Chapter 24



....this is the end now."

The day after Rao and Stilla ranaway. The news of them being missing was all over the kingdom.

Carson was furious. He ordered everyone to look for them.

Sabe soldiers were all over the town and villages to search.  Still there was no sign.

The more day passed, The more his anger rose. No one could handle him.

Few days passed in their searching.

Carson was laying in his room while being massaged by few servents. Trying to calm himself down.

His P.S. entered the room. He was scared to face Carson's angry face again. Still steps closer.

C,"You found them?"

-"My apologies your highness. We are still looking for them. Im sure we'll find them until tonight"

He gave the servents a sign and they all left.

C,"Keep trying. They cant be too far from here."

-"(He's not shouting anymore...?)"

Aiden enters, "…"

C,"Im glad you're here. How's your training?"

A,"Im...pretty satisfied. Thanks for asking."

C,"Speaking of you...Did you investigate Rao's P.S.? What was his name again…"

A, "…"

-That's a great idea your highness. As a P.S., he might know everything about them He surely knows where they went. I'll capture him this instant.


No wait.

I'll let someone else handle it.


A,".....yes....your majesty..."[nervously]

C,"Capture that Soldier.

Make him tell where they went."


-What if he wont tell us? Should we kill him?


Torture him until he wills to tell us about the location. Do it until he dies.

I want Both of them in my castle before tonight."

[Carson's P.S. name-~-~-~-Jeong ]

Both walked out of the room and stopped at once.

Aiden was looking down on the floor with his moving and trembling eyes.

J,"Is it too hard for you? You're a sabe soldier now. Do as he says."

"Capture him and torture.

If he dosent cooperate, I can take your task."


Colt was practising in the field.

Few sabe soldier gathered to capture him.

C,"what is it now~"

-"We are ordered to take you for investigation. You shall come with us. Or else, We need to force you."

C,"(Rao was right...they wont be leaving me alone this easily. Should I fight...Or surrender?)"

Aiden comes forward to lock his hand.

Colt stares at him while he was locking

"i trust you..."

In the investigation room,

A,"King Carson's prisoners are missing. You're prince Rao's P.S.

He must have told you where they went."

C, [smile], "Even if i knew, I wont be telling you, You know that right?"

A,"…I order you to cooperate. We'll let you go if we find them.So tell us where they are"

C,"They're maybe somewhere, Hiding and planning to take this whole Sabe kingdom down. why? are you scared of it?"


J,"You're asking for death. be ready to get beaten-"

A,"Not now!" [looks at Colt]

"I'll ask you for the last time. If you simply tell us the location, there wont be any furthure torture or investigation. If you dont, we have to torture you until you tell us so.

Where is Rao and Stilla?"

C,"…you forgot to add their position.

They're still Royals.

I'll rather die than betray my master.

Unlike you."


J,"Take him away and start what you're asked to do.

anything else to say, Aiden?"


Few weeks passed. One day, Both Aiden and Jeong was present infront of Carson.

Aiden was long out of this case. He couldnt check Colt after that day.

C,"Useless thing. You cant even look for two normal humans in this small kingdom."


J,"We've been starving and beating that P.S. for a long time. But he isnt willing to tell us anything."


C,"Keep doing that.I want truth or his death after this. "

A, "what if he really doesnt know?"


C,"Are you taking his side?"

J, "I apologies for his misbehaviour...."

C,"why dont you  prove that he really cant tell where they are.

Later that night.

Aiden slowly walks up to Colt's cell. Avoiding the guards,he quietly broke in.

Colt was laying on the floor. All covered in blood and wounds.

The footsteps woke him up.

He slowly opens eyes to see the visitor.

Aiden was wearing a black hood to cover and hid himself.

C, "long...time    [cough x 2]

here to beat me again?"

Aiden kneels down to open up the locked chain. He straight off ignored what Colt has to say. His eyes were stuck in the motive.

When the chain was finally off, without delaying a second, he took Colt in his arms.

Colt was weak and tired. No matter how much he tried to get off, it was useless. Due to starving, he couldnt even say anything against him.

Completely hopeless and tired expression came across his face.

At last, he couldnt take it anymore and fell unconscious.

When he regained conscious, the tired eyes slowly opens. He could see a house celling infront of him.

Quick realization, He was laying on the floor of a cottage. The house was old.all the walls were broken and discolored.

The sun shines right in to his eyes.

He thought to himself, "(where am i....?)"

Suddenly, He heard footsteps.

Quickly turned around and saw Aiden.

C,"Why did you bring me here?!?"


C,"If you're going to kill me anyway, atleast dont give false hope."

A,"I'll treat you until your wounds heal."

C,"Did you sneak off? Is there no one who can trust you!! why do you always have to betray!"

Aiden steps closer to his face, "I ...never betrayed you."

Colt was is shock. He kept staring. Unable to move cause of the injuries.

Aide walks out of the cottage.

💜   In ~~other ~~way  💜

Ellie was working in the hall. Even as a princess, she's treated like a servent here.

A young girl ran toward her, "Princess, Let it be. I'll do the rest."

