1 week later

Time skip: 1 week

Ilan Burke: 10 years old

One week later after the Potter's tragedy, I was talking to Alfred

"So, what H.A.D.E.S found out?"

"They were best friends, Sirius Black and James Potter; also, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin. They formed a famous Griffindor's quartet."

I was nodding while reading the report myself

"Strange; to betray his two best friends… there is even a report that he stayed some period of time in Potter's manor. Maybe he was forced by his family or any kind of magic's family. Or maybe he was made a scapegoat"

"Yes, Young Master. And his court judgment was passed without him defend himself"

"That's because he was crazy smiling when he was caught and the Ministry is in a lot of pressure now, also, Dubles testified that he was the secret-keeper. Furthermore, there were many witnesses in his case. But somehow, still feels fishy to me"

"Yes. If I had to choose which one is the betrayer between the 3 of them, he would be the last one. A coward like Peter Pettigrew and a reclusive like Remus Lupin seems more suspect to me. But Barney's testify doesn't connect with this hypothesis; I don't believe that Dubles would lie."

"I agree. But can be an outsider doing." But something comes in my mind "Peter Pettigrew was screaming that Black is the betrayer and only a finger was last of him. Is Sirius Black so strong that it can make an entire body disappear? The Blasting Curse was strong enough to create a crater, but shouldn't be sufficient to erase every single part of Peter's body besides his finger."

Alfred thought about it. He talked with certainty after "No! It shouldn't be enough. Apart from Dubles and Voldy, I think I can cope with anyone" – his ten years of hard training makes his affirmation reliable – "Even for me it would be hard to totally erase most of the body. It would be a gore, but not even close to an only finger left"

"What we should do now, Young Master?" he asked after

"humm… we need to get his finger, so we can do some magic to see if he's really alive. I'm sure that the Ministry didn't bother to do it. As for Sirius, if he is innocent, he was stupid enough to get caught in this mess. Let's him pay a little." I changed the subject. "You told me that Burke's mansion in Britain would be totally restored in the next two months. I think I could make my registration at this time."

"What about your mother?"

"I will not dishonor her to only make it easier to do alliances with pureblood's families (that advocate to blood supremacy)"

Alfred gave me a shoulder tightening with a proud smile

"And Alfred, I thinking about creating 2 more companies"

He became really interested. Well, fair enough, every company that I made turn to be very successful.

"The first company is the Olympus Mall, a new concept for our Wizarding World. Just like in the muggle, we will construct a big place with many stores inside. In there must be aesthetic pleasant, big and comfortable, where families, couples and kids could stay how long they wanted. That will help our problem in French (the commerce center is become too crowded with the popularity of our companies and the surge of others – economy is prospering at fast speed). And in Britain, we will construct in Hogsmeade. Not only will attract many Hogwarts' couples, it will also help families to see their kids (Hogsmeade doesn't have a good structure to comport many families, so, at the end, most of them only see their children on vacation)."

"That would be amazing!" said Alfred "But will take a part of our economy. Sign, with how much you gain and spend, your heritage seems like a joke now…"

"Yes. We don't lack money, but never is too much. What I'm eager is with the books and artifacts that are there (after all, my Great grandfather was Phineas Nigellus Black, and it seems that he care a lot about his only daughter, Belvina Burke)" I continued "About the second project, his name is Daedalus, a company turned to real estate construction. All of our companies have some workers in this area, and we spend a lot to contract the rest. It's time to have our own. More than that, I know that Lefrançois is the biggest player in this sector (in French), let's invite her to be the CEO and put her in our circle"

"Great!" said Alfred "Me, Mr. Delacour, Mr. Cornillac and Mrs. Lefevre were already talking about new inclusion. I would ask your agreement. And Mrs. Lefrançois was the most named. Furthermore, with her inclusion, we would have the majority of French's Wizengamot votes (the four families are leading others, just like Lucius Malfoy would do if he was alive – but without so much corruption)."

"Six years and we took French. Voldyhole, you are just a joke!" I screamed "But we can't let our guard down, destruction is always easier than construction!"

"Yes, Young Master. And Britain is way more complicated than French. Not only the wounds of the war are all open, the corruptions and the prejudices are in an alarming level."

"I agree with you. We could use the corruption for our on benefits (and we already are). However, we can't continue like that or would be too short sight. For the long term, it will be better a more inclusive society. Not only would it provide more improvements (as the low and middle-class gain more money and knowledge) it would prevent another civil war."

"Ah, Alfred. I'm thinking in one more project, the creation of Hera Foundation. We are going to create an orphanage for wizard kids. Be because of the civil war or any other cause, there are a lot of orphans in Britain and in Europe as a whole."

"That's a noble attitude, Young Master. But something says to me that it's not only for charity. What are your thoughts?"

"They can be my helpers (or minions) in Hogwarts. I will provide a better life that, otherwise, would be difficult. It's a win-win relationship."

"Hum, it's a good move. Are you providing the le-rings to the leaders?"

Le-ring is a creation of Delos. Just like the family rings, the le-ring provides a defense against passive Legilimency; the ring creates false information for the one that is using passive Legilimency. But, a frontal attack (with wand) is still viable. It's also helps against veritaserum. So we restrict the production to only the Order necessity. Furthermore, the rings are expensive to produce (not only the material, his invisible charm is very complex).

"Yes. I think Barney is well versed in Legilimency. And I think he would use for a 'good cause'. "

"'Good cause' my ass, that hypocrite old goat…" proclaimed Alfred

And then, I wrote our companies:

· Hermes Communication (HC) – News Company and Magic Cellphone Company: Me (Alfred as regent)

· Olympus Mall – Magic Shopping Mall: Me (Alfred as regent)

· Dionysu's – Food & Wine Company: Mr. Cornillac

· Aphrodite's Secrets - Clothing and Cosmetics Company: Mrs Lefevre

· HepH (aestus) – Magical Objects Company: Monsieur Delacour

· Will of A (res) – private Security Company: Alfred Stone

· Apollo – Broom and others sport objects: Me (Alfred as regent)

Order of Zeus – Boarding that controls all Companies

H.A.D.E.S – Underworld information Group – Leader Gorgon

Delos – Magical Reach

· Daedalus – Construction Company: Lefrançois

Mr. Greengrass – Director of Britain branches (Apollo, HepH, Aphrodite and Dionysu's)

Hera – Wizard orphan foundation

8 votes, 4 are direct mine. Daedalus would be owned 45% by Lefrançois and the rest by the Order.

I finished with Alfred "ah, and see how we can buy the Daily Prophet and others Britain media"