9 years (part II)

Talking about "losing" money, I created two news companies. For now, they are unprofitable, and I own 100% of both. Man, many would be jealous of how much money I gain and spend.

The first one is the Hermes Communication, in public, it's known as HC. I bought the French Daily (principal newspaper of France) and some other small media. Wizard doesn't really know the whole power of media! Be monetizing or control of society, they are easily done with media. But our current cost is higher than the revenue. That's because I lower the newspaper's price by forth to make every French wizard subscribe, and because I put tons of galleons in the Magic Cellphone creation. Just like in my old world, Cellphone might bring an entire revolution to the Wizarding World (for me, writing and using owl is a joke. Fear not owls, I also desire to create an Amazon Witch).

The second company is The Apollo. I started Apollo Company aiming to compete in brooms and sports markets. For this, I stole most of Nimbus's runemasters as I remember that in books (a decade later) they will launch successful brooms (Nimbus 2000 and Nimbus 2001). But to not wait that much of time, I invest heavily. So now we are presenting the Apollo 5, a broom that is similar to Comet 260.

But the real hot topic is the Apollo 11, our other new broom. Apollo 11 is now the fastest broom in the world; you could compare it with a Ferrari in muggle world. It's an incredible exclusive broom, with a luxurious and modern design, that was produced only 35 of it. To understand how we could easily create the fastest broom in the world, one needs to understand the costs of it. The revenue of the 35 brooms couldn't pay a fifth of its cost production, even less the heavenly price of the project.

To many eyes, it was like burning money. But for me, it is a creation of a symbol of status and a synonymous for victory; most of our buyers are professional quidditch. We are the ones that choose who to sell, not the normal opposite. Thus, the buyer not only needs money, but needs to be our desirable profile (professionals' quidditch are wealth, but not even close if we compare to muggle soccer player). Also, it will aggregate value to Apollo's Company and its Brand.

So I wrote my current organization:

Hermes Communication (HC) – News Company and Magic Cellphone Company: Me (Alfred as a cover)

· Dionysu's – Food & Wine Company: Mr Cornillac

· Aphrodite's Secrets - Clothing and Cosmetics Company: Mrs. Lefevre

· HepH (aestus) – Magical Objects Company: Monsieur Delacour

· Will of A (res) – private Security Company: Alfred Stone

Apollo – Broom and other sport objects: Me (Alfred as a cover)

Order of Zeus – Boarding that controls all Companies – President Alfred Stone

- Delos – Magical Research

H.A.D.E.S – Underworld information Group – Leader Gorgon

Apollo and Hermes are not yet in Order of Zeus.

Sweet Merlin! I did a lot in these years! And in the future, they might call me Midas hum?! (I don't know if I like this idea)

As always, while I was thinking about, Alfred comes saying:

"Young Master, the Death Eaters becomes interested in our companies. They made some contacts"

"Well, they were blind enough to take that much of time. Arrogates and stupid, what a bunch of clowns. Even that Malfoy didn't do anything…"

"He was and he is under a lot of pressure. The Dark Lord isn't someone good to live with"

"Yes, he is leading them by fear. If I needed to choose between fear and love, I would also choose fear. But he is committing a grave mistake; he is making not only the society but some of his own group hate him. That probably will cause his fall. I wouldn't be surprised if there were already some traitors between the Death Eaters. The question is who?"

"For now, it's too dangerous to discover it. H.A.D.E.S is not yet prepared."

"I agree with you, Alfred. That's led to my other question; do we uncover H.A.D.E.S to Order of Zeus? If they discovered in a different way, could be disastrous" I care a lot about Alfred's opinion. He is a capable man in reading people and, also, a competent leader.

"That's a difficult one. They will heavenly distrust us if they knew without us telling them. But if we do tell, we are giving up a powerful secret tool. And Mr. Cornillac might go against it." Alfred waited a little to continue his speech "but in the end, I think we should uncover H.A.D.E.S. We need a solid alliance to achieve our goals."

I thought a little before nodding. "Good, you can start with Delacour and Lefevre. Make them help you to convince Cornillac. And for the Death Eaters, let's make what we planned: an alliance with the Greengrass and a mitigation of any possible Death Eater advance. They do have some sympathizer here, but none that can press us. Furthermore, Voldyhole is not stupid to fight in two fronts."

Alfred nodded and went to work

Even if I know the fall of Voldemort in the next year, I can't know the real future. For instance, the two Harry Potter's books that I read feel like kid's world. But what I'm seeing in reality is a hard world, with tons of prejudices, a bunch of retrograde elites and a terrorist group that could truly succeed. Even my H.A.D.E.S is pretty scary; I could kill any non-important person without giving much a care.

Now that I thinking about it, Neville Longbottom said in books that he lives with his granny. But I'm sure that his parents are still alive. Are they going to get attacked until the next year? Or the war will continue? No. With the fall of Voldy, his group is going to shatter.

What is intriguing me is why I'm so confident that Harry will survive like in the books and the Dark Lord will perish. I didn't make greats changes in Britain, but with all that I did, it wouldn't be surprised if the future changes. But my feeling is telling me that will happens, no matter what. And in the Wizarding World, feelings like that can't be ignored.

And about my level, I increased twice again:

Elysium (blocked) >

I chose Charm and Magical Power. For me, the system seems more like a plus. I can feel the difference (my magic probably is the same as a 4 years student and I will might be popular with girls – I have almost no interaction with kids, I only talk with Alfred and some other adults. That's because it sucks to pretend to have kid cognition or to play with the little no brainers) but the system is no way overpowered in short term (the overpowered is the money that I gained in these meantime). I just hope that I become as strong as Voldy or Dubles, after I finished my Hogwarts time.