Story One- School Beauty Alina(4)

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang"

It was 4 a.m. when I woke up with loud thudding sound from my front door. I was confused about who could be at my door this early in the morning? I went downstairs to check; I was a little afraid about whom might be on the other side of the door? Cautious, I approached the door slowly. I was about to open the door but something inside was telling me to not open the door. I froze at that moment and couldn't move one inch.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bang"

The thudding on the door was getting louder and louder and with each thud fear was creeping deeply inside me. My heartbeat was so loud then that you can hear it from a distance. Somehow, I gathered my courage and went in front of the door, I tried to peek through the peephole to see who was outside Banging the door so loud. What I saw sent chills down my spine, Alina was standing there expressionless knocking the door continuously. I thought to myself, I knew Alina was not normal. I was cursing myself for the moment when I met her for the first time. I wanted to tell her to go away but words didn't come from my mouth. My legs were paralyzed and I couldn't move at all.

Somehow using my hands, I hid behind the sofa near the door. I was shivering and praying to god so nothing bad happens to me. Suddenly I heard a voice that intensified my fear. It was Alina's Voice.

"Jaret, I have seen you. You are behind the sofa, please open the door."

How did she know I was hiding behind the sofa? I wanted to ask her but I decided to keep my mouth shut. She again spoke.

"Jaret, if you don't open the door how will I come inside?"

Gathering some courage, I responded,

"Alina, why are you here?"

"Jaret you didn't pick up my phone so I was worried. Your phone was switched off so I came to check."

I understand worrying for someone but no sane person will come at 4 am to anybody's house. I had to tell her to go away so I responded.

"Alina, I will talk to you later so please go home now."

���Jaret, let me in one time and after seeing you with my eyes I will go home."

"Alina, this is not the right time. I will meet you later."

"Jaret, we love each other so you should let me in."

I wanted to say it clearly to her, I was mistaken that I am in love with her but the feeling right now I have for her is fear. I didn't say it because I was afraid, she might do something terrible. So, I lied to her.

"Alina, it's true that we love each other but we have our personal lives too so please, go home now."

"Okay Jaret, I am going home but promise me you will meet me later."

"I promise, now please go."

After that, her voice stopped coming but I didn't move from my place at all. Eventually I fell asleep at the very same spot. When I woke it was afternoon already, although I couldn't determine time but judging from the position of the sun, it must be about 2 pm. I am feeling weak and I couldn't determine whether what happened early in the morning was a dream or reality? I wanted to erase this memory from my brain forever. I wanted to share what happened with me with someone but I was afraid if I did share then Alina will try to harm that person. I decided to take a bath and calm my mind.

After the bath I was feeling a little relieved. When I checked my phone, it was still switched off. I thought to myself I should block Alina's phone number first so I did just that after switching on my phone. I liked reading books so I picked up a book and started reading it. After a while my phone started ringing, it was a call from one of my friends so I picked up the phone

"Hi Jaret, We friends have decided something fun, you should come too."

"What fun?"

"You just come to the address that I will send you."

"I don't understand what you are trying to say?"

"Jaret, don't stress on small details. I am sending you the address along with time, please come on time."


After that the phone was disconnected. I didn't understand what he meant by fun. Soon after a message came, in it there was an address along with time. The address was of a famous restaurant in the city and the time specified was 5 pm. I thought to myself that I should go there as it will help me get my stress off. It was 2:30 pm so there was still time left till the meeting. I decided to continue reading the book.

At 4:00 pm I started dressing for the alleged fun my friend was talking about. I put on my finest dress and put on the perfume. I was all ready to go. When I stepped outside my home, I felt like someone was watching me. I had a very bad feeling about it. I tried to suppress those feeling and started proceeding to the restaurant where my friends were waiting for me. I boarded a bus which was nearly empty except one or two people. The feeling of being watched was lingering in my heart throughout the journey.

At 4:50 pm I reached the restaurant; my friends were already there waiting for me. When they saw me, they waved towards me. I waved back and went straight towards them. My friends Paul, Jack, Marshall, and Peter were there. Paul was the one who called me this afternoon. So, he started speaking first

"Jaret, so you came Afterall. I thought you wouldn't come."

"Well today I thought why not try your fun thingy. Btw what is this fun you were talking about?"

"My friend, just come inside. You will find out yourself."

I followed him and we came to a private room in the restaurant. I was confused what has this room to do with fun? When my friend opened the door, there were 5 girls our age already sitting there. I got the idea of what Paul meant by fun. This was group dating. Paul asked us to sit opposite to the girls. In a low voice I asked Paul.

"Is this what you meant by fun?"

"Yes, my dear friend. You are correct."

"Are you sure about it."

"You worry too much Jaret."

"Okay, then I will try not to worry."

All of us sat opposite the girls. The girls were beautiful, there were not your average Janes. My friends started talking with the girls but I didn't know what to say. I saw that one girl from their group was staring at me as if inviting me to start talking to her. I had completely forgotten about Alina at this point. I took the initiative to talk to her.

"Hi, my name is Jaret."

"Hello, I am Jennifer."

"Jennifer, that's a nice name."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"By the way Jennifer, in which school is you in?"

"I study at Jenny Girls High School."

"Oh, that is a prestigious high school."

"That's not true."

Like that our conversation became natural and all the awkwardness between us disappeared. I was enjoying talking with Jennifer and conversations were such that it didn't feel like we were meeting for the first time. We ordered foods and non-alcoholic beers for us. The atmosphere was filled with laughers and joys. We danced and we sang as if there is no tomorrow. At the end of the group date all of us exchanges phone numbers with each other.

Like true gentlemen we decided to escort the ladies to their vehicle. Jennifer took my hand in her hand and we proceeded towards the vehicles. When I was outside the restaurant with Jennifer, I noticed a strange person in the hood was standing in a corner. It was like he was looking at was with terrible intentions. I couldn't properly see his face neither do I wanted to argue with him so I ignored him. To be honest I didn't know whether that person was a male or a female.

Reaching the girl's vehicle which was a black sedan, Jennifer kissed on my cheeks and promised me to meet again sometime soon. The black sedan departed, my friends and I waved goodbye at the girls. After this all was over, Paul asked me.

"Jaret, did you have fun?"

"Yes, it was fun. Thank you for inviting me."

"Mention not, we are friends Afterall."

We all separated from the restaurant to go to our homes. I was very relieved at that moment. Only positive thoughts were in my mind. Soon I reached my home, As I was tired from the group date, I fell asleep without many efforts. Tomorrow my parents were going to come back. I didn't know at that moment tomorrow will be a bloody one.