E,"Thanks for helping...I can handle it."

May walks up to the hall with two other friends behind her.As soon as she saw the young girl helping Ellie, Her face was exploding in anger.

They came forward.

Their arrival made Ellie and the young girl stood up and bow.

May's attention was specially in her. She wanted her to suffer only.

M,"I'll hold a party onight. Make sure the hall is clean and tidy. Any mistake and you'll face me.

Let me tell you what this party is about.

My fiancee, Prince Neth is the special guest tonight. It's our pre~wedding ceremony.

Isn't it exciting!"

Ellie's head looked down on the floor. Cause she was helpless.

Everyone was making her do the chores. She had a tiny hope that one day, May will understand her pain and look back at those days when they were together. Listening to her orders was the only way to be around.

Later that night In the party , The hall was filled with guest. They were still entering.

May stood at the door to welcome the guest. Everyone was busy with their work. So was Ellie.

Suddenly, the lights turned off. When they were about to think what went wrong, Few lights were higlighting the stage. Everyone turns their attention to the stage.

The royal famillies, one by one started to gather up in the stage. At last, May and Neth were on the spotlight.

May was happier than ever. On the other side, Neth was cold and expressionless. He was just going with the orders.

Ellie saw it all coming. She wasnt that surprised at all. All she could do was stare at those spotlights and keep a low profile.


She was nothing but an


When the party was about to end, Neth walks toward May and whispers, "we need to talk."

M,"Sure. What is it?"

N,"Alone. Outside. At the same place where i rejected you. I might have to do that again."

May's smily face was still unchanged. She built herself strong enough for those words.

Ellie saw them When they were about to leave the hall. She tried to mind her bussiness but couldnt. Cause, The situation between them was caused by her interfere.

Trying not to get noticed, She couldnt help but follow them outside.

In the garden,

As soon as they reached, Their happy expression dissappeared. They lets go of each others holding hands.

Neth was quiet for a while. Then he looked back at May.

N,"I thought i made things clear to you. Why would you still hold this gathering!

Cant you see how hard Im trying to speak the truth infront of my parents."

M,"What truth?"

N,"Truth that we cant get married. I cant live with you forever and I like-"


"You care about her so much. Mind if i ask where your sweetheart is right now."

N,"...what do you mean?"

M,"She couldnt tell you yet. I thought you two are close enough to know each others whereabouts.

Nevermind. I'll tell you where she is."

N,"What have you done...?

I told you to stay away from her. She has nothing to do in this. Its all me. Im the one who rejected you. Ellie was about to sacrifise everything for you."

M,"I dont care about anymore.

You both betrayed me. And Im going ro avange you all.",

May was about to turn around but Neth grabs her wrist.

N,"Where is she?"

M,  "Around somewhere. In a place where she belongs."


M,"Change your expression. We're about to greet our parents.

I dont care if you like me or not. I just dont want to dissappoint my parents because of you two filthy betrayers. This wedding has to take place."

Ellie was long back in the hall after listening to their conversation.  She couldnt help but feel guilty. The reason May is acting this wildly is because of her.

Nothing can be helped anymore.

When the party ends, The guest were leaving. Ellie tried to not show up in the hall when Neth was around.

But nothing can stop her now. She has to go on with the cleaning and stuff.

Just when she was working while kneeling down, She saw someone walking towards her. She looked up and saw Neth.

Neth was in his last second of holding back the anger.

E,"…Neth...I thought you-"

Ellie couldnt finish her words. Just when she stood up, Neth hugs her around his arms tightly.

N,"Im sorry...its all my fault."

E,"Let go of me."

N,"You dont have to do this anymore.

Come with me. I'll keep you away from all this."

They seperated. Neth was feeling sorry for her but cant do anything.

E,"Dont...worry about me.

I'll convince May. We'll be good cousins again...soon.."

N,"You dont deserve this."

E,"We broke her heart. She liked you for a long time. We cant leave her alone."

Both went quiet. Ellie was looking down while Neth was staring at her.

Suddenly, they heard a clapping sound behind them.

May was walking toward them with a forced smile.

M, "what a heartouching reunion."

N,"You cant do this to her. She's your Cousin."

M,"What do you want me to do? Treat her like a queen In my own kingdom. Just because her own was taken over by someone else.At least,I give her food here "

N,"What do you want? I'll do anything. Just stop treating her like this."


N,"But you need to promise me You'll let her stay here like any other princess. You cant ever treat her badly."

M,"Fine. I'll leave anyway."

E,"...what do you mean..?"

M,"Marry me without any delay. I'll let her stay here if you do that."

N,"May You're crossing the line-"

Ellie holds Neth back from talking.She came forward and stood infront of May. While gently grabbing her shoulder and patting her head, she smiled and said,

"May, It's not like Im greedy for royal services. Neth is only yours. Now or Later, You two are bound to get married. I'll never interfere again.

Thanks for helping me escaping Rowan kingdom. I'll never forget what you did for me.

We made a mistake and looked up to each other. But I promise, I'll never do that again. Stay happy."

Ellie walks away from the hall.

She thought to herself, ."Is everything coming to an end now?"