First Week

While we are eating, Any said "The first class will be flying lessons. After, History"

"Humm, good. I can take a nap in history" I said

Tonks was shaking a little "What is it Nym?" "Nothing, nothing much..." she said spacing out

Weird, did she hate to fly or history? Or maybe ghost?

After we finished breakfast, we went to the field

"I don't understand, to put the fly lesson after breakfast, do they want that someone feels sick?" I'm good at fly with a broom, but there is a lot of muggleborn here. They might go bad

"Hum, I agree. Not an intelligent schedule" said Any. She flew a lot in Hera Foundation, so she is not preoccupied

"Quiet class" Said a coming Madame Hooch

"Today you will learn your first class of flying. Flying is not unlike walking. It's just much more difficult, and far more dangerous"

"Stand on the left side of your brooms with your right hand over it, and say 'up' "

"Up" I said and the broom comes up. It happened the same with the kids from Hera Foundation (Even Heldy did). But Nym was having some difficulties "

'Up' 'up' " said the pink girl

"A bit more force, Tonks. And put more confidence" I teach her

"Thanks, Ilan"

"Now, mount in your broom and give an impulse" I did and started to fly. Kinda boring. The broom is too slow. I got used to Apollo 11F (Everyone will go insane when I show it) Some kids are having a hard time. But one is the worst... this girl...

"Helppp" said Tonks while flying unruly Predicting a mess, I flew fast for help. When I saw she was falling for her broom, I dive and caught her.

"Hey Nym, how clumsy you can be?"

"Thanks" she said shyly

"Oh, a princess carrying, how envy," said Elena "If you want, I can do the same for you" George came and stayed in front of Elena

"I'm joking. What, you are not going to say that you are a siscon just like Jason?!"

" I I am not" said him stuttered a little

Elena just giggled

I think is the first time I hear his voice

"Stop fliting around. How long we gonna stay like that?" complained Nymphadora

"You don't see to hate it" I mocked her

After we were in the soil, the professor came

"Is everything all right?" and looked to me "You are good at flying, do you plan to play Quidditch?"

"I nodded - that why I made Alfred break the rule that first year can't play (too bad Harry, you are not going to be the first seeker in bla bla years)


History with a ghost is as boring as hell. I didn't last a minute. I was sleeping in Any shoulder.

"How can he sleep in his first History lesson?" asked Tonks

"Well, it is not like this is an interesting class..." said Any

"He is kind of cute when sleeping" murmured Tonks while stroking Ilan head

"Oh, did our little Tonks fell in love?" asked Any

"NO way in hell. And I pretty sure he will gonna be a playboy"

"Yes, unfortunately"

"Do you love him?" asked a conflicted Nym

"I don't know if it is love. I like him, I worship him. At least I know I want to be close to him"

Elena approached them "So, did you decided who is going to be the wife, and who is the concubine?"

"Whaat wife ??" said Tonks screaming

Everyone looked at them

"Miss Tonks, do you have any question?" asked the ghost

"She was asking about Wife, goblin, and War" I said. I woke up with their antics

"Oh yeah, Goblins bla bla bla" professor Binns didn't stop his lesson

"So, Elena, I thinking I'm liking you" I winked to her. She seems to be as playful as me (and she is pretty, maybe the most one in our year. Any is a little behind)

"I'm courted" she replies politely

Eh, she didn't even blink. Is she eleven? For some reason, I saw an old lioness (must be my imagination)

I looked to the pink girl and asked "Nym, why you were screaming about wife?"

Tonks became red

"Oh, I was talking about her becoming your wife or concubine"

I waited for a little, looked again to Nymphadora "Nah, she will be my maid"

"What maid mumm"

I stopped her loud voice "Stop screaming, Tonkisie" "Auu, and don't bite my finger" "Hunff" snorted Nymphadora "You are a bunch of bullies. Only Any is a nice person" she said while hugging Annila


Finally the last class of the day. Transfiguration

"Tonks, you seem excited" said Any

"Well, she is a metamophormagus after all." "Yeah, that is probably my favorite class"

"I thought it was astronomy, as your head is always on the moon..."

"Praat" she bit my arm "And where is the professor? There is only that little cat" she appointed to the cat on the chair.

But before she could cuddle the cat, I stopped her by her collar

"Stop it, Tonksie. Unless you want to lose Transfiguration as your favorite class"

After I said that, the cat transformed into a middle-aged woman.

"Congratulations Mr. Burke. Could you explain to the ones that don't know?"

"Professor McGonagall is an Animagus. A witch that can transform into an animal. One of the hardest spell in transfiguration" not really, there are a lot more complex. But I will not show all my knowledge

"Excellent! 5 points to Hulffpuff"

"Thank you" Tonks whispered

After some lessons, we needed to transform a needle

As expected. Nymphadora is good at the transfiguration. We transformed the needle at the same time (I decided to show only that much)

"Good! Excellent job you two! 10 points to Hulffpuff"