I Like You [Park Jimin]

2:30 pm. Last class of the day. I grab my notebook and pack it up into my bag, grab my phone, and leave the class. For a November afternoon, the weather was still cool. Sweater weather.

Walking back to my dorm room, I run into the first Uni friend I made. Park Jimin.

"Hey," he cheerfully said. He looked a little out of breath. His cheeks were puffy and a little red.

"Did you wake up late again?" I teased.

"I pulled an all-nighter writing a stupid psychology essay!" He retorted back.

I laughed at how sensitive he could get.

"What was the topic?" I asked.

"The signs of falling in love." His eyes turned a little serious. I automatically felt a shift in the atmosphere.

To relieve the pounding in my heart, I gave his arm a little push and let out a breathy laugh.

"At least you finish," I smiled.

His serious facial expression went back to the mochi Jimin.

"I have class. But let's hang out tonight."

I nodded eagerly. "Just text me!"

He looked like a little kid running away, laughing and waving me bye.

Honestly, Jimin is gorgeous. He's friendly, loveable, funny. When I first got to campus, he caught my eyes but I never thought we'd end up being best friends. It still surprises me how he doesn't have a girlfriend. Jimin's the whole package.

I took off my sweater right as I closed my dorm room. I grab a loose-fitting shirt from my drawer and put it on. My back hits the bed, and I automatically knock out.

The constant buzzing of my phone was what woke me up. Jimin's name flashed on the screen, along with a picture of the two of us as his contact picture.

"Hey," I yawned into the mic.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked, chuckling.


"I kept on texting you, but you didn't answer. So I decided to call. I'm at the cafe right now."

"Shit, what time is it?"

"Around 7."

I shot up from the bed, feeling the cold hit my skin from the blanket slipping off.

"Give me ten minutes, I'll be there I swear."

"I'll be waiting."

I hung up and quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face. Inconveniently, it was a shared bathroom and located at the end of the hall. I found a pair of sweats in my drawer and the sweater I was wearing this morning and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Grabbing my phone, keys, and locking my dorm room door, I left with five minutes to spare.

"For a second there, I thought you weren't going to show up."

I was breathing heavily, catching the breath that I lost running to the cafe.

"It's cold. I should've just stayed in my warm room," I teased.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't have shown up," Jimin teased me back.

I smiled, changing the topic to drinks.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I waved to him.

We were parting in different directions so I turned around and started to walk off, but a hand on my wrist stopped me.

I turned around to see Jimin's puffy face. It looked like he was out of breath even though he didn't move a single step. I got pulled into his chest and suddenly all I heard was the sound of his heart against my ear. If only he could hear how loud my heart was pounding, too.

I pulled away, suddenly feeling out of breath too.

"What are-"

"I like you," he said in one breath.

I stared, a little blankly, emotionless, but I felt heat rush to my cheeks.


"You don't have to respond to me right now. I just wanted to tell you."

"Jimin, I-"

"I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah?"


"Nope. Hush. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" Jimin waved, walking around from me.

I gave his back a small smile, really wanting to answer him.

"Good night"

In my dark dorm room, Jimin's text message popped out at me like a lightning bolt.

I reread it over and over again. Then I typed, "Night."

He answered quicker than I thought he would. "Still up?"

"Yeah, can't sleep."


I fiddled with my keyboard, not really knowing what else to say. Were things too awkward now? Were they back to normal?

"I'm thinking about what this one girl's answer will be."

My heart skipped a beat. My breath got caught in my lungs.

"What do you think she'll say?"

"I like you."

And suddenly I had the impulse to get to his place and tell him what I've been really feeling. Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed my keys and drove to his dorm.

I knocked, repeatedly. Taehyung, his roommate opened up the door, his hair looked ruffed up, and his eyes were half-closed.

"Is Jimin here?" I asked, out of breath.


"It's too cold for you to come here without a jacket on." Taehyung walked back into his room, leaving me and Jimin.

"I like you," I confessed to him.

"It's way too cold for you to be here without a jacket," he said again.

"Is that all I'm getting out of you?" I dryly laughed.

Jimin walked up to me, placed his warm hands on my cold cheeks, and kissed me.

"I like you, too," he said against my lips.


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.