Cereal [Jeon Jungkook]

You're sleeping in your college dorm room when there's a knock at the door. You ignore it, but the knocking continued. You got annoyed and eventually opened the door. Jeon Jungkook stood on the other side. He was four-door downs from you and you guys had a few classes together.

"Hungry?" he asks, his voice quiet and a little shy.

You stare at him confused. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm hungry. What to get some cereal?"

"It's 2 am!" You wanted to slap him on the head and tell the kid to get back in bed. But you also wanted to take him up on the offer.

"Please!" He begs you.

After a few silent moments of you thinking about it. You give in. "Okay. Okay."

Both of you go to the cafeteria on the campus and get cereal.

"Why did you drag me along?" You ask Jungkook.

He looks at you you while chewing his cereal. He swallows then spoke. "I wanted to spend more time with you."

Gosh, this kid will be the death of you.


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.