But the question will always remain in her heart; does he love her? She typed onto the laptop in front of her. All the quick glances, the sweet nothings, the 'what's up' texts, did they ever mean anything?
She sighed, stopping to give her arms a stretch then quickly placing her fingers back on the keyboard again. But this time her mind went blank. What else was there to say without everything sounding so redundant. Rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes, she got up to get some food.
Her roommate comes through the door as she grabs a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge.
"Hi," she said to him.
"Hey," he replied back.
She wanted to say more. But after what happened that night, everything was just too confusing and hard to figure out.
Without saying anything else, she twists the cap back on the bottle and takes it with her back into her room.
She stares at her laptop screen for what feels like hours. Almost until her mind has melted and everything starts to numb up. She pushes aside the laptop and hops into the shower.
As she's relieving stress in the showers, he walks into her room. Min Yoongi places down a rose on her table, a little paper flap attached. The light of the laptop catches his eyes.
This must be her newest story, he thinks, reading what she has so far. Until he reaches the end, "...did they ever mean anything?"
His heart clenches as he types, It did. She never knew how much he loved her back.
Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.