'm here." It took a second for the joke to settle in, and once it did, you stared at Kook with the most revolted look ever.

"That was so bad." You commented.

"But you liked it," he replied.

The ride returned back to the station. The gate was opening, and instead of answering Kook, you got in your seat.

"Whoever screams first loses," he said.

"What does the winner get?" You asked.

The ride attendants were going around and checking to see if the harnesses were safely secured.

"Loser has to buy the winner anything they want here," he said.

It was such a simple bet. And you really wanted a pair of mouse ears.

"Deal," you said as the ride took off.

You bit your lip as an attempt to hold in the scream that wanted to escape your lips at the drop. When you did hear a scream, it came from Jungkook and not you.

You gleamed proudly after the ride as your boyfriend tried to play it off.

"That scream came from a bee being near me and not the ride," he said.

"You still screamed first though," you smirked.

"But between the two of us, we all know who screams the loudest," Jungkook smirked back which caused your eyes to widen and a slap on his arm.


"What? It's the truth."

You groaned, causing Jungkook to pull you into his arms and kiss the top of your head. "I like that sound too."

"I swear to-"

His lips landed on yours and your train of thought disappeared.

"Now, what does my baby girl want?"


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.