9 years

Time skip: 2 year

Ilan Burke: 9 years old

9 years since I reborn in this world. The Potter's tragedy is coming close, as the fall of the Dark Lord. 1 more year…

I was thinking in this meantime if I should alert the Potters (they are parents now). Unfortunately, I think it is the best against it. I only know the date, but not how it's really happened. Not only the Potters might not believe in my words, the worst case is Voldemort not falling. Everything would be in hell mode then.

But, at least, I will provide a better life for Harry Potter. I don't know why that Barney lets him in an abusive house, but I will make sure the Fatty guy died and the Ugly aunt be brainwashed to treats Harry well (not like a son to not transform Harry in a loser like his cousin).

"Rick" I called my house elf

"Yes, Master Burke"

"Please, give this letter to the H.A.D.E.S commander"

"As your wish, Master" said the elf before vanished

"I should think betters way to work with house elf. Their magic is incredible. It's a waste to looking then as a mere servant" I murmured. As for the letter, it's instructing to kill Vernon Dursley (a painful death) and brainwashed his wife (making as professional as possible, so even Dumbledore wouldn't realize). I also instructed to transfer enough money to her. It would be a bad joke if Harry dies from poverty.

Talking about H.A.D.E.S, it's become a robust group. They have a hard influence in French underworld and some in others countries. They know how to gather most of the information, who to bribes and how to do the dirty job. But it costs lots of galleons to make them pledge loyalty.

The code name leader is Gorgon, a beautiful and terrifying muggleborn witch. She seems like Natasha from the Marvel World; not only she knows how to kill (not only firing green light everywhere), she even took some lessons from KGB. Moreover, she knows how to torture and extract information (not stupidly using Cruciatus waiting for the information that never comes).

On the other hand, the Will of A turned to be our security in society's eyes. But I think it's not enough. I need to create something like the Chicken Order; an army that fights for a proposal is stronger than any paid one. But what proposal should I choose? Every one of them would lead to a conflict…

The other 3 companies (Aphrodite, HepH, and Dyonisu's) had remarkable growth. Aphrodite started a season fashion in her clothes department and improved the quantity and quality of her cosmetics. But the 'game-changer' was the introduction of Aphrodite's consultant. They are all women (most of them Veelas) that go house to house offering cosmetics and teaching its benefits; their beauty and glamour's clothes make the sell smooth. With this, not only improves Veela's image, but it also gives them a well-paid job.

We make sure that all our consultants are well known (spending a lot of money in marketing and advertising), because we want to strengthen our brand and don't want someone using this to commits any kind of crime (polijuice is still an option, but it is an option to Aurors and others figures too. We need to create, as soon as possible, an object to prevent it).

Like the Greek god, we are making Aphrodite synonymous of beauty and charm.

Different for the Aphrodite, Dyonisu's went more for a reduction in product prices (to strangle other players) and increase its stores numbers (we are now in 4 different countries).

And for HepH, he was the most benefited for the Delos. Delos is a Magical Corporation that aiming for improvement in any kind of magic (charm, runes, products, potions…) and it's owned entirely by Order of Zeus. It's a new concept for Wizarding World; normally one research alone or is employed for a defined objective project.

Delos, on the other hand, gives free rein in half of the time; the searcher only needs to show how it could possibly benefit society. Another difference is that the searcher doesn't need to preoccupied about been lucrative.

We can always remember that the unspeakables are researching you don't know what, but nothing that helps people daily life (they seem like some Ph.D. in muggle world, publishing multiple articles that we don't know where its helps). And innovation comes from society, not for the government (government can at most get out the way).

At the start, the CEOs were a little reluctant to "lose" so much money. But, after seeing the two years result, they become more eager to even put more money. The beauty of R&D comes to Wizarding World (they also create a small P&D team in each company).