Ilan Burke - Multiverse

Ilan Burke - Multiverse

Fantasy23 Chapters1.0M Views
Author: MH_Junior
Table of Contents

Ilan was transmigrated in Harry Potter World.

*Some grammatical errors (English is my third language)

*The Mc will be OP (Overpower), so if you don’t like, don’t try it

*Harem (not a big one), BL is a no go (you can copy and paste and do you BL version)

*Starting like a playboy

*Multiple Worlds

*Hard to know when i can update

*Some copy and paste

i don't own bla bla bla ... you know what i mean

18 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Good start, so far... There are some grammatical errors here and there. It might help if you use a mobile app like Grammarly. They are very useful. As for your story, just keep writing and it will come together. As a fellow ******* writer, just keep your words honest and say write about what you are thinking. You may take some suggestions from your readers, but remember that this is your story. I'll give you a 5 for now. 😁

4 years ago

People who like kingdom building can read this and not be upset by it ... maybe, but for me this is boring as hell. I read the other reviews and tried to go back to it, but I can't, it's like an actual chore. He makes a lot of companies really fast, but it doesnt feel good to read. The fun in kingdom building novels is watching in real time how the main character build up his faction and faces problems with making his faction stronger and you get to see how the main character solves that issue and the steps he takes to do that, but in this the main character just doesn't do that. He makes like 8 companies or more and they just immediately become the best at what they are doing and there is no competition or political wars, the companies just immediately overpower everyone else in the business and it's just not fun to read. It's like one of those self insert fan fics where the mc wishes to be god and goes to anime worlds but the author still tries to make it an action novel so it just becomes boring as ****, it's like that but with businesses. We know he's going to be the best in every thing he dips his hands into and it's just predictable and not fun to read, but it has decent grammar for this website and the world building is obviously going to be good cause the world is already built for him, even if everything the mc builds for himself is boring and predictable as all hell. I don't know about the update rate, I didn't check cause I didn't care enough. Check it out and like maybe you'll find something good once he gets to Hogwarts idk, I didn't get that far cause it would have been a punishment to force myself to read more with how slow this is. Oh yeah he also increases his charm a lot so expect a big harem where girls fall over themselves to get to the mc later on in the story.

4 years ago

I don't see why this book has high ratings as it has horrible grammar, bad character development, and most of all there is literally NO PLOT! I can't stand reading through almost any of this and I cannot understand what the author is saying in some paragraphs. z Sorry if this is rude but this is my honest opinion.

4 years ago

Burke Empireeeeee!!!! More more more more more more more more more more more more more more moremore more more more more more more more more more more more more moremore more more more more more more

4 years ago

please add a harem tag, there are a lot of people who aren't capable of reading the synopsis.

2 years ago

Like the idea of controlling the media in both the muggle world and wizard one as well also the investments that were done with different companies also like the names of the Greek Gods/Goddess and the different stuff that has been done i.e Harry Potter, Dursleys, orphans in the orphanage and the house elfs

3 years ago

There are some grammatical errors here and there but the story is great please don t drop it because of some haters i'd like to see more chapters it just started to introduce hogwarts.

3 years ago

Grammar leaves some to be desired, huge hole in progression and some things don't make sense or makes you say "why?". But overall, I rate this a somewhat decent out of excellent.

3 years ago

Hai penulis, ini novel terbaik yang aku baca hari ini. Tapi aku menyayangkan bahwa tidak ada pembaruan cerita lagi selama berbulan-bulan. Karakter Ilan cukup dibangun dengan baik, menyenangkan juga. Jadi aku berharap suatu saat penulis akan meneruskan ceritanya.

3 years ago

Bueno la historia es buena, pero el avance de poder personal del MC es bajo o no especifico al igual que su aspecto en general, Talvez se haga aún mejor cuando viaje por el portal pero habrá que ver, la historia va bie. Por ahora sólo cuidar lo antes mencionado

4 years ago

Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.

4 years ago

Haven't read it but if it has everything u said it does in the description. Then i will probably like it. As long as the grammar is not horrible and the spelling is okay. Basically as long as its readable i will probably like it.

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped Another Novel Got Dropped

4 years ago

Good plot so far just wish he would write more chapters😥 I dont know why he stoped maybe it was to much work or somthing but this storie deserves to be continued please👍

4 years ago