Olympus II

The mall has many facilities. But two in special are overcrowded. The first one is obviously HC (Hermes), iBK is a revolutionary new communication tool that will change the magic world. I made the Daily Prophet put in the first page everything that iBK does for a week. Every day the news added information and a countdown to the launch. That gave a huge momentum for the inauguration.

The second one is Athena's Knowledge. A public library and a private school's courses. As books are more restrict to a wealthy family and some places like Hogwarts, no wonder it attracted a lot of wizards. The accessible price for the loan helped too.

And normally only the genius and the influent wizards got an apprenticeship. With Athena's Knowledge courses, we are creating a post-graduation place (as Hogwarts is near, some professors are teaching here too. We got, also, some that were retired. Like Slughorn, the previous potion's professor). The students can pay or work for Delos (with this, Athena might become profitable in the future).

The merchants of Hogsmeade were conflicted. We stole a part of their buyers but we also increased the demands. In the end, most of them are profiting more.

Another thing that helped is that we changed some Hogwarts' rules (Alfred is slowly gaining power in Britain Ministry. But in Hogwarts Board of Governors, we took 9 of 12 chairs - a huge donation does wonder. Daniel is the chairman). Now, every student can go twice a month to Hogsmeade. But the first and second years need to be accompanied by a 4th-year student or above.

"Look Ilan, this is the new summer clothes of Aphrodite!!"

Any was digging every single part of the store

"Yeah, that is beautiful" in a non-flat girl. I didn't say the last part.

"Look this, what do you think?" said a Hogwarts' student girl to her friend

There are two more weeks before the final. Many students came here. But Jason decided to stay studying. No surprises that he was sorted in Ravenclaw.

He did better than I thought; although the friend's groups were already formed (he was in third year and entered in January) he is in two of them and is a leading figure (his house value intelligence, after all. And one group is basically formed by girls; he is their prince - damn you basta*d, at least leave the best for your truly).

"Your cat is sooo cute!" said a beautiful 3rd-year student

Doll that was chewing her skewer did an annoyed face

'Do your job, Doll'

'hunff, you will need to buy me 5 more skewers'

"~meow meow"

"Her name is Doll" I said

"Really cute!" replied the girl while petting the cat

"Yes, she is; as you are. I'm Ilan Burke by the way"

The girl blushed a little. "Nice to meet you, I'm Seline Cole."

"So Seline, I will be in Hogwarts this year..." I didn't finish. Someone is stepping in my foot

"I was looking for you, Ilan" said Any with a smile. "I'm Annila Lagoon" she said to the girl

"Seline Cole, my pleasure"

"Selineee, let's go" another girl came screaming

"Sorry, I need to go. We can see in Hogwarts, Ilan" said her with a smile

I could hear after 'Are you going for younger, Line? Well, he is a cuter...'

'I was mesmerized by the pet. And, yeah, the owner is appealing. Too bad he is too young. He didn't even start Hogwarts...'

'No waay! I thought he was like a second-year.'

"Any, if you pout more, you might explode" I said while patting her head

"You are a playboy, Young Master!"

"Yes I am, Any" I made a big smile

"That was not a compliment!"

"What can I say? If you want to be near to me, you will need to bear it"

"Mouu" she looked to me with a wronged eyes, and did a deep breath "can't be helped..." she murmurs

"Don't worry Any, I will only go for the beautiful ones" I made a thumbs up

"That is not reassuring at all!"


Time Skip: 1 month

It is finally the Quidditch World Cup. France was inundated by hundred thousand wizards. There was an atmosphere of excitement all over the country. One could see many different colors and costumes, making visible how unique every wizarding nations are.

Most of the foreign guests rented a tent near the stadium. It was pretty much the tradition to 'camp' during the Quidditch Cup. Besides, there are too few places to stay other than the camp. Only the wealthy ones could rent the Wizard's Hotel (owned by Daedalus) - a luxurious place constructed in front of the stadium. The Olympus Mall in France will be a part shopping mall and part stadium. In the future, it will be used by Quidditch French League and Europe League (plus any other sport that we will create).

I didn't think I would see a goblin crying (not a pleasant image), but that happened when we inaugurate and did the first game. The flow of galleons was immense, we hit the jackpot. Even I didn't expect to win so much (maybe I should rename to El Dourado).

"Young Master, this is insane!" said Alfred

"Yeah, we did huge this time". (Just thinking about it, hundred thousands wizards spending a lot - it is their vacation after all, and we haven't had a World Cup in 8 years. Futhermore, all my companies have a lot of novelty; iBK is the icing on the cake).

"Huge can't describe it. With all the profit, we made more than some years of Britain Wizarding GDP"