
At some unknown place "This is a hidden farm, Mr. Burke. There are two Dragons, 4 Griffins, a Horned Serpent, a Wampus Cat and many others"

"Interesting, Daniel. Most are xxxxx creatures. Besides the prohibition, is there another reason to have so little creatures?"

"They are hard to take care of. Because of the prohibition, few people have enough knowledge. Furthermore, profits are unstable. They need some wealth wizard with a different taste."

"And for potion? or other material uses?"

"Not enough for the risk and the costs"

I nodded. For now, different from the other companies, I don't have a defined objective. Nor do I know if I can make it very profitable. But I'm sure we can find some uses for them (a War would be the most obvious choice. Thinking about having Dragons in my side...)

"Tell Alfred to low the restriction in France. We are going to start the Artemis, a company specialized in creatures"

"Understand, Mr. Burke. Anything in mind?"

"We are going to focus on Dragons. Delos can give a big help in the research"

"So, where we are going to start, Mr. Burke?"

"Let's start with Griffen"

when we walked to one of them, a message appears:

4 energy per hour. Add to garden (0/3)?>

Excellent, 4 energy. Even if I can't add the xxxxx creatures, just adding 3 Griffins will provide me more energy than the room.

"They are beautiful." It was the only thing I could say. "Let's go see the Dragons"

Daniel nodded

"Rick, be on alert"

"Yes, Master Burke. Rick is going to protect master doesn't matter what"

My house-elf came with us. He is good at protections spells, so I thought it was prudent to make him come. And I tested one more thing.


"Yes, Great Master Burke" another house-elf appears

I bought Dobby from Narcissa. That was not hard as she didn't like the house-elf.

He is indeed very peculiar. I talked to him (or tried to) and he was bonded to me but I'm paying him like a free elf (the others house-elves made a ruckus, they told that Dobby is a shame for their race. I somehow stopped the mess).

But what makes me surprises is Dobby power (he is way stronger than the rest). He could go to Harry's aunt house, Hogwarts, and places that are harder to the others. Not only that, but he could also protect me against Alfred's spells (we did some tests. Even Alfred was astonished. He didn't think that a house-elf could be so powerful)

So Dobby is like a Dumbledore for his race. Maybe to be the strongest you need to be barney. What a joke!

Furthermore, he came here shows how strong he is. House-elf has a powerful apparition, but it is not like they can go everywhere and every distance.

"Dobby, you will listen to Rick if he needs any help"

"Yes, Great Master Burke"

"Rick, security is our priority. Ask Dobby if you need, that is an order"

"As you wish, Master Burke"

We approached a Chinese Dragon

7 energy per hour. Add to garden (0/3)?>

Marvelous. That is perfect.

"I will take this one, Daniel. You can go and ask for the Wampus Cat. I will make Rick transport the Dragon"

Daniel nodded and went for the owner

I selected to add after Rick touched the Dragon. Even if there is someone seeing, they would think the house-elf vanished the Dragon.

After, we were seeing the Wampus Cat, a xxxxx creature

"Is that really a Wampus Cat? That seems more like a ragdoll"

"Indeed, Mr. Burke" Daniel was intrigued too

"Be careful with this one" said the owner of the farm "We lost a lot because of him"

I was a little skeptical, but when the cat opened his eyes, a strong legilimency attacked my mind. Even with my family ring and Le-ring, plus occlumency, it was hard to stop it.

Rick protected me for the owner's attack and Dobby stunned the cat. Daniel attacked a little after Dobby.

"Sorry, Mr. Burke. I didn't expect him to wake up earlier" said the owner holding his head. He was hypnotized to attack me

"No need. I will take him"

I did the same with the Wampus Cat

< Wampus Cat

8 energy per hour. Add to garden (1/3)?>

But when I tried to do the same with the second Dragon, the message didn't appear. Strange. I tried with Griffen and others creatures, but nothing happened.

I decided to come back.


At night, I tested again, and I could add only a pixie to the garden. I presumed that it has a restriction for strong creatures.

I entered Elysium and I heard a voice

"Human, what you did to me?" the Wampus Cat said with an angry voice

Hum, he already woke up?! The drug that I gave should put them (Dragon and Wampus) to days of sleep.

I didn't take my wand. The Wampus was not having a murderous aura. For the opposite, I can feel a bond with him just similar to the house-elves.

"Sit" I gave a command

The cat obeyed

"Stand" "Heel"

"You damn human! I'm not a dog!"

Hum, he can curse me, but can't go against my orders.

I pick him up. And start to stroke him.

"I will call you Ragg" I said mocking

"Curse you, human! Who are you calling ragg? And I'm female!"

"So Doll" I changed

"I'm a Wampus not a cat!" she tried to bit me. But all she could do is tickle

"Don't be mad, Doll. With how cute you are, you going to help me a lot" (hehe girls like cute things)

"Hunff, you are up to no good!"

"Hey Doll, what are your desires? I can't give you freedom for now, but I can provide a lot"

"Hunff, I want to eat only berry fishes."

Berry fish is a magical creature. A little expensive because it is hard to catch them. But for me, nothing much. And it is kind of a simple desire...

"Ok, only berry fish."

The Wampus became astonished that I agreed easily.