Story One- School Beauty Alina(5)

Early in the morning at about 6:00 am, someone rang the bell of my front door. I was afraid Alina had come back. Taking a kitchen knife in hands I went towards the door just in case Alina tries to attack me. I peeked through the peephole but it was not Alina instead three policemen were standing there holding some papers. I didn't understand why they were here but I had a very bad hunch about this. I opened the door asked the policemen

"Officer, what is the matter?"

"Is this the home of Jaret Allison?"

"Yes, I am Jaret Allison."

Senior-most policeman of the bunch showed me four photos of four-person. The photos were of my friends Paul, Jack, Marshall, and Peter'. The policeman asked me.

"Do you know these people?"

"Yes Officer, they are my friends. What is the matter?"

"They are missing from last night. Last time they were seen with you. Do you know anything?"

It must be the work of Alina I thought to myself. I wanted to tell Alina's name to the police but I kept my mouth shut as I didn't know whether it was true or not? I responded to the policeman.

"Officer, Last night I was with my friends and we went to the fancy restaurant on the ring road. My friend Paul had arranged a group date for us. After the date all of my friends diverted and went to their homes, I don't know what happened after that?"

"Who were the other people on the group date? Do you know them?"

"No officer, I met them for the first time last night."

"Do you have their contacts?"

I only had contact with Jennifer but I didn't want to bother her so I lied.

"No Officer, I don't have their contacts."

"Okay, that's all. If you remember something that you should tell us then call us."

Saying that policemen went away. I suddenly had thought about Jennifer whether she was okay? I decided to call her.

'Ring Ring Ring'


"Jennifer, I am Jaret. We met last night."

"Who are you? I don't know any Jaret."

"What are you talking about? We just met last night."

"You must have some misunderstanding."


She disconnected the phone soon after. I couldn't understand why she refused to recognize me? Was it a wrong number I dialed, not possible otherwise why didn't she said she was not Jennifer? My brain couldn't comprehend what was happening. I was starting to doubt the reality itself. I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to call Alina.

"I knew Jaret, you will call."

"You bitch, what have you done to my friends and why is Jennifer not recognizing me?"

"Calm down Jaret, your friends are alright and about Jennifer, you are in for a surprise?"

"What do you mean bitch?"

"Jaret, I don't mind you calling me a bitch."

"Don't try to divert my question. Answer me."

"Okay Jaret, your friends are fine."

"If they are fine then, where are they?"

"Don't worry about them, they were just punished for being naughty. They will be back soon."

"What do you mean and what about Jennifer?"

���Your friends took you to group dating when you have me so they have to be punished. About Jennifer, she is my friend. I had sent her there to see how loyal were you towards me but you failed me."

I was feeling guilty hearing that from her. It was true I tried to cheat on her but that was because I never loved her, it was only an illusion. I have to tell her that.

"Listen Alina, whatever happened between us was a mistake. I was mistaken, I never loved you."

"You can't say that now. You have to take responsibility for what you did."

"I think you should move on; I have moved on too."

"Jaret, you are just like my father who abandoned my mother but don't worry I give you another chance."

I disconnected the phone soon after. After hearing Alina's last word, I was curious about her past life but I didn't know how to get the information. While I was thinking, I got four messages from my friends all having the same content that they can't be friends with me anymore. I had lost my friends and now I was on my own. I decided to search the internet on how to find out someone's past, there I found an interesting article about a man who used dark web services to dig the history of his wife. I knew what I was going to do next.

(To be continue in next part)