First week II

Tonks, Any, Elena and me were doing the homework

"Oh, this is stupid. I will not waste my time in homework"

"Why are you complaining? you are with three beautiful ladies" said Nym

"What? I'm not interested in flat.." I needed to dodge fast the three hex

"Talking about that, do you have someone in mind, Ilan?" asked Elena

"Humm, I need to know more. But Milena is gorgeous" (There is also that Seline girl)

"Oh Milena Markett, she is indeed very beautiful. Probably the most desirable girl in the 4th year. Besides, she is very good with charm and a fan of quidditch"

This girl... it is only the second day, where did she get that much information? Did she use the older kids in Hera? Or does she have other ways?

And she got the master suite in Hera (highest grade: Jason and Any, Votes: Big Brother, Any and Elena. Chose by the caregiver: Heldy)

"And she is in Jason group" Elena completed

"Yeah, but brother like her best friend" said Any

"Hum, I pretty sure that Jason prefers you" I poked Any nose

"He is only a bit overprotective"

Any didn't mind that I was poking her face

"Uuu, isn't it a little too early to talk about romance?" said a gloomy Tonks

"They said orphan grow up faster" explained the blonde girl

"Uuu, but Ilan isn't..." she didn't complete her sentence. She understood a bit late

"Yeah, I am too. But Alfred is like a father to me"

"I'm sorry Ilan.."

"Doesn't matter. That happened a long time ago. But if you are sorry, you can kiss me. I need to know how to kiss before going for Milena"

"Oh, screw you, you womanizer!"

the awkward moment was broken

We finished the homework. But before Elena could go, I called her

"Elena, can we talk alone for a moment?"

"Oh my! If you are satisfied with me. I thought you didn't like flat" she said the last part dejected (acting like one, in fact)

But the only one who blushes is Nymphadora. It seems that Any is becoming more accustomed to the antics. And me, I would never blush for so little

"Yeah. What can I say? Sometimes you need to go with what you have in your grasp"

"And am I?" she smiles (but was not a smile)

Elena closed the door after the two went out

"So, what you want to talk to me, Mr. Burke?"

"Huh, the polite speech. You seem way ahead of your age. Be an orphan can't explain that" I looked curious to her

"You must know my aunt, Mrs. Zabini. She is a famous witch and famous widow"

I nodded. I saw a picture of Mrs. Zabini, she is really gorgeous, can compare with a Veela (Maybe Zabini is part Veela or something similar. Elena is very beautiful too). But what is remarkable is that she is in her 4th marriage (the other 3 died) and the fortune she received. Furthermore, H.A.D.E.S didn't find any evidence of her fault, not a single clue (or she is innocent, or she really know how to do it)

"And?" I asked

"Zabini women tend to be intelligent. And I can't lose much to her, she was the one who took everything"

Oh, so there is a revenge desire. But she didn't change her expression (she can hold herself well)

"Interesting. That explains why you faked your age"

"I I didn't..."

this time she lost her mask

I was only speculating. I don't have a report about Elena (I might ask one now). But I hit the pot, I could confirm with my legilimency (and Elena is studying occlumency; I can feel some weak barriers). Moreover, her reaction confirms it (her breath became harder, her heart shot for a second and her pupils dilated. I trained hard to perceive this little changes. With potions and spells, my senses became better than most of the people)

"So?" I asked

"Everyone has their own secrets. You have a lot of them, don't you?"

"Indeed. And why you are not in Slytherin? With your cunning attitude..."

"I asked the hat. Probably just like you. I thought if I stayed in the same house as you..."

I didn't let her finish. I conjured wandless a big snake. The sneak involved Elena.

"Be careful Elena. I help my friends, but I don't like to be used" I said oppressing her with magic.

I read her mind. She knows that Burke's house has more money and power than everyone thought. She was trying to get me to help her.

I whispered in her ear "I can help with your revenge. Fame, money, power, I can give you all. But try to manipulate or betray me, and I swear you will regret it"

I caressed her cheek "It would be waste of a beauty"

I made the snake vanish. I could hear her heart beating faster and faster. I gave her a pill

"Swallow it"

She did, and asked a little fearful after "What does it do?"

"The pill is a special and expensive potion. It encapsulates your last minutes memories. No legilimency could read it, and you would be dead before you could say anything"

The Protect-pill is an extraordinary creation. Too bad that is hard to produce it

"You have 3 minutes before the pill loses it effect (to guard the memory). You can ask me something, and I might give you an answer"

"Are you faking your age too?"


"Are you going to be like You-Know-Who?"

"No. I'm not interested in blood supremacy or other Voldy agenda"

She gulped a little when I say Voldy

"How strong are you?"

"I can protect myself"

"No more questions?"

"None that you would respond"

I nodded. "Elena, you will know that I'm good at business and... exchanging favors"

She gave a little smile and went out

"You freaked her out" said the Wampus

"It was her mistakes for trying to bite off more than she could chew" I said while picking Doll

"She used a special family's magic to fake her age. She is fourteen. She is cunning but also very loyal"


Doll is way better than me in legilimency, she could read many things.

"How was your tour?"

"Hogwarts is incredible. And I need to say, the old one and the bitter face are master legilimency. I can't read anything without alerting them, their barriers are solid"

"Hum, Dumbles was expected. But Severus..."

"Ah, and I almost killed a cat..."

"Huh, Filch cat? Well, doesn't matter. And why did you do that?"

"He flirted with me" said a disgusted Doll

"Puff ahahahahah"

"Youu, you damn human. I will make that fat girl do the same for you!"

"Sorry, sorry Doll" I said while hugging her