
Time skip: 3 year

Ilan Burke: 5 years old

3 years more passed and nothing much happened. Well, Britain is still burning in hell, but I'm ok (thank you very much).

I only level up 4 times, it's becoming more spacing the time at each level, what's makes me more focused when choosing the rewards. And, whatever is Elysium, it's still blocked.

Elysium (blocked) >

I had the following choices: (Charm, Magic Force, Improve in eat), (Magic Force, Intelligence, Charm), (Charm, improve in broom, improve in talk) and (Improve in walk, Magic Force, Strength). I choose Magic Force two times, Intelligence and Charm. Man, I will become a ladies killer (Hogwarts, wait for me)

My magic can compare with a middle first year of Hogwarts (what is really incredible to others' eyes, but for me, that's only normal. How could I not be stronger than a bunch of kids that can't keep their hands out of their noses?). As for my knowledge, I would be like a 3-year student.

For now, I'm way more impressive that Dumbledore or Voldemort were, and I still will be at least until the end of my school's days. But the real deal will be after that, how could I become better than theses genius. For instance, if I reincarnated in my old world, I could be the fastest person to graduate in history, but that doesn't mean that I would turn into an Einstein. Those fucking genius would reach me in no time; there is so much you can achieve with hard work. Fortunately, the system rewards are making my capacity higher and higher.

While I was thinking, Alfred came with today's edition of Daily Prophet

"The civil war aggravated, Crouch goes for 'Tit for tat'. There are a lot of deaths…"

"It is about damn time! With the Chicken Order doing nothing more than petrification, the Death Eaters were becoming bolder and bolder!"

"I agree with you, Yong Master. That Barney is way too soft. It's a bad joke that he is the only one that can cope face to face against the Dark Lord…" Alfred replied. My butler doesn't treat me like a kid anymore, he is aware of my premature intelligence and cognition.

"They will become more occupied with British's Aurors… they will need to resign a lot in their Europe campaign. I think that we can start our own agenda."

"What are your thoughts, Young Master?"

"We will go for money dominance. The think that spin the world, be muggle or magical! Let's start with muggle money. Robber a Bank would take many undesirable attention, but we can steal the drug dealers and traffickers; I read that they have a lot of cash money, and they are out of the magic's radar."

"I understand that it is easier to win money in the muggle world. But Gringotts only exchange a few millions of ponds or French franc in a year, and only because there is a continuous flow. If we take all the necessity for exchange money, we can gain at most hundreds of thousands of Galleons a year. It's a wealth quantity, but not enough to be a 'game-changer'."

"Yes, I know. Unfortunately Galleons and muggle's gold are different. In fact, Gringotts is very similar to a Central Bank but more rustic. What we need is to create or to buy something in muggle world that has value to the wizard people."

Alfred nodded. His studies didn't limit to magic; he started to pay more attention to the muggle world. It was a show to see Alfred's face when he was discovering how vast and complex the muggle world is. This is, without a doubt, the most advantage that we have now. The pureblood totally disdain them, and for the half-bloods and muggleborns, they don't have money or power, nor do they pay enough attention. As their education in Hogwarts or Beauxbatons started when they were kids, they only know the basics information.

"But what's exactly?"

"I'm thinking about 3 ideas: Clothes, food, and cosmetics. For the first one, muggles have a lot of expensive silks and others fabrics, maybe they lack in from of acromantula silk, but it might compete easily against the rest. As for food, our wizard world is too much rudimentary. Every food is handmade, which made then very simple or way expensive. There are a lot of refined foods in muggle world, be Alpine chocolate, wines, or special meat. We only need to adjust to our taste. And, finally, for the last one, there is an immense quantity of cosmetics. We can create a potion, rune, or charm that intensifies the cosmetic effectiveness. So we would provide many new products with most of the cost been muggle's money"

"That is … brilliant!! I can see that they will become hot topics. It's now hard to believe that no one did it. But we need to be cautious about the origin. We don't want a pureblood retaliation nor do we want a competition soon"

"Yes, that's true. We need to create a complex chain" suddenly comes an idea to my mind "Hum, wait a minute. Are all muggle billionaires been monitoring?"

"No. But will not be hard to find out if one of them been imperiozed"

"That would be the truth for the European one. But what is about an African one? They are less developed in muggle and magical society… and there are tons of them that are totally corrupted, so we don't need to feel pity for them"

"That can work. Uagodou is in the middle of Africa, and there are some small schools and wizards villages scattered around. But a part of Africa's country doesn't have any wizard, and I believe they don't have a magic detector there either."

"Good, we can start with this. But, as soon as we have enough money, we need to create an information company. Information is one of the most precious things"