Good News II

Magic Cellphone is in the final test phase (mostly they are planning how to mass production and to cut its cost). "We can advance the product launch. With how many we can sell, would be more than enough to be worthy of the extra cost"

The Magical Cellphone resembles the iPhone 11 of my old world (I did the sketch, after all). He is made by a special glass with a magic plastic, and it works by a complex array of runes (the array was a creation of 200 runemasters joined effort. They created a kind of magical machine that can script the array on the Phone), the array can keep some magic (just like a battery) and the owner only need to provide more if it is empty (unfortunately, it does not need an expensive charger - iPhone 1 x Magic Phone 0).

For the communication, it uses the array to connect with the central (in France) and the central sends to the desirable Phone (they have numbers, just like muggles).

What surprise is that magic is probably faster than light; there is no delay in the communication between two distant places (we tested from the USA to Japan; magic transmitted the image and sound in real-time). And with how far the communication is, more demanding is for our central. But what intrigued everyone is that it doesn't matter constructing a central in a better place. Using in Britain to contact to USA - passing by France - is equal to passing in a central in Portugal (the distance is obviously different).

Furthermore, I have a theory that the world has some kind of magical field and can interfere with the electromagnetic field (and the magical field is stronger in some places like Hogwarts).

Nonetheless, we still constructed central in other places (for safety. It is no good to concentrate in only one place). But to comport hundred thousand of calls, we need many more.

Coming back to the Magical Cellphone, he was named iBK and in his back has a shadow of my family coat of arm (better than a fruit). His functions, for now, are Call, Message, VideoCall, Take Pictures, and 3 mobile games (Snake, Angry Eagle and My Badger - a copy of Tamagotchi)

"Yes, we can do the same with Olympus Mall in Britain. That would boost both together. We can inaugurate in June, one month early. What about Magic Television, Young Master?"

Magic Television is similar to a large iBK. One could think that only need an expansion charm, and that is it. Unfortunately, It is way harder than that. The quantity of the arrays is multiplied as much as the uses of our central. Thus, for now, it will be hard to make it accessible for the population (furthermore, we still need to create channels and programs).

"We can put some of them in Olympus Mall and Dionysiu's stores. If we broadcast the World Cup, we would bring a large flow of people (as many can't afford to go to France). Besides the World Cup, Television will pass several ads and news. Make sure that every CEO produce good advertising (Aphrodite is the easiest as Veela is stunning without doing anything)"

"Ah, Alfred, I was almost forgetting. Before you go, call Daniel for me. I need to see some creatures."

"As you wish. Anything special?"

"I have some ideas to create a new company" that is not a lie, I had a project of Creatures Company before the Elysium came up "I want to see most xxxx and xxxxx creatures as possible. Dragons would be the best"

Alfred nodded and went to work. He is the one that I trust the most and a father to me (and the feeling is mutual), but I don't know if I should say to him about the system. I can't even prove it. And it is not like he can helps much either (if he knows). But if my guess is correct, and I can invite some people to Elysium, he would be the first one.


At lunchtime, Daniel Mark came up. He is one that pledges loyalty to Alfred (Daniel is Alfred's right hand). Not only he has good knowledge, but he is also a good fighter (he can fight against Alfred for some time. His repertory of magic is incredible. And he is the one that trains me when Alfred can't).

"Hello Mr. Burke" said the tall middle-aged man (he is almost 40 years old)

"Hi Daniel. Always with the polite speech, you are walking too much with Alfred"

He only made a little smile

"So, we are not training today?" he said rhetorically

"Yeah. I need to see some creatures. Dragons would be the best"

"Understand. I made all the preparation, we can go as soon as you wish"

"Good! But there is no need to hurry" I continued to eat. Rick brought a coffee for Daniel

"So Daniel, how is John?"

John is Daniel's son. He is in Ravenclaw, the same year as Jason Lagoon. A smart kid but a little introspective.

"Oh John is doing fine, just need some more friends. You could help him this year"

He is really a doting dad

"It should be the opposite, I'm the freshman" I said

"Like that even matter. You are strong enough to go against a 7th-year student. You might not win, but you can easily force a draw. I don't know why you are going to Hogwarts"

"Girls, obviously."

"Hahaha, you need to influence John in this question. He is a blockhead when talking about girls"

"I will see what I can do" It's not like I can take them all. At least I will help my buddies. "So, let's go to the creatures"