Chapter 23



Lora entered Stilla's room. She started looking around and thought to herself,

"Astrid was in a rush back then. I couldnt even talk to her properly.

Thankfully, I applied for the slave. At least, I can be around Stilla now."

One hour passed but no one came in the room. Lora kept waiting.

Suddenly, she heard some shouts and screams outside.

Not her bussiness but she still went to take a look.

Outside the room and few paths away,

It was Sky torturing a servent. A lot of others were surrouding them and watching.

Lora couldnt help herself. She came between them.

When Sky was about to beat the slave again, Lora grabs her hand tightly,

S,"How dare you!!!"

L,"I apologies. But in my point of view, We all are trying our best. You cant beat us like this."

The orhers who gathered to watch, backs off with a frightning face.

S,"You dare to reply me!!!"

L,"If you like beating someone that much, Punish me instead of her."

Everything was quiet for a while.

The slave sky was beating,came toward Lora,"Dont do this...."

S,"Well then, Lets just beat the courage out from you",

Sky was about to whip Lora, Suddenly theu heard a shout,

All turned around to see the saviour,


Stilla,"Without my permission, You cant beat my servents."

S,"Oh really~

Who do you think you are?"

Sti, "Your sister-in-law  I guess."


Sti,"Your brother couldnt tell you yet?

Im about to be the queen.

You shall listen to me."

S,"I thought you're against it-"

Sti,"I was.

But now that i think about it, Its not that bad. I command you to let my servent go."

Sky drops her wip down in anger and walks away.

Lora slowly turns her head to Stilla.



Stilla shutters,"Come with me."

Lora bows and follows Stilla."(What can Stilla has something to tell me...?)"

Both entered the room. Stilla quickly locks the door.

She walks toward Lora and grabs her shoulder.

Still quiet. Nothing to say.

L,"Princess...You need something?"


L,"(what is she thinking while staring at me like that....?)"

S,"You're...not it ...right?"


S,"Flora...?Is it not you?"

L,"You know me?!?"

S,"It's me! Astrid."

L,"Astrid?!?!?! How is it possible...You're here-"

Before she could finish, Stilla hugs her tightly around her arms without saying anything.

Lora hugs back.

When they parted, Stilla was crying.

L,"How did it happen!?! Why are you here?"

Few moments later,

S,"That day, I was heading back home from Aspen's house.

One the way, I saw a weird door...

The door was black and there was something moving inside it.

I went a little closer and it pulled me in.

Next thing I knew was Im here. As Stilla.

It took me a while to realise the situation. Everyone was here but...they were not.

Emma and Esmay were completely different person. I couldnt make things weird with asking them about myself.

I realised, It isnt my world. I belong somewhere else.

I somehow managed to survive with Stilla's memories and acted the way she would.

A year passed...I almost gave up my hope of going back. Then, I saw you.

It didnt really matter if i see you or not. cause Emma is also here but the thing is no one knows anything.

Today, I saw you talking against Sky. Its almost impossible. You were out of character. So...I gave it a try."

L,"You're a brave girl Astrid. I cant even imagine of living in a different world for a year. Im glad to see you.

Since you're living in Stilla's body now...I guess it wont be that hard to take you back."

S,"We can go back?!? Really?!?"

L,"Im not sure..."

S,"What do you mean?"

L,"I found you but the door will only appear at the right time. I dont even know when's the right time..."


L,"You know what, I dont care. As long as you're with me now. Lets just stuck together. When it appears, We'll go back."

S,"Yeah sure. wanna tell me about yourself?"

L,"Dont ask. It was a long way."

S,"How are the others? Are they doing well?"

L,"They were...everything will change after i go back. No one will remeber anything.

Emma and Nathan

Aspen and Aron


S,"You okay? what's going on?"

L,"Its just that, Everything will be normal again. A new fresh start between us.

Just five of us."

S,"I miss them..."

L,"Me too.

Hey, Im sorry for the last day. I wasnt thinking straight back then."


