Those Parties [Kim Taehyung]

High school party. Loud music. Flashing lights. Crowed room. Alcohol and a smoke scented place.

But here you were, you don't know why you were, but here you were.

"Can we just leave?" You asked your best friend who already picked up a random red cup off the counter.

"Don't be such a party pooper! The party's just getting started!" She gulped down the entire cup, cheered, then walked away. Leaving you feeling confused and a little uncomfortable.

You cringe as you see people making out literally everywhere you look. So many people, gross.

Tap on your shoulder causes you to turn around. Your face meets with someone's chest. You look up to see that infamous box smile and blonde hair.

"You look lost," he said.

"T-Taehyung," you stuttered out.

He nodded. "Guess I'm kind of popular, huh?"

Kim Taehyung was largely known as the party boy in your school. The guy who breaks girl's hearts and never looks back. You always managed to avoid him, forgot about his existence even. But for some reason, under the flashing lights of the room, all those bad qualities went away.

"Just kinda," you smile.

"Wanna get out of here? You look as uncomfortable as I feel," he suggested.

You nod your head. He grabs your hand and drags you out into the backyard.

"Thought that was your scene?" You asked him, taking a seat on the wet grass.

He shrugged. "Same old things. Gets boring sometimes." He took a seat next to you. "What were you doing there though?"

You shrugged. "I don't even know. My friend asked me to go and I had nothing better to do."

He laughed. "That's a great reason."

You laughed along. "I know, fantastic."

Out from the bushes, a couple stumbles out. Clearly drunk. Their clothes, not correctly put on.

"Oh shit," the guy muttered.

His girlfriend was just giggling next to him. Until her eyes landed on Taehyung. She stumbled her way over to him and slapped him across the face.

Taehyung stared at her in disbelief as her boyfriend was tugging her away from the scene.

Even in the darkness, a faint of red shown.

"That sounded like it hurt," I said, leaning in a little closer to see how red it was.

"Trust me, it feels that way too," he said.

Taehyung placed his hand on his cheek, wincing as he did it.

"Why did she slap you anyways?" You asked.

"We hooked up. She got mad when I said I wanted to end it." He shrugged.

"Oh." You look down at the ground, all those bad habits of his flooding back into your mind.

"I think I should go." You suddenly stand up, but Taehyung grabs onto your wrist.

"Wait, don't leave yet."

You look down to where he had grabbed you, then you looked at his face.

"Shit, you're bleeding!"

Taehyung quickly lets go of your hand and searches his face. "Where?"

"Let's get you a bandage."

You and Taehyung walk back inside the house. Taehyung leads you to the bathroom because clearly you didn't know your way.

From the cabinet, you take the first aid kit out and open it on the sink. You instruct Taehyung to sit on the toilet as you clean the cut.

"Her nails must have been extra sharp," you muttered, dabbing the cut with cleaning alcohol.

Taehyung winced but stayed still. "Hundred dollars worth of fake nails get to get it ruined by scratching me. Her fault."

After a few more dabbing, I got a bandage and placed it on his face.

"There you go. Good as new," you smile, throwing away the bandage wrapper into the trash can.

"Thanks," he smiled at you.

You put back the kit into the cabinet. When you look at Taehyung again, you notice him looking at you.

"What?" Your hands reflexively go to your face. "Is there something on my face?"

Taehyung smiled. "No, it's just that...never mind. It's nothing."

You give him a funny expression but let the conversation go.

"I think we should get back to the party," you said.

"I wish we could stay here till it's over," Taehyung muttered.

You didn't answer cause well, how would someone respond to that.

You open the bathroom door and is face to face with a drunk guy.

He looks like you with a weird expression, then he noticed Taehyung behind you.

"Aye, V!" He shouted.

He looked back at you. Then at Taehyung. Then at you again. An idea forming in his head.

You feel an arm wrap around your waist and a chest at your back.

"Say what's on your mind and I'll beat you to a pulp. She's not like the others," Taehyung said to him.

The guy quickly sobered up a little and walked away from us.

"That was..." you said, watching after the drunk guy stumbling away.

"Sorry. People are assholes."

Taehyung's arm was still wrapped around your waist.

You take a step forward and he lets go.

"Sorry," Taehyung said, scratching the back of his neck.

You smiled. "It's fine. Thanks for the save with that creep."

You two awkwardly stand there as there's nothing else left to say. Unspoken words behind the space.

