Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley is a cobblestoned wizarding alley and a shopping area located in London, England, behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron. Inside the alley is an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. The alley is completely hidden from the Muggle world which is right outside of its boundaries. It is very large in area and essentially the center of wizarding London.

Alfred and I were entering by Leaky Caudron entrance. I could hear some conversations

"How is it going Tom?" asked an unknown wizard

"Not so good, unfortunately. After that Dionysu's came here, I lost many clients. Not only that, it's hard to make my employees stay; how is that company paying three times more?" said the bartender

"OH, I heard about the high salary. My friend told me that Aphrodite pays even higher. Too bad that they only employ beautiful witches. Man, I could stay there only admiring the attendants hehehe"

"Yeah I agree with you" said another unknown wizard "I heard that they bought a third of Diagon Ally. But I read in Daily Prophet that the founder and half the owner is British!"

"They are really expanding fast. Can you believe that they offer a good sum to buy my Leaky Cauldron?" reply Tom

"And why didn't you sell?" both wizards asked

"No! This is my life! I will not sell for any quantity of money" emphasized Tom

Alfred also listened and talked to me

"We are changing a lot our society, Young Master."

"This is only the start, Alfred. Or you move with the changing, or you will be run over. We took too much time doing nothing. It's time to welcome the news!"

After I said that, we enter in Diagon Ally. It's more crowded that used to be, even before the civil war. Just like in French, witches love to shop (wizards not that much, some are having a boring face, incredibly similar to my face when I shopped with my girlfriend in my last life) and the many Aphrodite's stores just gave what they demand.

When we passed to Apollo's store, we could see a lot of wizards admiring the new fastest broom – Apollo 11S – while some of their partners are looking with an ugly face to them. Man, human behavior never changes, being a muggle or a wizard.

HepH is doing great too. Their new kind of trunk is selling well. But the cars modified are not receiving even close the attention that the brooms are (British people are more conservative, they prefer the objects that were created totally by wizards). But fair enough, there is a middle-age man with a red hair drooling in the car exposition.

But what surprised me is how crowded is Madam Malkin store. I asked Alfred

"That's intriguing. I thought that Malkin would have a hard time with our Aphrodite's stores here. Do you know something, Alfred?"

"Madam Makin has some loyal clients. And her customizing service is becoming popular with the witches. She is changing to their desire, Aphrodite products"

"Interesting! That didn't happen in French (Aphrodite has some standard products, it cuts the cost of their production. As for those unique, they cost a lot. I didn't expect that someone entering in customize market so soon). Let's take a look. If she is worth, we could invite her to Aphrodite Company."

After waiting for a little, Alfred and I entered Malkin's store. She welcomed us with a smiling face.

"Ma ma ma ma, what do we have here, a handsome middle-age man and a cute little boy. Are you interested to be our model?" she asked Alfred, and turned to me "And you, aren't a bit late to buy Hogwarts robes?"

"Sorry Mandan, I'm still ten years old. Hogwarts will be next year." I reply politely. Man, I hate to be treated like a kid. Even more to pretend to be one.

"Nice to meet you Madam Malkin, my name is Alfred Stone. You can say that I work for Aphrodite Company. I become a little interested in customizing service"

"Oh Mr. Stone, it's my pleasure. I hope I'm not infringing any norm. I'm working with clothes by decades; I need to thank Aphrodite Company. One time I tried to change a little our style, unfortunately no one bought it. But now, witches are eager to even some bold fashions." She remembered Alfred's question "About my customizing service, I'm cutting here and there, put some more shiny objects. Whatever the client feel like it"

I'm observing her changes. It's an impressive work; with creativity she changed the clothes to a unique style. I'm not a specialist, but I have enough experience to say that they are better.

"You are doing much more than that, Madam. They became more gorgeous" I looked to Alfred and send a mental message (it's a modified legilimency magic, not so difficult to do with the help of the Le-ring). 'Alfred, we should employ her. Mrs. Lefreve would be delighted with her ability'

Alfred nodded I went to business with Mrs. Malkin. I just stayed to examine the rest of her creations.