Someone knocks at the door.

S,"who could it be...?

L,"I'll check."

Lora opens the door.

Carson came in.

He gave a sign of leaving to Lora.

L," (Should I leave her alone with this monster...?)"

She couldnt help but obey his order.

C,"Heard what you did out there. Suddenly so happy to be my wife."


C,"What you said isnt that wrong though.

I'll allow you rule over the others after our marriage."

S,"I'll never do that. Keep dreaming."

C,"You wanna end up like the others?"


C,"Take your time. One day, You'll realise there's no one to save you. Not even your useless brother."

L,"What was that about...Will you really marry him...?"

S,"There's no other way Lora. They captured the other Rowans. Even if im not the old Stilla, They all took care of me a lot. specially Prince Rao. I need to save them."

L,"(Prince Rao....Leo....?)"

"How about we runaway...?"

S,"Runaway...? That's impossible. There's high guards all around."

L,"Please Astrid. If you want to save them we can figure it out later. For now, Lets runaway from this place. I can help you."

Stilla nods after a long thought.

Later at that night, Rao and Stilla wore black hood to sneak off the castle.

Slowly,trying not to make any sounds in their steps.

They Passed the guards and reached a spot. Colt was standing there with a horse.

Stilla sat on the horse while Rao making sure no one is following them.

C,"Stay safe. They'll soon figure out about her absent.You should leave now."

R,"Come with me."

Colt smiles and shook his head as 'No.'

C,"I'll stay here and protect the others."

R,"You have to come with me. Let's leave this place together. They'll torture you if we are exposed."

C,"Let them.

I cant leave. This is where I belong. I shall die here if they intend to kill me."


S, "I'm taking my dove. Let's send each other letters.

Stay carefully Colt."

C,"Dont worry princess. I wont let you down.

Rao, You should go now."

R nods. They rode the horse in forest direction.

🍁In other way🍁

Ora and Ren was standing on top of a cliff. Waiting for Stilla.

After waiting for hour,Ren was exshausted.

R,"you sure she's coming!"

L,"I've told her we'll wait here...what if something happened...?"

R,"I'll go and get her by myself-"

Before she could finish, Stilla came running


Ren stops his movement and stares at Stilla running at Lora. He couldnt even get where they became good friends.

L,"Finally. You made it. Ast-.....Stilla,you're so brave."

Stilla noticed Ren's presence.

S,"'re Ren right...?"

R bows. He could only see her as a Royal princess he had crush on aince their childhood.

While they were chatting, Suddenly, The bushes and trees started moving from behind.It looked like an giant animal. It came closer closer.

At last, Rao came out with a lot of leafs on his hair and dress.

R,"Stilla, You should have told me about this place---- What are you doing here!"

[He only saw Ren]

Lora thought to herself,

[]"Why is he!!!! Oh my gosh!! I cant ...i with him right now....s.shjs_iajwveidbjwhe"[]

When Rao saw Lora,

[What is she doing here...are they together on this....

Should i ask....]

S,"Where are we going now?"

R,"We're about to stay in North kingdom for a while-"

R,"How can We trust you? Is this a trap!"

S,"Brother Calm down. I know them-"

R,"what about this girl",,

point his sword at Lora.

"How can we trust her?"

Lora was still quiet. Trying to avoid eye contact.

S,"I trust her.

Can we move now!"

Stilla Pulls Lora and starts walking.

R,"since when they became such good friends..."

1 hour passed. They kept walking and heading toward the North. The kingdom had only one forest difference from one another.

While they were still on walk, Lora drags Stilla a little far from the Ren.

L,"So....Stilla and Ren were only good friends?"

S,"That's how far the memory can tell.

If she felt anything for him back then..I cant really tell."


S,"Hey, Im sorry about Rao's behaviour back there. He's just overprotective for me- I mean...his sister."

L,"I can tell.

he's always protective toward the one he cares.

[what is this situation.

I have to face him everyday.

He's someone i had in my real world...but here..he's just a look alike.]"

