Good News I

I woke up at 10:00 am. Today, I should plan what I learned yesterday (Elysium).

I walked to the living room, surprisingly Alfred was there (he normally is working or training in this time. Lunch and at night are the time that I usually talk to him)

"Morning, Alfred" I said while yawning

"Oh, morning Young Master. Hard night yesterday?"

"Yeah, and something is telling me that today will be harder"

Rick brought me my coffee and foods (Bacon, eggs and toasts)

"Thanks, Rick"

"You have an accurate sense, Young Master. I received the latest news a few minutes ago. With the end of Britain's Civil War, they agreed with the return of the Quidditch World Cup. Will be this year in France"

I took a sip of coffee "Which month?"


"5 months..." I made a deep breath "Well, Order has no amateur..." they know what to do, but in this kind of great opportunity, my ideas tend to be better (As I have more knowledge in Administration, Innovation, and Economy)

Alfred nodded

I think for a little "I suppose you already have a reunion with the Order booked today" I started to write "For now, what I can summarize: we can use the foundation of Olympus Mall that is already constructed to be the stadium (Goblins will go crazy happy. Part of the cost will be pay now by French Ministry. We will need to reformulate the project, but I don't think would be so difficult to turn a stadium in a Mall after). Aphrodite can do the show (in the break time) that would boost her popularity globally, and do a Joint Venture with Apollo creating news clothes (commemorative ones would be the best. So the majority will only use in the Cup and as a memento). Dionysiu's will profit like there is no tomorrow... (foods are ridiculously easy to sell in this kind of event)"

"Yes, Cornillac was working hard in fast food restaurants. With the creation of Blue Beer, we might almost monopolize the food area. And Daedalus will do all the construction, he is the only company (in France) that can do a big project like this one" complemented Alfred "Part will be barrracks and part will be real stores. Just like the stadium, the stores can be maintained for our future commercial center. With this, the new place will probably be the main market district in France."

I nodded. "HepH can provide all kind of bauble for the fans and tents would be the most requested product (HepH has some goods in this sector, but we need to upgrade if we want the majority of the sells) as camping is really popular. Will of A will be the security (Aurors will not be enough), we don't have any competition in this department. Furthermore, we can use H.A.D.E.S to prevent and to predict any kind of terrorist attack." I continued "How many people do you estimate will go, Alfred?"

"Hum, hard to say now, Young Master. I would estimate a hundred thousand witches and wizards for the final. And maybe two or three times for the entire event" and he became more serious "The last two companies that require more our attention"

"Agree. Apollo 11 and Apollo 11S will be the normals. But we received information that Thunderbolt and Comet were working harder to compete against them. If they produce only a few brooms, would they challenge us? (They will do like us, a broom that is not profitable but boosts their brand. Thunderbolt is the issue one, they have two reputed runemasters. And they all learned from 'Nimbus case', they spent tons of galleons in magical contracts to prevent us to steel their masters - but we stole some before that, offering a better contract)."

"They might compete. If their brooms win the Cup, it would slow Apollo's great momentum"

"Yes, Alfred. In this Cup will have five super teams, unfortunately there is not a huge favorite one." but suddenly I had an idea "We can put on hold our alliance with Macmillan or Shacklebolt (we didn't choose yet). We will focus on a 7 brooms creation for the French team, a customized broom for each player. If France gains, it would consolidate even more Monsieur Delacour as a Ministry (this is his first year)"

"Hum, this is a well thought, Young Master. France didn't win the competition for a long time. Delacour would already put the players to hell training, with the addition of the brooms, they will have a big chance of winning the tournament"

And I already had thought how to deal with our competitors after the Cup "I have an idea in the brooms market. After the competition, we will talk to the rivals companies. I thinking about creating a Race Broom (Brooms 1) and an Artistic Performance Broom (Quidditch is more popular with boys. We need to create something that attracts girls' attention). Think about it, if a wizard needed 3 differents brooms (as they would have differents specs), wouldn't all the companies be benefited?"

"Hum, that can be magnific. We would multiply the demand!"

I can hear 'the capitalism is strong with this one' in a far far away...

"And finally, Hermes..."