Story One- School Beauty Alina(6)

I was in my room sitting in front of the computer. To get information about Alina's past, first I had to access the dark web. I didn't know how to access the dark web so I searched for articles that will be helpful. After searching for some time, I came across an article that seemed helpful. To access the dark web, I have to do the following

1)Download The Onion Router (TOR) browser from their website, which is the easiest way to access the dark web.

2)Download any reliable VPN that does not keep logs of the websites you visited. A good VPN will protect you from law enforcement, in case you are wondering why? Because I was trying to find out Alina's past which means I will be accused of infringement of privacy. I could be fined $5000 or face 6 months in jail for this.

3)You cannot access the dark web from normal search engines such as Google so you need special search engines that will help you search hidden websites on the dark web. One of the easiest ways for this hidden wiki.

4)On hidden wiki you can find links to most of the common websites from where you can accomplish your purpose. Most of the useful search engines for TOR are and Torch. To find hidden wiki use Reddit subreddits about dark web or you can directly search for it on duckgoduck, there you can find its link.

5)There are some precautions you have to take while using the dark web, first of always keep in mind 99% of websites on the dark web is a scam so never give your personal information to anybody there no matter convincing they seem. Always cover your webcam while using the dark web as hackers can access your webcam easily and it can be dangerous for you

6)Darks web may seem lucrative to many people as there are often deals on goods such as electronics but they are scams and your money will be wasted.

7)Never pay money upfront even for legit services as they can be a scam. First verify and then pay and never try to buy illicit goods from there, police can arrest you.

I did everything the article told me and took all the precautions. For the first hour I only found people who seem like scammers but then I found a guy who said he will give me report first and take payment only then. He seemed trustworthy so I made a deal with him. The fun part was that he was from the same city as me. I had to meet him in 2 hours in the city central park. There he will hand over the report and I will make the payment. Although I told him to send the report via email he insisted on meeting as according to him it was safer than email. Now I had to wait sometime before going to the city central park. I decided to pass time surfing the internet.

When it was time to collect the report about Alina's past, I boarded the bus that went straight to the city central park. When I reached there, the city central park was packed with people. I didn't have the number of the person from whom I was going to get the report about Alina's past, I only knew he will be wearing a skull mask on his face. Now I had to find him between all the people in the city central park. After searching for a while, I noticed a man standing under a cherry tree wearing a mask. I waved towards and he signaled me to come to him. I went towards him and asked him

"Is the report ready?"

"Yes, the report is ready. Is my payment ready?"

"Yes, your payment is ready."

"Okay, you hand me over my payment and I will hand you over the report."

I gave the payment to him just as he told me, after that he took a blue file from his bag and handed over that to me. Silently without saying another word, he went away in another direction. Now Alina's past was in my hand in the form of a report. I couldn't wait to go home to read the report so I decided to find a secluded space in the park and read the report there. After some effort I found a place where there were not many people and the people who were there were just kids playing among themselves. I found a space to sit and opened the report to read.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ReportAbout Past Life of Alina Cummins from Town of Clinton

Basic info

Name: - Alina CumminsAge: - Seventeen years oldHeight: - 165 cmsPlace of Birth: - Maximus CityBiological Parents: - Mother: - Suzanne Parker : - Father: - Jonathan Parker

Adopted Parents : - Mother: - Lilly Cummins : - Father: - Peter Cummins

Detailed Report about Alina CumminsAlina Cummins born Alina Parker was born on 17th March 2003 to Suzanne Parker (Mother) and Jonathan Parker (Father) in Maximus City. Her parents were not married at the time Alina was born. Alina's mother Suzanne was a teen mother. Suzanne and Jonathan's parents disowned them after giving they gave birth to Alina. Suzanne and Jonathan spent their lives in near poverty for the next few years. Both Suzanne and Alina worked to support the family. Alina self-raised herself. Alina's father Jonathan developed an addiction for drugs because of which there were fights in their household almost every day. Soon these fights developed into domestic Violence. One day Suzanne had enough and she killed Jonathan. She kept his dead body in her fridge. Suzanne told Alina that her father has abandoned them and even today she is not aware of what happened to her father. Suzanne went into a depression soon after and couldn't raise her daughter properly. One day she had enough and she tried to throw Alina from the bridge and she was stopped by passersby. She was arrested by police on the charge child abuse when her house was searched, police found out the body of Jonathan in her fridge. After torturing from police, Suzanne confessed her crime and she was rewarded 120 years in Prison. As for Alina, she was put in an orphanage from where she was adopted by Cummins. Cummins couple were a business couple, they were never home. It is said that Peter Cummins was against the adoption of Alina but it was Lilly Cummins who was adamant about adopting Alina. Last year both Peter Cummins and Lilly Cummins were involved in a car crash on Highway 94 while going to a business conference. Although the case was registered as accident, police found that the breaks of their car were tampered with, no one was caught and the case was closed. Alina is now in the custody of her Aunt Aliya. Her Aunt Aliya comes to visit her once every month. One last thing is that Alina is on medication for violent behavior.


Everything was making sense to me. Then, I understood why was Alina so possessive, she was just seeking love that she never got in her life. I also understood why she said her father abandoned her mother. It must be that Alina saw me as the opportunity to get the love that she never got in her. When I tried to reject her, she was broken and became violent. Even so, I don't think I can do anything for her. She has to move from me. I will make her understand.

Thinking all that I started going back to my home. From the city central park to my home, I kept thinking about how will I convince Alina to move on from me. I will do it somehow I thought to myself. When I reached my home, I saw lights coming from my home. I thought to myself my friends must be home. I had a spare key so instead of ringing the bell, I opened the door directly. I couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw. My parents were sitting on the Sofa laughing and Alina was also there. My father saw me and said.

"Son, You never told me, you have such a beautiful girlfriend."