Hera Foundation

Hera foundation is in a huge mansion near Hogsmeade. The mansion has 25 bedrooms (most have 4 and 5 beds, better equipped than Hogwarts. 6 of the bedrooms are master suite: 1 is using by a couple of caregiver and 5 are reserved for the best children - 2 for the highest grade, 2 voted by themselves, 1 chose by the caregiver. Every year would be renew - not the caregiver, obviously), a bathroom for each bedroom, 2 big living room, a huge cuisine, an entertainment room, 2 offices room, 4 classrooms, and a big garden with a quidditch pitch. This mansion is bigger than mine (well, this is mine too).

For their food, most are provided by Dionysu's and the rest are made by the two house-elves (i put them to monitor the kids too). I have six more, besides Rick. I'm still researching the best use for them. I remember in books that Dobby could go and leave Hogwarts; more than that, he could even go to Harry's aunt house (my seven house-elves can't. I need to buy Dolby from Narcisa soon).

I commanded H.A.D.E.S to monitor the house (not saying about Harry Potter), but there is a huge and strong barrier there; they couldn't go closer (that surprised Alfred. He said to me that is easier to break Gringotts than the barrier. Whatever Dubles did, was impressive).

So I created the P.L.U.T.O.N, a muggle version of H.A.D.E.S (i already had an idea to replicate all my companies in muggle world. Now that we have money and political power, we can move without taking much attention). Furthermore, I created Will of Mars, a security and weapon company.

But even the P.L.U.T.O.N was having difficulty. There was some magical protection against them. All we could do is hiring the neighbor to provide the information. Barny really cares about Harry (something feels fishy to me. He protected him so much, but Harry would have a hell live if I didn't intervene).

Back to Hera foundation, they have some rigid rules. If you steal or do something similar bad, you would be punished and be back to your older orphanage (use veritaserum if it is needed to know the truth). That is enough to put everyone in line (this is heaven to them, after all. No orphanage has a nearly as good life as here).

Besides the rules, they pray before every food time – 'Thank you Merlin and Burke Family for this food' - I even put a big statue of my mother and my father, as much imposing as warm (a brightness marble). The statue is seeing almost like a sacred relic for the kids. Above the statue is a Burke's coat of arms with two big words - Love and Loyalty. We are also providing some HepH and Aphrodite products. The kids in Hogwarts are only lacking in front of a wealthy pureblood. Alfred and I entered the mansion

"Hello Alfred, is good to see you" welcomed a polite old granny "and this might be?" she smiled to me

She is Mrs. Turdly. She and her husband lost their two kids in the civil war. Maybe that why the couple became so attached to Alfred; the same pain can make a strong connection. But different from Alfred and me, they didn't seek revenge. They helped the kids that they could. So we chose them as our main caregiver (and the ones that stay here 24h, they moved to the mansion).

"Hello Marlene" reply Alfred with a smile

"My name is Ilan Burke, Mrs. Turdly" I said politely

"Ohh finally I meet you." she gave me a grandmother hug "No Mrs. Turdly. Call me Marlene or granny" said her with a motherly smile

"Granny, granny. Who is it??" some kids come screaming

"Come here kids, be polite. These are Alfred Stone and Ilan Burke"

"Ohhh Ilan Burke" they emphasized my surname

"He seems like an angel!" said a little girl

"Thank you Mr. Burke for all that your family have done" talked the tallest kid

Others started to thank me too

"Ok. It is good to see that you all living well. Always remember the two words of Burke's house - Love and Loyalty. As long you remain on the right path, this Foundation will provide what you need. We are all a big family, after all" for an unknown reason, I feel like a Pastor

After some interaction; Alfred, Marlene, and I were in an office room.

"So, one of the 13 years old kid doesn't want to go to Hogwarts?" asked Alfred

"Yes. He is not good at studying, and he knows that it would be difficult to follow the class. He begged to stay here" she replies sadly "In fact, he could work here. He is good at caring for the children; they even named him Big Brother"

"Well, that can be done. Just make sure to teach him at least the basics. And for the other kid?"

"Oh, Jason is a genius. He learned all first-year subjects in this 1 month"

"Impressive. Can we talk to him?"

"Of course, Alfred. I will call him"

After Marlene was gone, Alfred turned to me

"What are your thoughts, Young Master?"

"Let's wait and see. Although he is old, it is still incredible to learn it in 1 month"