Jason and Any Lagoon

"Alfred, here they are. His sister insisted to come too" said Marlene "I will go take care of the kids. If you need anything, just call me"

"Come here kids, don't need to be shy. My name is Alfred Stone and this is Ilan Burke"

The cute little girl was half-hidden in her brother back. I can see a brush in her face

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stone and Mr. Burke. My name is Jason Lagoon. And this little girl is my sister, Annila Lagoon"

"Call me Any" said her shyly

"Good to meet you, you can call me Ilan" I reply "Come, sit. Don't need to be so polite"

They both sit. But I can see some untrust in his face

"So, they said you have good grades. Are you taking the test?" asked Alfred

"I have. I want to but..." he looked to his sister

"Brother, you should go. I will be fine. And I will be going in the next year" said Amy, losing her shy attitude

"What do you fear, Jason?" I decided to be more direct "This is a safe place" I said imposing a little bit of magic. For some reason, he feels uncomfortable looking at me

"I'm really thankful for all that you have been doing..."

"But?" I asked

He looked to me with more courage "I know you didn't do all for charity. That you have some hidden motives..."

"Brother!" screamed Any

But I cut her "And why do you think that?"

"The way you talked at the entrance. The way that I'm seeing and feeling about you; not like Mrs. Marlene, but like a wolf in a sheep coat"

"Ahahaha He is more interesting than I thought, Young Master"

"Indeed." I looked at Jason "Maybe you are right. I did for my parent's name, but maybe I also have other motives. If I do so, are you helping me?"

"It depends, what exactly do you want?"

"I don't have much in mind, for now. Hogwarts has four houses, wouldn't be so bad having some friends leading the other 3 (hum, Slytherin will be the difficult one, as I don't want to be in that house)"

"Like lieutenant or follower?"

"I prefer the word 'friends' "

"Are you not against that I'm muggleborn?"

"No, I not Voldy nor Grindy. And my mother was a muggle. So, no, I'm not a supremacist. I'm against incompetence and stupidity"

"And why do you want them all? Do you have some 'King fetishes'?"

I almost spit blood from my mouth, just like some random Chinese novel. 'King fetishes' what a hell supposed to mean that?

"No. I just like to be in control. Wizards are doing too many stupid things for my liking."

Jason nodded, saying after "As long you let my sister out..."

"NO! Brother, I want to serve Young Master too!" said Amy while poting

I was stunned "Young Master..." I murmured, and turned my face "Alfred, are you infecting others?"

He only coughs

"Any, call me Ilan. Alfred is enough calling me Young Master ..." not that I dislike, but would be weird some kids calling me Young Master all around Hogwarts

"Ok, Ilan.." she came back to her shy behavior

I looked to her brother again "Jason, I care for my friends. If I'm a wolf, a would be a good wolf" I winked to Any

She became bright red

"Youu..." was only the thing that an angry Jason could reply

"It is a joke, a joke. I didn't expect that she would understand" man, kids are growing fast. I thought she would tilt her head. And what is with this 3rd rate novel scene?

"I wouldn't mind ..." she murmured while hiding her face between her hands.

"Cough, let's change the subject." Alfred cut the awkward moment. "So I will be preparing all the necessary, is that ok Jason?"

"Yes, thank you very much" he said while lowering his head

We talked more about superficial things and magic. Any is passionate about Aphrodite products, fashion in special (I should introduce her to Madam Malkin. Any has a cute face, she could be a good kid model). What surprised me is that she is the other with the highest grade and the second with the most votes (first is the one they are calling 'Big Brother') - she has two ways to gain the master suite bedroom. And I was treating her like some random fangirl (with a crush). Well, I should reevaluate her. As for Jason, he likes potion and charm.

After we went out, Alfred murmured

"Orphans grow up faster..." and looked to me "So, you are already in that phase...Young Master" Alfred said with a meaning look

"Oh, don't portrait yourself like a saint, Alfred. Don't think I don't know what you do with the Veelas Consultants. I'm pretty sure that they teach you more than cosmetics information"

Alfred almost choked

Yeah, I'm kind of jealous about him. My hormones are not demanding anything, but my mind is still of a young adult (35 years? But I feel like 17 years, at most. And my body like 10, as normal).

As for Ministry, everything went easy peasy. We just needed to bribe here and there, and all the businesses were done. Burke is officially again in Britain!

While I was thinking, a semitransparent message surge:

Elysium (open)>


-Magical force


Oh, Merlin! Elysium is finally open! (whatever that means). And what should I choose? (for a moment I was tempted with the Flirt option) Magical or Leadership?

I selected Magical force (leadership I can improve easier - I just need to buy a shepherd's staff)

Now, about Elysium...