S,"You know him? Is he someone you know from the real world?"

L,"...Is he?

Speaking of real world, I wonder where am i."

S,"Well, I havent seen the 'you' and Aspen in here. I can tell that y'all are not Royals."

L,"Bad for us.

You changed so badly. Back then you used to be so nerdy and book worm. Now...I cant reconize you as Astrid."

S,"...Dont you think we need to look for a shelter?"

L,"You're right.

Let's take a rest."

They all stood still to take rest.

Ren reached out his hand to give Stilla a bottle. She took it and smiled.

Ren turned around and blushed to death.

In other way, Rao was standing while leaning on a rock. Eyes closed, he was bearing a pain inside him.

"(I've seen those dreams so many times. It's more than enough for me to comfirm her face. Im sure it's her.

She may know the reason. Should I ask..?)"

L,"(I should keep my distance from him.My only mission is to get Stilla out of this world. I cant involve him in this mess)"

Suddenly they heard some voices inside the deep forest. Two strangers were talking among themselves. One female and male.

Likely to be a couple,

hannah, "look. those people are homeless."

Alex, "They can be dangerous. Lets not go near them."

H,"What if they need help."

A,"Fine. I'll go and ask. "

Alex approached to them. As soon as steps closer, Rao and Ren unshethed their sword and points at him.

A,"Please...we mean no harm. We just wanted to know if you need any help here."

R,"We dont. Get out of my sight."

Hannah walks closer and stands beside Alex.

H,"Are you Royals...?

Please dont kill us."

Lora and Astrid was being unbothered the whole time.It was pretty normal  running into villagers cause they are alnost near North kingdoms Village.

But something about Hannah's voice woke them up. Both looked at each other. Then looked at her.

S&L, "Aspen?"


[Alex   ~~   Aron

                                      Hannah   ~ ~  Aspen]

R,"we wont hurt you if both of you leave like nothing happened-"

S,"No stop! We need help."

R,"Stilla, What are you doing"

S,"Brother, We need a place to stay tonight. I cant sleep in this forest."

Ren, "I think we should ask them to let us stay in their village. Let's continue tomorrow."

Rao, "You should've said that before. I already shouted at them."

Looks like Lora already made her move when the other three were talking behind.

L,"Im sorry for shouting like that...We really need a place to stay. Would you like to help us...?"


H,"Okay. Please follow us."


H,"Look at them. We should help. This girl is extremely polite. We cant leave them alone in this forest."

A,"…fine. Come with us."

L,"Guys! Let's go."

S,"(what just happened...?)"

R,"(They agreed?)"

Rao, "(She did it...?)"

They entered the village quietly. There were huts all over the places. Lights were off as everyone was sleeping.They followed the owners to their house.

H,"We only have three rooms. Would you like to share?"

ALL, ".…"

L,"(whats there to think about...of course i'll stay with Astrid.)"

Everyone received their normal cloths to sleep. It was normal like those villagers.

In Lora and Stilla's room,

S,"Hey, It's Aspen. She helped us. Even though we have no connection in this life."

L,"It turns out that...She's the only one who lived happily in this life."

S,"You think everyone else would die without happy ending? Or is it already know."

L,"Im happy for her. Aron and Aspen....Are they married?"

[Door knocks]

Hannah,"Can i come in?"

S,"Yeah sure. Please join us.

We're all girls here."

Three of them spent their night with talks and laughs. Like they know each other for years. No difference than their real world.

Even different life time couldnt break their connection toward each other.

In the morning,

There were more villagers here and there. Doing their daily life works. All happily greeting each other.

No sign of strangers.

They decided to stay there for a while. They kept themselves busy with helping the others in farming and taking care of animals.

Soon, They mixed up with the North Villagers. Forgetting what happened back at Rowan Kingdom. Completely unbothered.

It's pretty normal for Ren and Stilla to forget about the Rowan. But as a crown prince, Can Rao forget?

