A new start

This history starts with the most cliché possible. YES, ladies and gentlemen, I was hit by a Truck. The assassin Truck-kun that keeps murdering innocents kids. Well, I was not really a child, I was 25 years old.


When I open my eyes, everything around me turned into a blur of bright lights. Nothing. I really could see nothing. When I tried to say something, the only sound that I could produce is a cry.

The muffled voices became clearer and I heard: "Congratulations Sir and Madam Burke, he's a healthy little boy".

My eyes became more accustomed after my retinas were bombarded with different colors and figures. I could see now a beautiful couple, a charming lady with a splendid blue eyes color, and a gentleman with a lustrous white hair. Aaron and Elizabeth Burke, my parents. On their side, a stylish old man, our butler, Alfred Stone.

The young lady hugs me, saying: "Oh my baby boy, Ilan Burke"

I just started to sleep after that


Time skip: 3 months

Ilan Burke: 3 months old

It's been 3 months since I reincarnated. It still fell strange. What I discovered in these months is that I was born in Harry Potter World. The pictures moving in the newspapers, my father and my butler always carrying a wand and a strange creature named Rick, proves it. Most of the people in my old world would be totally excited, but unfortunately I just read the first and second books and, Jesus, I born in the middle of a war.

For what I can remember, the book started in 1991 when Harry is eleven years old. There are still 20 years … And for what I can read in newspapers (when no one is noticing) this world seems more like a terror book than a kid one. Man, no wonder they idolatrized the boy, if today is already bad, I don't want to think how we gonna live in the next 10 years in this nightmare.

But there are some good things; I received a System (all hail the cliché). Or something that remembers one. When I tried all usual phases, a semitransparent message just shows in the air:

Lv 0

Elysium (blocked) >

Nothing much to see, for now…

As for my family, my father is the heir and the only Burke alive, an ancient linage, one of the 28 pureblood families. But my mother is a muggle, which makes our family been labeled as blood traitor and been hunted down. We are hiding since them. As for my butler, he is a middle-age man with a 20 years old daughter.

It's not common to have a butler in a magical world; most of the pureblood family only uses House-elf, but in our case the Stone family made an oath century ago to serve the Burke family. Since them, they are serving us with loyalty while we provide everything that we can.


Time skip: 4 months

Ilan Burke: 7 months old

This was one of my most painful days. Not even in my death in the old world I felt this. Our house was attacked, my parents and Alfred's daughter died in the battle.

Alfred was hugging me hard while crying. I could see him aged in real-time. I was doing the same. For the first time since I came to this world I cried out and loud. It was only 7 months, but that was enough to make them my real parents.

An orphan and a butler, if this world is mocking me to transform into a Batman, it's making a terrible mistake. Maybe I will move in the shadows, but there will not be a child justice. I will make sure that they will pay with a painful death.