"So, I should go look for my friend. It was nice talking to you," you tell him.

"You too. I hope I see you around more often," he smiled at you. That box smile.

You smile back and walk away. His eyes on your every movement.

You walk back down to the living room to find that there are tons of more people at the party. When did it get this large? There was barely space to walk.

You notice your best friend grinding on some guy in the corner and decided that it'd be best if you didn't bother her.

Maybe walking home would be the correct action right now. Yeah, walking home.

Walking for who knows how long in the middle night home, damnit.

Maybe that wasn't the best action.

What to do, you asked yourself.

The heat from everyone in the room and how it was the middle of summer at night, your throat becomes a little dry.

You go to the fridge to find water bottles. These can't possibly be drugged.

You take one and sip down almost half the bottle. You randomly placed it somewhere, knowing you weren't going to drink it again.

You walk back out to the living room. It's much for hazy more. The room starts spinning. And the music gets annoyingly louder. Who drugs water??? What is wrong with the people here?! Ugh.

You start to lose your balance. And start feeling around for the wall and help maintain vision.

I have to find Taehyung. I have to ask him to take me home. The only person that's trustable here.

You find the stairs and it was the hardest thing ever walking up those. You cling onto the railings like it was your lifeline.

"Taehyung!" You shouted when you reached the top.

No one bothered to look at you. No one cared to.

You start to open random doors to random rooms. It wasn't the smartest decision, but that was the only way to find him.

You open a door to see someone who looks like Taehyung sitting on a bed with a shirtless girl in front of him. You started screaming which caught both of their attention and you slammed the door shut.

You run to the opposite wall and crouch down. Your head started to hurt from the beating music. The world spinning in your visions.

"Holy shit. Are you okay?" You hear someone right next to you.

You turn to look at him. His features not really becoming clear.

"Taehyung?" You asked.

He nodded. "I'm here. What happened."

"I don't know! I wanted water! And... and... the next thing I knew the room was spinning. I don't know!" You started crying at how much everything was hurting.

"Let's get you home." Taehyung put his arm under your legs and picked you up bridal style.

"Please. Save me from the craziness here. You're the best Taehyung." You muttered into his chest, not really knowing if he heard it or not.

Taehyung puts in you the backseat of his car lying out from all three seats.

"I need you to tell me where you live," he asked you.

"Here. There. Where. Huh?" You muttered with your eyes closed.

"Address. You want to get home. I need to know your address," he said.

"McDonald's!" You shouted.

Taehyung ruffled his hair. "What?"

"I want McDonald's. Can we stop by McDonald's??" Your eyes were now open as you looked at Taehyung. You started to pout. "Please!"

"Then your address," he asked.

You nodded willingly.

Taehyung sighed and got into the driver's seat. You crawled past the dashboard and stumbled into the passenger seat.

You started clapping your hand all giddily and laughing.

"Taehyung is taking me to McDonald's!"

You can hear him laughing and you know you did something correctly.

In the drive-thru, you told Taehyung to want you wanted to order, your address then you passed out in his passenger seat.

"Where am I ?" You open your eyes to see that you were on your couch with Taehyung sitting next to you.

"Finally awake?" He asked.

You sheepishly smiled. "What happened?"

"You got on some weird drugs. Had a craving for McDonald's. And said some pretty weird things in your sleep." He chuckled.

You cover your face in embarrassment. "Ah, stupid."

"It was pretty cute," Taehyung smiled at you.

You looked at him. Then remembered. "Where are my chicken nuggets?"

Taehyung started laughing out loud. "You remember that?"

"I don't forget the food."

Taehyung leaves you on the couch and returns with a McDonald bag.

"Awh," you looked at the bag like it was your first love.

"Never seen a girl look at food that way," Taehyung commented.

"You don't hang out with the right type of girls," I told him.

"I should hang out with you more, is that what you're saying?" Taehyung asked, scooting a little closer to me on the couch.


Taehyung smiled.

You kept on eating your chicken nuggets. You grab the remote and turn on the t.v. Spongebob started playing.

From the corner of your eye, you see Taehyung looking at you.

You look at him back. "What?"

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, leaning in.

"What?" You asked again in disbelief.

"Can I kiss you? I wanted to ever since the beginning of that party."

You look at Taehyung. He doesn't look like what the facts made it out to be. His party self was different. The playboy that breaks hearts wasn't there.

He was just Kim Taehyung around you.

You nodded your head yes.


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.