Week passed. There was no sign of Rao and Lora's interaction. It felt like both were on the same thing. The thing was staying away from each other.

But Lora caught Rao staring at her while she was working.

R thought to himself, "(should I talk...? What kind of freak dreams about a stranger for months and when its time to finally talk...he backs away.)"

L, "(what is he thinking...whatever...)"

A child runs up to her, "sister, can you play with me? my friends are busy."

L, "yeah sure. what do you wanna play?"

-"we need one more person.


yes. come with me."

The child grabs her hand and runs toward R

-"will you play with us. we need three people to play this game."

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~                   ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

R, "…"                                         L, "…"

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~                   ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

-"ok then. I'll look for you. go and hide."

The child ran toward a wall to count. The other two was standing there not knowing what to do. Should they play along?

R made his first step and turned around.

They both walked away at the same time to hide. The game was presenting their own situation. How both of them are trying to hid away from each other.

🍁In other way,🍁

Stilla was carrying  few heavy objects from one place to another.

Ren walked up to her. He gently took one of the box in his hands to help.

s,"Thank you. Let's put it down there."

r,"You decided to just stay here. if that king who wants to marry you finds out...he may do something bad to the others."

s,"i cant tell how much longer i can rest in this place. the missing news is already over the whole kingdom now. Carson isnt someone who would let us go this easily. "

r, "do you...remember when was the first time we met?"

s,"in our childhood?"


[7 year old Elly and 5 year Stilla was walking around at the royal garden. Stilla saw a rose tree and ran at it without looking anywhere else.

e,"stilla, where are you going! come back."

too late. stilla has already ran far away.

she picked up a rose and came back to her senses.

the place wasnt where she used to play around. it was a part of a garden she never steeped on.

s,"what...should i do...

mommy....i wanna go back."], *sobs*

6 year old ren slowly walks toward her,

"are you crying...?"

stilla looked back and bursted out in tears after looking at a stranger.

r,"have a candy.

dont cry. I'll help you."

s,"...Im lost."

r,"lost? come with me. I'll take you to your sister."


Next day,

Again in the garden, Stilla was playing alone.

ren was passing by. he saw her and came closer, "what are you doing?"

s,"these ants are hungry."

ren sat beside her and both kept playing with the ants.

s,"will you play with me here everyday? Im always alone. Sister elly is busy with her studies."

r,"sure. im alone too."

years passed,

stilla and ren became good friends after playing with each other everyday. in the meantime both went busy with their own work. Ren started getting sword training and stilla was busy with her royal studies.

still they managed to talk and meet with each other secretly through a connected river.

One night beside the lake,

s,"Do you really have to leave?"

r,"my father is going on a war tomorrow. So i need to help my grandparents back in the village.

Im come back soon."

s,*sobs* "promise.. ?"


Ren's father lost his life in the battle. Later, He moved away to the village to stay. After that, they kept no connection with the Royals. His family took Rowan as their enemy because of his father's death. They never allowed Ren to meet with Stilla or anyother Rowan members.

More years passed. when everyone from his family passed away, He decided to look after Olive as her parents. Working here and there for money was all he could do.

When their memories were almost about to fade away, Miracle happened that they met.

Ren fell for her in the first sight. More than 10 year passed. They both changed in their own way. All of their childhood memories were all over his mind. He tried to reach out to her. But Rao became an obstocale between them. He started threating Ren to stay away from her. But Ren never gave up.

He could never tell if Stilla even read those letters or not. Astrid took over Stilla's soul. But, What did Stilla felt for Ren?


R, "im sorry. i akways wanted to ask you about this. we've spent so much time together. i only made you feel awkward..."

S, "Those...were... just a few memories i guess. Let's not...bring them up."

r,"..…(to her,its nothing but empty memories. but for me...its everything to live up with these feeling.can i win her back again?)"

🍁2 months passed away like that. They lived happily with the villagers. Without any worries, time kept flying.

The black door never showed up for them to go back. Looks like,

It's still looking for the right time.🍁