
I waited until night time to understand what Elysium is.

I tried to select it but nothing happens. Hum, what should I do? After some other tests, I closed my eyes and concentrate thinking about the word 'Elysium' in my mind.

When I opened again, some incredible happened. I was not in my room; I was in front of an old house. I looked all around and I could see only fields and fields. Where the hell is this?

I decided to enter the house. I cautiously opened the door with one hand while holding a wand with the other (I had some wands in my trunk. It is not hard to get one, H.A.D.E.S just bribed the right person, took from Death Eaters and dead wizards)

I did some inspection charm, but nothing occurred; so I stepped into the house. Wow, everything was old and half destroyed. I saw a strange portal at the end of the room. But before I inspect it, I saw a book. I came close and opened it.

A semitransparent message appears above the whites pages of the book:

Owner: Ilan Burke

Guests: blocked

* can't enter when user is in danger>

Oh fu*k Jesus, nothing much to see again. Would it hurt to put an explanation text?!

And wait, I can't use this place as a safe house? (when I'm in danger)

I turned the page and the message changed:

Lv 1

Price: 10.000 galleons / 200.000 pounds

or equivalents >

I tried to turn again the page, but no other message appears. So, I selected 200.000 pounds (well, this quantity is like a tip, for me). The money disappears from my trunk (fortunately I carry hundreds of thousands galleons and millions of pounds)

An incredible thing happened. The house transformed into a new one. I looked again at the book:

Owner: Ilan Burke

Guests: blocked

* can't enter when user is in danger>

Lv 2

Price: blocked

Time rate Lv 0 -> Lv 1

0,8 : 1 -> 0,85 : 1

Price: 5.000 galleons or 125.000 pounds

Room Lv 0 -> Lv 1

Price: 5.000 galleons or 125.000 pounds

Garden Lv 0 -> Lv 1

Price: 5.000 galleons or 125.000 pounds>

Merlin! I feel scammed. Why do I need to keep putting money? Do heavens want to punish me for being so rich? And the pounds/galleons rate just increased...

Time rate? Wait, time pass fast here? (0,8 : 1) Sh*t, I need to buy enough to at least be the same rate (well, I can test many magic here, not so bad.)

I selected the Time rate and my money was taken again. The prices changed:

Lv 1

Price: 5.000 galleons or 200.000 pounds

Garden Lv 0 -> Lv 1

Price: 5.000 galleons or 200.000 pounds>

That's totally a scam!

I bought Room for 200 thousand and Garden for 300 thousand. After, the blocked was erased:

Lv 2

Price: 30.000 galleons or 2.4 million pounds>

I selected pounds again (my pounds was almost over. I don't want to spend galleons as pounds are so much easier to gain)

And the same thing happened. The house becomes bigger and more luxurious.

Owner: Ilan Burke

Guests: blocked

* can't enter when user is in danger>

Lv 3

Price: blocked

Time rate Lv 1 -> Lv 2

0,85 : 1 -> 0,95 : 1

Price: 10.000 galleons or 800.000 pounds + 10.000 energy

Room Lv 1 -> Lv 2

Price: 10.000 galleons or 800.000 pounds + 10.000 energy

Garden Lv 1 -> Lv 2

Price: 10.000 galleons or 800.000 pounds + 10.000 energy

Training Room Lv2

Price: 10.000 galleons or 800.000 pounds + 10.000 energy

Energy Room Lv2

Price: 10.000 galleons or 800.000 pounds

Produces 10 energy per hour (other world time) >

Oh, just like some mobile games. I selected Energy Room as I can't improve anything without it.

After that, a room with a big shiny globe was added. I could see in the semitransparent information: Energy: 0. Man, I'm a pay-to-win gamer, where is the buy now?! Now that I'm willing to spend my money, I can't (Is some God mocking me?).

Just like my level, I will benefit more from Elysium in the long term (too bad. But, I was conformed that I wouldn't have a possibility to buy a Sharingan or any similarities.)

Well, there is nothing more to do. I went out of the house (after inspecting every single part of it. The strange Portal only says Lv7. I presume I need Elysium in Lv7). After I went out, I came across to a garden (the one that I bought). There is a semitransparent message there:

< 0/3 creatures>

Hum, interesting. Creatures? I should try some tests.

But before I come back to my room, I did a few spells. After the damage, everything repairs itself again. At least it is a good place to practice some dangerous or/and destructive magic.

I concentrate and returned to my mansion's room. I tried a few times to go and come back. It worked fine.

Let's see about creatures.


A house-elf appears "Yes, Master Burke"

"Please, bring me two creatures. A Horklump and a Pixie are enough"

"As you wish, Master Burke"

Seconds later, Rick came back. Both creatures were in our garden, after all.

I saw the creatures, and a semitransparent information appears:

0.05 energy per hour. Add to garden (0/3)?>

0.50 energy per hour. Add to garden (0/3)?>

Hum, so they generate more energy. But the quantity is really low. Horklump is a x beast and Pixie a xxx. I should try with stronger creatures (Winged Horse, Griffin, maybe a Dragon). And house-elf is not defined as creatures? (or my level is not enough?)