The next morning we started readying ourself again for another fight.
All the soldiers met with their commanding officer and before long the four division stood ready outside the camp.
"Yesterday all of you were great, we only had wounded men no casualties. Lets keep it that way." I screamed in front of everyone.
Then I let Jérome, Mikael, Maelith and Aegrith put their men into position after that we marched towards the eternal battlefield.
Again with Jérome and Mikael in front of their division and Maelith, Aegrith and me behind ours. We eventually reached striking distance of the eternal battlefield and so divisions of the war broke off to attack us, just to be met by a quick death. Jérome had summoned his sphinx and was bigger then last time, as it killed every soldier that came close to it Jérome tried to enchant it grabbing one of the daggers he tried to enchant it with fire, Yet he only succeded into putting the sphinx on fire.
A sphinx made of light was now burning, Everyone on our side was looking at each other asking how it was possible.
It was not really enchanted yet it did only have positive results, every enemy hit by the sphinx slowly burned to death.
While everbody enjoyed looking at the burning sphinx killing everyone the enemies tried a quick pincer movement and because division Charlie acted too late the enemies succeded.
Now basically surrounded by nothing but enemies we changed our formation.
Division Delta would guard the north side, Division Beta would guard the west side and split a part of itself of to guard the south side and Division Alpha would take the east side while also spliting a part of to help guard the south side.
As we kept our guard up waiting for a serious attack Division Charlie tried to break the pincer movement. As no one did really achieved anything significant I looked at the sphinx and at Jérome who stil tried to enchant his sphinx.
Night fell as the battlefield started to change, the pincer movement was coming undone the sphinx was almost through the eternal battlefield and no one dared to approach it, those who did obviously had an element, as now and then you saw giant boulders, icicles and other elemental projectiles go through the burning beast.
On the other side Division Charlie was breaking through the pincer movement trying to reach us. Enemy commanders got scared of what would happen if Division Charlie would reach us, they gave the awaited order for one final attack.
Waiting for the right moment, we countered once and broke through in one try as Mikael just send down a barrage of grey lightning on his side, it took care of the most enemies.
On my side we countered the attack by charging in at the right moment, while bodies fell I kept teleporting behind enemy lines to kill silently and unseen.
The pincer movement had weakened yet it reached Maelith and Aegrith personally.
As the back of the enemies were now heading towards Division Charlie I got discovered and a commander came to face me screaming to "leave that foul wench" to him.
I smiled as I heared that, as in my thoughts I already told myself I would make him regret saying that. While waiting for the commander to arrive the crimson red ends of my hair started to spread again. By the time the enemy commander and I stood face to face my hair was half black and half crimson red. Inside of me I had tapped inside my anger once more.
Staring into his eyes I said "get on your knees and apologize for you insults then run away with your tail between your legs, only then will you live to see another day"
The enemy commander laughed at my comment as he stopped laughing he said "No woman has every silenced me nor even scathed me let alone a rookie ass assassin wench..." without giving him time to end his tirade I grabbed his head and pushed him down into the ground his body dissapeared into the earth completly a layer of my void power would keep him there and in a few minutes he would die.
Meanwhile they started to tear Division Charlie apart, soldiers started falling one by one.
The moment I buried the commander alive they leaped at Maelith and Aegrith.
I teleported in front of them just to see Katherina kick them away.
Katherina who came out of nowhere turned to the twins just to see me, she handed us a letter.
In the letter it stated that Count Volgar had died, Maelith, Aegrith, Anya, Katherina and Mikael had to return home.
After reading the letter I aimed at everyone who still stood between Division Charlie and the rest of our men and in a matter of seconds their resistance fell, small balls of void had ran wild through enemy lines mortally wounding or killing anyone it touched.
After that Mikael and his division broke of and together with the healing Division and Division Charlie where leaving the eternal battlefield. Divisions Alpha and Delta would cover their retreat.
The next day came as enemies still charged at us while even the scent of Mikael and the others was gone we went for one last attack.
In a combined effort me and Jérome mounted the sphinx while our troops retreated, the three of us would keep everyone occupied.
Jérome enchanted the sphinx with fire, after many failed attempts he succeded and the fire did not burn or hurt us, we could move freely over a burning flying sphinx made out of light.
The sphinx then tore apart the battlefield until all commanders came together and barrier made out of all the elements and stopped the sphinx. yet it could not stop me. I sensed where the commanders were and which ones had my element, I teleported myself and Jérome of the sphinx and threw him at the commanders.
While he distracted them I came behind them aiming my small balls of void at them, as only the void commanders survived they smiled at me saying that "void can not kill a void user."
It is the only known element with this rule.
I thought of Mikael and how he is then probably the closest thing to this rule.
Meanwhile Jérome had pounded them with his morningstar killing them one by one, as he summoned his sphinx over and over again inside every commander.
as blood and body parts flew over the battlefield no one dared to approach us.
Jérome's sphinx was now being looked at like a holy deity by the enemy, like one you would hear about in doomsday prophecies as such they looked at Jérome like he was some kind of war god and I was the compleet opposite apparently.
Everyone in the vicinity went on their knees begging "War god, War demon please don't kill us"
Seeing how no one in sight was still on their feet I quickly saw a way out. "Alright then let us be and we will spare you... this time" I said.
I started walking and Jérome started to walk beside me everyone in our direction made room for us to pass once outside the battlefield I teleported us without saying a word. For them it was like we dissapeared.
without a common enemy it did not take long for the fighting to resume but me and Jérome were now known through the whole entire eternal war.
Out of sight and not being able to sense the war me and Jérome appeared yet I fell to my knees, I was exhausted. Jérome summoned his sphinx and enchanted the with a giant saddle.
He threw me on the saddle and jumped up after me, the sphinx then made way toward Castle Dreadskull.
Reaching the plateau near the Castle we dismounted, I had taken a nap in the meantime so I could at least walk again.
At the gates we asked where the rest was just hear that we were the first ones to arrive.
As the guards said that Mikael's voice was heard in the distant "heeyy over here" he screamed and indeed in the distance we saw everyone.
Once everyone was at the gate we were escorted to the Castle. In the Castle Mikael, Maelith, Aegrith, Anya, Katherina, Jérome and I were escorted to the Count's bedroom.
There we saw the corpse of Count Volgar.
One look at him and there were two thing we noticed.
He had died peacefully in his sleep but he was poisoned. We saw this because the was no sign of strangeling or anything yet a familiar poison drooled out of his mouth.
Everyone had one person in mind... Lucian!
Without a word to have been shared everyone in the room felt a wave of hatred with their grief. this affected everyone diffrent. the twins were shaking and crying, Anya and Katherina left their room and started to clean the entire castle while fighting the tears.
Jérome rallied up the men for an honorable last salute for the deceased Count.
As for me, I gave in to the anger that was inside me since the fight against the scientist.
Now affected by the stone in my palm my sanity would slowly slip away as my crimson red hair turned dark purple and a swirl in my hairstyle appeared.
My hair now the same colour as the color of the stone in my hand but and a weakened mental state that would only slip more and more was nothing towards how Mikael was feeling.
Hatred raged inside the young boy who could not fight his tears, his body trembled as he made his way towards the main entrance of the Castle, I followed him just to see him open up his wings at the entrance, suddenly he had six wings each scarred with a grey bolt in the design. He took of like a flash aa he almost disappeared out of sight I teleported far in front of him just to see him pass me like a black and grey flash.
Yet he noticed me and returned to me ordering me to return to the Castle.
In his rage he said " I will end it, EVERYTHING!! Especially "Him" and I will do it alone, right now. so return to the Castle your mission ends here...